Premium Essay

A Good Parent


Submitted By Jenifer143
Words 892
Pages 4
Is there really a defined right or wrong way to raise your child? How do you make sure the child you are raising becomes a productive member of society? How can you be sure that everything you have taught him is what he needs to know to tackle life? Did I discipline him enough, does he know right from wrong? Many parents ask themselves questions like these daily. But how do you know if you are raising your child right? I mean there is no degree in parenting. You take what you know from growing up and decided I want to be like my parents, or I will never be like my parents. I guess there is no sketched out map to raise your child correctly, but there are key things every parent needs to remember. Being a good parent requires you to be their parent not their best friend, discipline and most importantly love and nurture.

To many parents these days feel they need to be their child’s best friend, they worry too much about how their child views them. A parent should be a good role model, model the behavior they wish there kids to show. But being their best friend will only hinder your child in the long run. They need someone who will set boundaries, someone who will discipline and someone who they can turn to when they need advice. I think it is important to be involved with your child’s life, but a parent must remember their involvement needs to be limited to being a parent and not a friend. Your child should be able to turn to you when they need advice or they are in trouble, and as a parent you should always make yourself available to your child for such things. Your child can make many friends at school and other activities, but when they come home they need a parent at the end of the day.

Discipline is a subject that has been for debate for many years. What is the right way to discipline your child? What discipline is barbaric and totally not needed? There is

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