...MY MORAL PHILOSOPHY By: Charisse F. Aquisay Philosophy 2 4:00-5:00 MWF P406 Mr. Glendon G. de Guzman October 13, 2010 BA Comm 2 SLU FAMILY The family is indeed the fundamental unit of a society. It is the basic institution which initially influences the growth and development of an individual. Whatever personality the individual has depends on how he was reared in the family. The early stages of one’s life are greatly influential to the overall individuality of a person especially when he has grown up. In the words of Sigmund Freud, “the child is father to the son” – childhood essentially shapes the person’s behavior or character in life. All the systems, feelings, insights and qualities he acquires from childhood is brought by him in one way or another until he grows up into an adult. It is, therefore, vital that a child must be nurtured with sufficient love and care. He must be guided and be exposed to situations which mold him into a better person. As much as possible, he must experience lesser negative, depressing, agitating or even saddening situations for it affects the way he sees things in life as well as his behavior towards certain these kinds of circumstances as he grows up in life no matter how trivial or complicated these may be. According to John Locke, the child’s mind is likened to a tabula rasa or a blank slate. When a child is born, his mind has nothing stored in it. He just knows the basic feelings of pain and comfort. Like a blank sheet...
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...Comissioner of Internal Revenue vs Court of Appeals FACTS:CENVOCO is a manufacturer of edible and coconut/coprameal cake and such other coconut related oil subject to the miller's tax of 3%.Petioner also maufactures lard, detergent and ;laundry soap subject to the sales tax of 10%. In 1986, petioner purchased a specified number of containers and packaging materials for its edible oil from its suppliers and paid sales tax due thereon.After an investigation conducted by respondent's Revenue Examiner, Assessment Notice No. FAS-B-86--88-001661-001664 dated April 22,1988 was issued against the petioner for deficiency miller's tax in the total amount of P1,575,514.70. On June 29,1988, petioner filed with respondent a letter dated June 27,1988 requesting for reconsideration of the above deficiency miller's tax assessments, contending that the final provision of Section 168 of the Tax Code does not apply to sales tax paid on containers and packaging materials, hence the amount paid therefor should have been credited against the millers tax assessed against it.Again thru a letter dated September 28,1988, petioner reiterated its request for reconsideration. ISSUE: Whether or not the sales rax paid by CENVOCO when it purchased containers and packaging materials for its milled products can be credited against the deficiency miller's tax due thereon. HELD: The court ruled that the proviso of Section 168 of the Old tax code should be strictly construed to apply only to raw materials...
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...An analysis of generic conventions in the trailers for the movies ‘John Tucker Must Die’ & ‘Mean Girls’ An analysis in terms of generic conventions in the trailers for the movies “John Tucker must die” and “Mean Girls”. Genre is defined as ‘A large category of stories united by their particular settings, characters, themes and narrative conflicts’ (Worland 2007, pg15). This assignment will look at the generic conventions a coming of age/ teen film (what we expect to see), aspects such as typical situations, stock characters, style, icons and setting. In terms of themes in coming of age (teen films) (subjects that are dealt with within the text) they tend to focus around, first love, rebellion, and conflict with parents, teen angst or alienation. In terms of what we would typically see within the genre ‘teen/coming of age’ film it is in the interest of the target audience and making the plot relatable and focus on their interests. The first trailer to be analysed is “Mean Girls”, a teen movie released in 2004. The style of “Mean Girls” is glossy, the use of high key lighting creates an expensive look and the contrast of high/bright colours makes the film more vivid and eye catching the use of the bright colours encourages a cheerful and young audience. In the first shot we see ‘Kady Heron’ in class she looks bland and has no character and is introduced as the new ‘student’ which is typical for the plot of a teen (coming of age movie) and the non-diegetic sound tracking...
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...Rodney King, Eric Garner, Renisha McBride, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Marlene Pinnock, Dontre Hamilton, Ezell Ford, Tanisha Anderson, Akai Gurley, Freddie Gray, and Tony Robinson are just some of the many unarmed African Americans killed by the police within recent years. Ta-Nehisi Coates’ book, Between the World and Me, discusses these injustices. He addresses these topics to his son, Samori. He also discourses his memoir towards white Americans so he can bequeath awareness about what it is like to grow up African American. Coates discussed growing up as an African American in the Baltimore projects. He argues about the inequalities of the public-school system and about white Americans stuck in “the Dream” (Coates 11). “The Dream” is the ingroup favoritism of white...
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...As I kept on reading Room, I started to wonder how the situation of the story would be different if Ma had never given birth to Jack. I believe that she would be demoralized if Jack hadn’t been a part of her life inside the Room. Jack means the world to her, and her life evolves around taking care of him. This gives her a solid reason for her to take care of herself and live her life. “He’s the world to me,” (291). If she was on her own, I think she would have dwelt on what she was missing more and drove herself insane. In the story, Ma is telling Jack how she was always crying and the only time she wasn’t thinking about the outside world was when she was asleep. Also because of her crying all the time, she also admits to how she had headaches all the time. This shows how what she did all day long in Room was to think about what she was missing and how she was going crazy being stuck in the eleven foot by eleven room. “[B]ut when I was asleep was the only time I wasn’t crying, so I slept about sixteen hours a day.” (122) She also mentions how she drove herself deranged by counting the seconds on her watch. “I drove myself crazy looking at my watch and counting the seconds. Things spooked me, they seemed to get bigger or smaller while I was watching them, but if I looked away they started sliding.” (123)...
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...In Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates, he describes Howard University as Mecca a place of guidance for his life.During his time in college he came across with many kinds of African people who made him believe that power was restore to them by seeing students diversity.He was admitted in the institution where his grandfather worked and family members who assisted graduated from Howard.Throughout his time in the institution he learned more of the history of African American lives.For most of the part he expressed his ideals through his favorite readings because it allow him to explore more about black history. Coates describes that classrooms were not for him because he was not interested in his classes , and he was only to be in the libraries were he enjoyed reading to expand his vocabulary and learning. In addition, I find it interesting how he explains Mecca becomes part of his body and how he figures out his identity in college. For example he says“And really what it showed me is, even within what seems like a narrow band, which is to say, you know, black life, is in fact quite cosmopolitan, is in fact a beautiful”.In Howard he learned a lot of many cultures and religion that allow him to thinking critically . It became something good...
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...In Between the World and me by Ta-Nehisi Coates he begins with describing the youth of himself when he was a teenager in the streets of Baltimore . For most of the part he was a boy who grew up in violence everywhere especially near his schools. He questions about the ideals in the government and how it does not apply to the people and himself because he sees a lot of violence that makes him think that is meant for him and his community. Another example is when he describes the boys and girls having fear to the streets and to be able to overcome that fear they would have to put their anger to promote violence and gain superiority . I find it interesting in how Coates describes his struggle in portraying his skin color as a survival kit for...
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...“Between the World and Me” is a book by Ta-Nehisi Coates about the history of Americans taking advantage of the fact that they have created a system of oppression and discrimination against black people. The narrative is expressed in the form of a letter addressed to his son, through a collection of stories and experiences, from the author’s perspective as someone who lives under the repressive system. Coates’ principal message to the audience is that despite the fact that American society is set up in opposition to the success of black people, black people must not stop struggling to continue to fight for equality. The first takeaway I got from this book is that it has a largely negative focus on the relationship between “Americans who believe that they are white,” and black people. From my personal perspective, while it is important to understand the negative, Coates failed to provide the audience with a balance. There are some positive instances in the relationship between white and black people, in...
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...Between the World and Me Ta-Nahesi Coates Between the World and Me focuses on the lessons and personal beliefs he has discovered as a black man in today’s society. He introduces a powerful message that one does not have ownership or control over their body in this world. This message is meant for his son over any other reader. From a young age, Coates experienced, from growing up in Chicago, all the horrors of the street and how black people would lose their bodies all the time. One instance he felt when he almost lost his body was when one of the boys from the neighborhood pulled a gun out in a fight. Coates understood that the knowledge was key to stay alive whether it was street or school knowledge lack of either led to death sooner or later. “Fail to comprehend the streets and you gave your body up now” (25). Coates brings in many personal anecdotes about the many bodies he has seen that have been lost....
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...Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates is a book written for the author’s fifteen-year-old son. Coates discusses what he has learned about what it means to be black in America, America’s forever-link to racism, and tries to prepare his son for the obstacles he might face due to his race. Out of all the messages found in Between the World and Me, I found the most important one to be that there is no escape from endangerment and at any moment our (African-Americans) body could be taken. First of all, Ta-Nehisi addresses the different threats that face African-Americans. He discusses how police brutality, neighborhood gang members, and other factors have the power to strip power from an African-American. Ta-Nehisi backs these examples up with personal anecdotes. One specific anecdote is that of his college friend Prince Carmen Jones Jr. who was killed by a Prince George County officer. It really hammered home the idea that no matter how high you climb, no matter the quality of your education, or whatever gives you more “worth;” your body is never truly secured. Besides the main message of our bodies not being truly secure, there are three personal take-a-ways I got from the book. Those three things are: looking for someone or something to...
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...When I think of myself I think about a specific type of media that would describe me best as a person, new media is what comes to my mind. New media is mostly internet and television based. When I think of new media, I automatically think digital. Now media is much more convenient and certainly more accessible to the public than it used to be, due to the fact we have the world at our disposal super computers in our pockets, our smart phones. It puts the whole word at our finger tips opposed to listening to radio to get our main source of news. I learn by watching and listening and reading news of varying types, styles and forms. I have different sites and channels I to go to for different types of information. When it comes to what is happening in the world today, such as bombings etc., war wise I watch the O'Rielly Factor with my dad or at the least the first 20 minutes almost every night to get a better understanding on the world we are living in. I feel confident in the show I watch for world news is current and up to date. I don't feel that I get shorted by the information that I am receiving from my television due to the factor that I believe, more conservative views and feel that his opinions on government have helped me shape and develop my own based on what he has said. I feel and think he does a good job presenting a fact based show with information from "Both sides of the isle". Still I like to keep an open mind, look at facts, study more than just a single source...
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...Jonas Miguel M. Valeza Prof. Rodrigo Dolorosa BSBA HRDM 2-1 Basic Economics with Taxation and Agrarian Reform A Whole New World : Economics and Me Economics is the study of choices and behaviors. Economics focuses on why we make the choices we do and what the implications or effects of those choices are. In this essay, I will talk about the magnificence of Economics and how it has been a part of our daily lives. So what are you waiting for? Come and join the fun as we wend our ways through the marvelous world of Economics! Economics may seem like a theoretical subject, but it actually has many practical applications in daily life. Economics studies the way people and companies interact with each other, and cover such diverse fields as finance, law, education, business, government policy and more. Having a firm grip of these subjects gives the individual a big advantage both in business and personal life. As a Human Resource Development Management Student of Polytechnic University of the Philippines Quezon City Campus, I found Economics as one of the foundations of the Human World. Economics deals with decision....so in everything you do, like how will you spend your money wisely, how will you budget your time, how you react in every issues that involves your everyday life, all of it, is already the application of Economics in our daily lives. Economics defined as a study of mankind in the ordinary business of life; it examines that part of individual...
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...Life in the United States can be a challenge for anyone who does not have the upper hand. It is a country that romanticizes this idea of the “American Dream”, but has never lived up to the concept. What exactly is so dreamy about a country that neglects to protect its citizens? A country that exploits its citizens in order to cater to and benefit the interests of the wealthy individuals who hold power as a result of their financial influence? A country that has long promoted ideas of liberty, freedom, and equality while simultaneously failing to inforce civil rights for all citizens? In his book Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates tells of his experiences living in America as an African-American citizen and of the impact that such a lifestyle can have on one’s body and one’s mind....
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...Ta-Nehisi Coates’ novel Between the World and Me is powerful in its examination of the black experience in America. Everything Coates says in the novel relates back to the present day struggles that African Americans often encounter in the world. While the purpose of the novel was to educate Coates’ son on the struggles of equality and liberty in America, the most important message in Between the World and Me is that racism is systematic, and race is a resulting concept. It is easy for one to associate racism with hate, to chalk it up to a consequence of evil, but according to Coates, “there is nothing uniquely evil in these destroyers.” One cannot be evil simply because of the color of their skin. However, the evil that spews from racism...
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...The Evil in Richard Wright’s “Between the World and Me” What is a rope? It’s a thing that established the rank, constraint the soul, and destroyed the lives. In Richard Wright’s enriching poem “Between the World and Me” (1935), a lynching is depicted and greatly astonished and influenced the speaker. Through the use of structure, religious symbolization, and diction, Wright successfully establishes the indignation that danced among the words. Structure is a great component in the poem. The poem’s structure channeled bountiful information regard the complex emotions within the narrator. The poem started with the word “and” and followed the word “suddenly.” A time sequence is suggested here. It is believed that the speaker tells his story from the middle of the memory. Such actions are much often recognized on “people who have survived atrocities. It is difficult for them to remain clearheaded and calm, to see more than a few fragments of the picture at one time, to retain all the pieces, and to fit them together” (Herman 1). In addition, the fragment sentences that display throughout the poem corroborate the point that the teller is traumatized. Furthermore, the poem can simply be chunks into four sections by the appearance of four periods. These groups of four periods not only separate the poem but also show a continuation of thoughts. They represent the broken, incomplete, and deficient memory of the speaker. Therefore, the narrator is absolutely astonishes by the scene...
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