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Guided Pathways Analysis

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In most community colleges, students are often confused with their major whether they are just beginning courses or even graduating. They tend to start their classes, but eventually dropping out due to them not seeing a clear vision or pathway for themselves. Guided Pathways is a path for college students to plan out a step-by-step guidance to graduate courses on time and save students some extra cash, eventually helping their futures and success. Guided Pathways are trying to solve these problems, but along with it — there is a fair amount of issues, such as courses being a waste of time, social status, money, and privacy. This program has a great amount of qualities, but lacks improvement. Although Guided Pathways is mapping out the steps …show more content…
It has been a handed opportunity to motivate the community into starting a career and going to college, but less than less than four in 10 community college students have earned a degree; at urban colleges, the rate is lower (Bailey 01). According to “Rethinking the ‘cafeteria’ approach to community college”, Written by Thomas Bailey, a system called the “cafeteria” or “self-service” model of education is suppose to help and guided students to their career choice — they just don’t know it yet (01). With a method being so precise, there will always be a mirgin of error. “The dark side of choice and flexibility is complexity, disorientation and disconnectedness.” he states in the text. I believe this method of education will fail soon due to the fact that everything is already set up for each students, which students do not like. Every student likes to have freedom in their interests and …show more content…
I don’t usually think about these, but the arguments and Guided Pathways make it impossible to not discuss them. Some other issues I have come to notice are why are students spending so much time and money for classes that are useless to them? Why aren't the counselors at colleges helping students? Why aren't students getting the necessary credits they need for their graduation? Why aren't students graduating on time? Why aren't there more programs that, make sure students graduate on time? Why is the government allowing students to waste so much money on college? These issues will eventually build up and keep building unless some major changes start

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