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A Thematic Analysis Of 'Between The World And Me'

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Between the World and Me

Ta-Nahesi Coates Between the World and Me focuses on the lessons and personal beliefs he has discovered as a black man in today’s society. He introduces a powerful message that one does not have ownership or control over their body in this world. This message is meant for his son over any other reader.
From a young age, Coates experienced, from growing up in Chicago, all the horrors of the street and how black people would lose their bodies all the time. One instance he felt when he almost lost his body was when one of the boys from the neighborhood pulled a gun out in a fight. Coates understood that the knowledge was key to stay alive whether it was street or school knowledge lack of either led to death sooner or later. “Fail to comprehend the streets and you gave your body up now” (25). Coates brings in many personal anecdotes about the many bodies he has seen that have been lost. …show more content…
A black man has now lost his life forever while on his way to see his fiancée. Coates chose not to blame the officer but the America as a whole as “…he was murdered by his country and all the fears that have marked it from birth,” (78). Even a proper education and submitting to the ways of the American dream could not prevent the assumption of a black man being a criminal still is not enough to protect his life. Especially being a current Howard student, and the possibility that a story could easily be one of my friends scares me. We never know which one of our fathers, brothers, or sons may be

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