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Role Of Nausikaa In The Odyssey

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Odysseus wants Nausikaa to see that he is not to be feared by complementing her on beauty and letting her know he only needs help. He says, "Never have I laid eyes on equal beauty in man or woman/And yet my case is desperate" (Book VI. 173 and 181). He is deliberating on whether he should touch her knees in the gesture of a suppliant or to stay away and trusting to words. He has an olive branch to cover his nakedness when walking towards Nausikaa. Odysseus chooses to please her with his words, hoping that she will be willing to help him. He tells her that his ship has been wrecked, he needs clothing, wants to find his way to town and that he thinks the gods have cursed him from getting home. Odysseus being naked is another cry out for help,

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