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Jung Typology Test

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I took the Human Metrics Jung Typology Test and discovered that I am type INFJ which stands for Introverted, iNtuitive, Feelings, and Judging. Molly Owens, CEO of, states, “INFJs are creative nurturers with a strong sense of personal integrity and a drive to help others realize their potential. Creative and dedicated, they have a talent for helping others with original solutions to their personal challenges.” Cite this. In addition, INFJ personalities are usually intuitive, guided by their principles, enjoy creative pursuits, fight for the underdog, good listeners, and recharge by spending time alone. INFJs can be found with careers in fields that help others such as teaching, counseling, religious professions, the arts, healthcare, …show more content…
My Christian faith is a huge part of who I am and I hold my values very dear. I have always been very discerning about people and situations, have been willing to believe in and encourage those who are struggling, have enjoyed meaningful conversation, and have been drawn to artistic expression. However, after being with a group of people for a period of time, I get to the point where I must have some alone time to re-energize myself. As far as my career choices, this test is quite accurate as well. I have always felt driven to advocate on behalf of my students and to encourage them and provide the tools for them to be successful. Teaching and counseling are, therefore, a good fit for my …show more content…
I see many of my students pursuing studies of subjects that they are not necessarily interested in because they feel they have to follow in the steps of their parents or live up to the expectations of their parents and/or peers. I believe this type of assessment would be beneficial for students to take. These tests help individuals focus on their strengths and connect those with future career options, but they are also valid tools to help them with their four-year plans in high school and could also impact their college major options. While beneficial for the students I currently teach, it would also be beneficial for the student populations that I have taught in the past as well. Students from low socio-economic areas with limited options for class selection many times struggle with self-esteem and lack of vision. These types of assessments could help build confidence in those students as they become more self-aware and realize to channel their strengths to choose a pathway that would give them the best chance at being happy and successful in their future

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