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Social Group Analysis Paper

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Social Group Analysis Project: Coworkers
I began working as a certified nurse’s aid (CNA) at Medicalodges Goddard in March of 2015. The work we do is very vital, we make sure that the residents activities of daily living are met. Some of the tasks we do daily include: bathing, toileting, dressing, feeding, and anything that they can’t do by themselves. I chose my coworkers as my social group because I am around and work with them every day. My coworkers that I work with are Teanna and Xiomara. Teanna is the clown of the group. She is always messing around and trying to make work fun. Xiomara is the laid back one who is always chill about everything. She is the one who helps us through work when it gets hectic. I am the serious one of the group. …show more content…
In our case: Altruism. In the book, altruism is defined as giving to another person with the ultimate goal of benefiting that person, even if it incurs a cost to oneself (King, 2014, p. 440). Being an aid means putting our residents needs ahead of our own. During an eight hour shift I usually never use the restroom. Since there are residents that are unable to take themselves to the bathroom I will always take them before I go myself. I don’t think much of it, but some people praise nurses for being able to hold their bladder for so long. Another example of altruism within my social group is one day one of the residents did not get food because she was out of the building and came back after dinner. Teanna went and grabbed the pizza she had brought for her lunch and took it to the resident. The resident was so thankful, but Teanna didn’t expect anything, she was just making sure the resident got something for dinner. Even though Teanna didn’t get dinner that night she said, “I can always eat when I get home, but this is her home so I will do anything to make sure she gets her dinner.” My social group doesn’t expect praise or rewards for what we do, because we are just caring and compassionate people who want to make our residents feel that they are taken care

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