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A Career In Civil Rights Investigator

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In June of 1997, I applied for a special duty assignment with the United States Air Force Recruiting Service. This decision changed my life. The training was 16 weeks of marketing, recruitment, communication skills, and many valuable technics that align with human resources.

I relocated to Oklahoma City where I recruited for the United States Air Force. During the last 12 months of my enlistment, my assignment transferred to “Operations” which is a department of recruiting services which processes new enlistments. I found this training extremely valuable and rewarding. After a successful career of 20 years in the Air Force, I wanted to pursue a second career in Human Resources.

I accepted a position with the Department of Human Services, …show more content…
The division experienced an increased number of complaints through the grievance process. Therefore, I saw this opportunity to learn a new skill that would help in my HR development.

In December 2013, I promoted to an HR Manager in the Employment Services Unit. As a first time supervisor, I knew the position would bring about new challenges. However, I was ready and eager to learn. I enrolled in training course called Bootcamp for Managers, Performance Management Program, and Corrective Discipline. I took advantage of information to increase my supervisory skills and utilized information such as “The five questions every supervisor should ask a new employee” and DHS policy to build relationships with my team members.

I meet with my supervisor twice a month to discuss workload, career fairs, training and any concerns with the unit. I feel the mentorship provided an opportunity to improve my career development by trusting I could take the lead on projects such as coordinating hiring events, speaking engagements in college classes and allowing me time to volunteer in community organizations in the metro …show more content…
ESU generates a media blast by advertising recruitment activities on job boards, college social media pages, and other print and electronic sources. Additionally, we collaborate with county leadership to host hiring events in their county offices which entails an interview, background checks and contacting references. Most candidates leave with a job offer the same day. This process has increased the number of applicants who apply on a particular announcement and decreased the amount of time it takes to fill a

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