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A Case of Murder


Submitted By nattukaka
Words 833
Pages 4
‘A Case of Murder’ by Vernon Scannell

Section A
Lines 1-5: The Boy

1. What does the title of the poem make you think is going to happen?

2. Which word is repeated four times? Why do you think the poet does this?

3. Do you agree with the poet when he says, ‘only nine, not old enough’? Give reasons for your answer.

4. How do you feel towards the boy at this point in the poem?

Section B
Lines 6- 17: The Cat

1. Why do you think that the poet thinks a dog might have been different? Do you find this surprising?

2. What does the cat look like?

3. Find a word that expresses how the boy feels about the cat. Then try to find what makes him feel this way.

4. How do you think the poet wants the reader to feel about the parents Give reasons for your answer?

5. Do you notice anything about the descriptions of the cat in lines 13 and 15 what does this suggest to you?

Section C
Lines 18-32: The Murder

1. Write a short paragraph explaining how the boy murders the cat

2. Find two quotations from the section to show that the boy enjoys hurting the cat.

Section D
Lines 33-47: The Aftermath

1. How does the boy’s attitude change at this point?

2. What do you think he is afraid of in lines 33 to 26?

3. What do you this he is praying for?

4. The poet calls the cat the ‘thing’. Why? Find another similar expression.

5. By the end of the poem what does the boy fear will happen?

6. Why do you think he might think this?

Section E: Your Response

1. Write a short paragraph giving your thoughts and reaction to the poem overall. Back up your opinions with reference to the text.

Literary Techniques in Vernon

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