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A Long Way to Equality


Submitted By tmuna22
Words 1368
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A Long Way to Equality

A Long Way to Equality
By: Tanyalynn Muna
ETH Cultral Diversity 125
September 22, 2013
Sharon White

A Long Way to Equality

Over time the fight for equality in America has been fought by many different races, genders, and groups of people. Women have fought for things like the right to vote, work and be treated as equal individuals for more than a decade and though there has been a little head way in our society there are still some things women are looked over. The same could be said for the gay community. There are big issues that will touch on such as work, marriage, adoption, and opportunities that the gay communities have been discriminated against.

A Long Way to Equality
A Long Way to Equality For decades now women have been fighting for equality in many areas of life. Wethier it was the right to vote, equal opportunity in work environments or just to be treated as equals it has been a fight since at least the late 1700’s. Between the 1700’s early and the1800’s it was under common law that a woman leaving her husband not only had to give up her name but also all the property and belongs to her husband. It was as if all the work that women did to maintain a home was not good enough to be able to keep what was obtains during the marriage. In 1776 Abigail Adams wrote her husband in reference to the Deceleration of Independence reminding him that women “will not hold ourselves bound by laws which we have no voice.” Over time it seems the struggle for women wanting equal things such as work opportunity and education began to develop. In the mid 1800’s a woman name Emma Hart Willard wrote a “Plan for improving female education.” Emma also opened the first school that was funded by tax dollars in Troy New York. Soon after that the first girl’s public

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