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A Comparative Study of Protections for Workers in America, Europe and Japan


Submitted By free1050
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Pages 10
A Comparative Study of Protections for Workers in America, Europe, and Japan
By: Freda Manning
January 31, 2016
MBA 605 Business, Government, and Society
Mercy College
January 31, 2016
MBA 605 Business, Government, and Society
Mercy College

In this paper, I will examine and compare the impact of American, Japanese and European Labor laws and how it's managed throughout the society. I will begin by providing facts on employment protection throughout history for each country and identify their weakness. Next, I will discuss the impact of each country economic structure and how it influences the market and employee regulations. Finally, I will compare various facts of Japanese, American and European labor laws that have a significant impact on the new economic environment.
In the 1980's employee protection was not a high priority for businesses. Many restraints put on small businesses prevented the growth of private sector corporations (Steiner & Steiner, 2012). Resulting in high unemployment rates and slow economic growth (Steiner & Steiner, 2012). There has been strains placed on the permanent employment system in Japan, because of the larger number of older workers and the increase in the retirement age (Gould, 1984). Historically the U.S government did not interfere in employee relations; employees at times were treated like property, or as a means for production cost. There was decreases in wages and no incentive to improve working conditions. In the 1930s is when the U.S government started to regulate the workplace power imbalance and employee favoritism.
There was a substantial difference between the attitude of Japanese and American employers. In America, terminations and layoffs are familiar; there have not been any alternatives to these procedures in times of

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