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A Letter to My Future Child


Submitted By mambobad
Words 990
Pages 4
Letter to My Future Child
I am writing this letter in a hope that I will live to see your eighteen birthday party celebration. In this state I am twenty four years of age and just completed my undergraduate studies in the university, moreover secured a job with an insurance firm as an underwriter. You will be much blessed to be brought up in a loving family with two brothers and a beautiful caring mother who is an accountant by profession. Your family setup is a monogamous situation and all of your siblings are of the same parents. Infancy will be the most crucial part in your development hence I plan to ensure that your are well taken care of, this will be done by employing babysitters who will carter for your needs while mum will be at work .I would like you to have a very good childhood and live life to the fullest. For preschool I would want for you to attend school at a private institution where special learning facilities are availed to all the students. Based on the fact that children require special attention in there early stages of life it would be imperative that all your psychological needs should be addressed in order to ensure that your personality shall be well developed and that your may not suffer from inferiority complex and lack of self- esteem in future.
Both I and your mother will be involved consultatively in the processes of your parenting. This will ensure that in your growth and development any socialization issue shall be addressed to assist in making your life much better and guide you in the making of good life choices. In relation to the parenting that I received which was very instrumental in making me who I am now I would like you to get an even much better one. Socialization shall be an important facet in your life hence it would be advisable to give your appropriate guidelines to interacting with good peers and the various

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