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A Hero's Journey

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Tired from the day, she dozes off to travel through her dreams. Gliding upon a current of air, Australia appears and she is viewing the scenery and sights. Continuing onward she is dropping in for a glance at every temple site. Next, making her way to China to visit the Great Wall, and then gazing longingly down upon Russia, Africa, India, France, Egypt, Argentina, Brazil, and Mexico. Suddenly, her imagination is brought to an abrupt halt. She is awakened by the high pitched bleep bleep bleep of the alarm. She is still at home; still lying on her bed in her room. The dream is becoming a faded memory as she quickly dresses for the new day.

The reality of her life is not one of travel to distant and exotic places. Hers is a common …show more content…
Her mind tends to take off as she stares out of the window. Wishing she was born in the 40’s with their darling fashions, silently she sighs, hoping someday the styles will come back. Hannah continues studying about the civil war’s excitement. While she’s focusing on reading her stomach rumbles. She happily puts down her assignments to go to the kitchen to get some corn chips from the snack drawer. She opens the fridge and grabs the nacho cheese container, glopping a hefty amount into a bowl, she warms it in the microwave. While she eats she continues studying. When her brain is glutted from studying, Hannah enjoys, like most teens, to spend time with her friends at the beach, watching movies, reading books, and playing …show more content…
I asked her, “If you could have dinner with 5 famous people from history, who would they be?” Her responses were surprising and varied: John Wayne- a heroic western actor, Cary Grant- a “man figure person” actor, Adam and Eve- the original mortals, Levi Savage- pioneer ancestor, and Penelope Van Prince- pilgrim ancestor. She believes these people are famous. Most of them are, to the world in general, excepting her ancestors. However, they are all equally famous in her mind. Each of these people represents those who have had adventures. Her ancestors were world travelers. Levi circumnavigated the globe in the 1800’s. Penelope Van Prince helped establish this nation, partially founding the state of New

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