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Why Do Juveniles Get Life In Prison

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I do believe that id wrong for juveniles get life in prison because of a crime they have committed as a child. There is no reason to put a child in prison for the rest of their lives for something they have done under the age of 18 year old. Majority of these children have reasons for their crimes and don’t just do it because they just woke up on day and wanted to do these things. Some of these kids tried to reach out to someone and no one paid attention to their needs and what they were trying to tell them or these kids are forced to do the more minor crimes like theft.
One of the cases that shows that this in fact has happened to a child was a kid names Greg Ousley. This child was only 14 years old when he had committed this crime. He has murdered his parents with a family gun from their gun cabinet. He had said when he was this age he was very confused and scared of himself and what he wanted to do. He had thoughts of killing his parents and he didn’t know why. He didn’t have an explanation for why he was having these thoughts, he had no reason to had his parents because they loving and caring towards him. He tried to reach out to his mother about what was going on with him, and she shut him …show more content…
He meets a man that is willing to help and provide for him, so he moves in with this man. The boy’s name is Nathanael Brazil and only 15 years old. At some point he wanted to go back home to his family and he had told the man but the man wouldn’t let that happen. The man had told that he took care of him and feed him so e cannot just leave like that so he had Brazil rob a gas station with a gun. Brazil did not get away and we was sentences for 15 years, which he has served. Now that he is out of jail he has a lot to learn about and get used to. Also when he came out of jail he also came out with behavioral issues from the trauma of being in jail for as long as he

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