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Should Juveniles Be Sentenced To Life Without Parole Essay

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When people think of juveniles they think rude, selfish, and growing up too fast. Now, think of what they say when a juvenile kills an innocent person, let alone if it was their own parent, another teen, or just a random person in the street. They would say that juvenile was raised wrong, heartless, and think they are better than anybody else. What if that teen didn’t know what she or he was doing at the moment of the crime? What if that teen was going through something unbreakable at the time and doesn’t know how to control their emotions or mind. More than 25 percent of people severing life without parole who were convicted of felony murder or accomplice liability as children. In America, there are 10,000 children that are held in adult prisons on any given …show more content…
The main question now is if juveniles should be sentenced to life without parole? To answers that questions, no, juveniles should not be sentenced to life without parole because of child abuse, brain development, and it’s more of a case of vengeances versus than justice for the juveniles form the victims’ families and they deserve a second chance.
One of the biggest reason why teens are killing is childhood abuse. The opposition side will say that they only use this argument to get sympathy from the people, like the judge and the juries. “The state’s high court echoed that description of mitigating evidence, holding that it was improper for the prosecutor to characterize mitigating evidence as an “excuse.” (Litton, 1032). Unfortunately, many children have been abused in the United States alone and it’s not an excused to murder someone. Pennsylvania has had in a year 29,000 children that have been abused physically and mentally. Many of those kids don’t go out and murder someone just because they have been abused. There is no excused for murder and if that caused one to murder someone then they should have spoken up and sought out for help, like an adult. However, even though child abuse is

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