...Own Reports Are They Pushed or Pulled, or Do They Fall Out? A Comparative Analysis of Seven Nationally Representative Studies Abstract Research on school dropout extends from early 20th-century pioneers until now, marking trends of causes and prevention. However, specific dropout causes reported by students from several nationally representative studies have never been examined together, which, if done, could lead to a better understanding of the dropout problem. Push, pull, and falling out factors provide a framework for understanding dropouts. Push factors include school-consequence on attendance or discipline. Pull factors include out-of-school enticements like jobs and family. Finally, falling out factors refer to disengagement in students not caused by school or outside pulling factors. Since 1966, most nationally representative studies depicted pull factors as ranking the highest. Also, administrators in one study corroborated pull out factors for younger dropouts, not older ones, while most recent research cites push factors as highest overall. One rationale for this change is a response to rising standards from No Child Left Behind (NCLB), which can be ultimately tested only by future dropout research. education social sciences academics disparities educational measurement and assessment history and sociology of education Introduction The cause of a student dropping out is often termed as the antecedent of dropout because it refers to the pivotal event which leads...
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...What are the possible consequences of divorce for children? Jimmy Beltran Devry University What are the possible consequences of divorce for children? I am writing this paper in response to the Journal of Marriage and Family titled, “Estimating the Effects of Parental Divorce and Death with Fixed Effects Models” by Amato, Paul and Anthony, Christopher. Amato and Christopher provide an inciting perception in support of a controversial issue that affects modern society. Amato and Christopher (2014) argue in support of the perception that increasing cases of divorces have a negative effect on children growth. In their research, Amato and Christopher (2014) use child fixed effect model to approximate the impacts of parent divorce in various outcomes. Two sets of data form the basis for this research. First, the researcher utilizes Kindergarten Cohort Early Childhood Longitudinal Study. The second approach involves the use of National Educational Longitudinal Study. The first model targets children below the fifth grade while the second, children between 5th and 8th grade. In both models, the researcher associated divorce with negative effects on children. In the second analysis, Amato and Christopher (2014) established a substantial variability degree in children’s outcome after parental divorce, as some children improved while others declined in health. The approximated impacts of divorce seemed to be strongest among children with the highest vulnerability...
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... abuse and neglect can have consequences for children, families, and society that last lifetimes, if not generations. The impact of child abuse and neglect is often discussed in terms of physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences. In reality, however, it is impossible to separate them completely. Physical consequences, such as damage to a child's growing brain, can have psychological implications such as cognitive delays or emotional difficulties. Psychological problems often manifest as high-risk behaviors. Depression and anxiety, for example, may make a person more likely to smoke, abuse alcohol or illicit drugs, or overeat. High-risk behaviors, in turn, can lead to long-term physical health problems such as sexually transmitted diseases, cancer, and obesity. This factsheet provides an overview of some of the most common physical, psychological, behavioral, and societal consequences of child abuse and neglect, while acknowledging that much crossover among categories exists. Factors Affecting the Consequences of Child Abuse and Neglect Physical Health Consequences Psychological Consequences Behavioral Consequences Societal Consequences Summary References The Federal Government has made a considerable investment in research regarding the causes and long-term consequences of child abuse and neglect. These efforts are ongoing; for more information, visit the websites listed below: LONGSCAN (Longitudinal Studies of Child Abuse and Neglect)...
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...Critical review of: An employment systems approach to turnover: Human resources practices, quits, dismissals, and performance. By Rosemary Batt and Alexander J.S Colvin (August, 2011). Academy of Management Journal, 54 (4): 695-717. Introduction Drawing on internal labor market and efficiency wage theories, this study intends to contribute in turnover and employment systems literature by examining theoretically and empirically whether applying three categories of human resources (HR) practices, instead of treating HR practices as a consistent group (Batt and Colvin, 2011: 697), might produce similar effects on quits and dismissals rates. Previous researches had diversified views about the causes of quit and dismissals due to various factors and conditions that were considered in these studies and theoretically show plausible dissimilarity. In addition, the authors attempt to explore the potential effects of those sets of HR practices and turnover on the organizational performance and the reflections on customer satisfaction. Hypotheses Batt and Colvin (2011: 696-701) analysis and arguments about the current literature yield seven hypotheses. Whereas employers in which apply two sets of incentive HR practices, namely, high-involvement work and attractive investments and inducements practices, they may encounter lower turnover rate and higher level of operational performance. By contrast, the third set of these incentive HR practices, labeled performance-enhancing...
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...English 50 Cause and Effect Professor Morrison 11 May 2011 Long Term Effects of Physical Abuse There are many types of abuse that a child can be put through. Physical abuse makes up about 25 percent of the reported cases of abuse a year (http://www.childwelfare.gov). Some long term effects are physical health consequences, psychological consequences, and behavioral consequences. Physical health consequences caused by physical abuse are impaired brain development, poor physical health and shaken baby syndrome(sbs). Physical abuse has shown, in some cases, to cause important regions of the brain to fail to form properly (Perry, B.D 2002) Physical abuse has also been known to cause poor physical health such as sexually transmitted diseases. Shaken Baby Syndrome(SBS) is another physical health consequences due to the fact that it can cause blindness, learning disabilities in infants. Psychological consequences cause by physical abuse are poor mental and emotional health, cognitive difficulties, and social difficulties. Many of the young adults develop some type of psychiatric disorder early in life. As researchers stated, "These young adults exhibited many problems, including depression, anxiety, eating disorders, and suicide attempts (Silverman, Reinherz, & Giaconia, 1996). Children that have been abused or neglected have been known to do poorly in school. Children that are abused or neglected often have difficulties in relationships later in life with other adults...
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...Journal of Abnormal Psychology 2003, Vol. 112, No. 4, 558 –577 Copyright 2003 by the American Psychological Association, Inc. 0021-843X/03/$12.00 DOI: 10.1037/0021-843X.112.4.558 Testing Mediational Models With Longitudinal Data: Questions and Tips in the Use of Structural Equation Modeling David A. Cole Vanderbilt University Scott E. Maxwell University of Notre Dame R. M. Baron and D. A. Kenny (1986) provided clarion conceptual and methodological guidelines for testing mediational models with cross-sectional data. Graduating from cross-sectional to longitudinal designs enables researchers to make more rigorous inferences about the causal relations implied by such models. In this transition, misconceptions and erroneous assumptions are the norm. First, we describe some of the questions that arise (and misconceptions that sometimes emerge) in longitudinal tests of mediational models. We also provide a collection of tips for structural equation modeling (SEM) of mediational processes. Finally, we suggest a series of 5 steps when using SEM to test mediational processes in longitudinal designs: testing the measurement model, testing for added components, testing for omitted paths, testing the stationarity assumption, and estimating the mediational effects. Tests of mediational models have been an integral component of research in the behavioral sciences for decades. Perhaps the prototypical example of mediation was Woodsworth’s (1928) S-O-R model, which suggested...
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...The two most commonly used and abused drugs in the United States, are alcohol and marijuana. Is either drug good or bad for you, there are so many different studies that tell you the good and bad of use of alcohol and marijuana. According to Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administrations (SAMHSA) alcohol is the number one legal drug used in the United States, which marijuana being the most-illegal drug used. Even though alcohol is legal and marijuana illegal, does not mean that either is good for you. Marijuana is a very controversial topic in the media right now, alongside with alcohol. The effects are very different; marijuana has immediate effect and can last for up to two hours after smoking. With alcohol, users feel slight effects after one drink. They can recover faster-depending how much they drank, how much they weigh, and if they ate before they drunk any alcohol. The immediate effects of alcohol use are slurred speech, poor judgment, and lack of motor skills. While the effects of marijuana are red eyes, dry mouth, increased appetite, paranoia, hallucinations, slowed reaction and memory loss. Drinking large amounts of alcohol can lead to coma, and even death, for a person to overdose on marijuana they would have to inhale about 40,000 times the amount of THC that took them to get high. To obtain the amount of THC to overdose a smoker would theoretically have to consume nearly 1,500 pounds of marijuana within about fifteen minutes to induce a lethal response...
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...ADOLESCENT ALCOHOL USE AND DATING VIOLENCE PERPETRATION: THREE STUDIES EXAMINING CONCURRENT AND LONGITUDINAL RELATIONS ACROSS GRADES 8 THROUGH 12 Heathe Luz McNaughton Reyes A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Health Behavior and Health Education Chapel Hill 2009 Approved by Vangie A. Foshee, PhD Susan T. Ennett, PhD Daniel J. Bauer, PhD Carolyn T. Halpern, PhD J. Michael Bowling, PhD UMI Number: 3387971 All rights reserved INFORMATION TO ALL USERS The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. In the unlikely event that the author did not send a complete manuscript and there are missing pages, these will be noted. Also, if material had to be removed, a note will indicate the deletion. UMI 3387971 Copyright 2010 by ProQuest LLC. All rights reserved. This edition of the work is protected against unauthorized copying under Title 17, United States Code. ProQuest LLC 789 East Eisenhower Parkway P.O. Box 1346 Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1346 © 2009 Heathe Luz McNaughton Reyes ALL RIGHTS RESERVED ii ABSTRACT Heathe Luz McNaughton Reyes—Adolescent alcohol use and dating violence perpetration: Three studies examining concurrent and longitudinal relations across grades 8 through 12 (Under the direction of Vangie A. Foshee, Susan T. Ennett,...
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...Spanking can lead to many negative consequences in a child’s life such as aggression, depression, behavioral problems, criminal behavior and future relationship abuse (Benjet & Kazdin, 2003). Punishment, such as spanking, teaches children that it is alright to use violence and to hurt others (Benjet & Kazdin 2003). From the research conducted, 94 % of individuals reported having undesirable outcomes due to spanking (Benjet & Kazdin, 2003). A longitudinal study was done on children of different ages and the results showed that spanking increases negative behavior and aggression (Benjet & Kazdin, 2013). There were also other different studies done that showed that children who are spanked are more likely to become a rebellious kid (Benjet & Kazdin). Meaning they are less likely to be obedient and have a good behavior in the short and long term. In a research, a questionnaire was done asking parents how many of them believed spanking their children help improve their children behavior. The results showed that 41% of the parents believed spanking their children was helpful and 65%...
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...that there are many different definitions and understandings of adolescents, most of which are not as directly related to chronological age (Santrock, 2001). Adolescents are a very special population because these are often the years in which childhood and adulthood become blurred, roles, expectations and needs change, as well as significant physical and psychological growth. As we also know, experimentation is often characteristic of adolescence and this experimentation can be physical, sexual or philosophical; all of which may possibly lead to drug use. This paper seeks to examine the question of whether or not drug abuse is related to psychosis in adolescents. Literature Review Adolescent Drug Use According to a national study in 2006, over 60 percent of reported that drugs were used, kept and sold on their school campuses on a regular basis. These drugs included popular illicit drugs such as marijuana and Ecstasy as well cocaine and prescription drugs (Eaton, 2006). While many people appear hopeful at the minor decrease in use of illicit drugs by adolescents in recent years, many fail to recognize the corresponding increase in teens using and abusing prescription drugs. Prescription drugs have become increasingly popular with...
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...What is a Systematic Review? Frequently there will have been more than one study addressing a particular health question. In such circumstances it is logical to collect all these studies together and base conclusions on the cumulated results. However the same scientific principles as would be expected in the original studies need to be applied to the identification, sorting and analysis of potentially relevant studies. This is what is meant by a systematic review. The most obvious sign that a review is systematic will be the presence of a methods section. Meta-analysis is the statistical process of combining the results from several studies that is often part of a systematic review. What is a Randomised Controlled Trial (RCT)? An RCT is a type of interventional or experimental study design. Participants (individuals or groups) are randomly allocated to receive either the new intervention being tested or a control treatment (usually the standard treatment or a placebo). Each arm of the study is then followed up and the amount or severity of the disease measured in the intervention group and compared with the control group. RCTs are by definition prospective. What is a Qualitative study? A qualitative study examines the experiences and beliefs of people from their own perspective. It can take many forms including in-depth interviews and focus-groups with analysis attempting to identify underlying themes. Verbatim quotes of participants...
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...services. Studies have shown a correlation between substance abuse and domestic violence, with substance abuse often exacerbating the severity of domestic violence. However, it is crucial to clarify that while they often occur together,...
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...Work and Well-Being How and to what extent does positive affect influence organizational citizenship behaviours? January 2006 Introduction This essay is broken down into various sections to develop the ‘building blocks’ upon which we can provide an answer to the question. In section 1, we will look at the core constructs of ‘positive affect’ (PA) and ‘organizational citizenship behaviours’ (OCBs). In section 2, we will answer the question of how PA influences OCBs by looking at some of the main theories and models. In section 3, the extent to which PA influences OCBs will be considered by reviewing the empirical evidence. Finally, section 4 attempts to draw conclusions and provides an overall discussion. Section 1 - Definitions This section looks at the constructs of ‘positive affect’ and ‘organizational citizenship behaviours’. Positive Affect (PA) Between the 1930s, when it started to emerge as a construct of interest to organizational research, and the mid-1980s, affect at work was construed almost exclusively in terms of job satisfaction (Brief & Weiss, 2002). However, Organ & Near (1985) argued that job satisfaction has both a cognitive (belief, judgement, comparison) as well as an affective (emotional, feeling) dimension, whereas most measures of job satisfaction tended to focus on the cognitive element. This distinction is important: Weiss & Cropanzano (1996) see affective experiences...
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...UNDERLYING CAUSES OF HIGH SCHOOL DROPOUT This paper provides a brief overview of the major underlying causes of high school dropout and its consequences. The subject is directly related to two benchmarks being addressed by many of Georgia’s county collaboratives: “Increase the percentage of students who graduate from school on time” and “Reduce the percentage of students absent 10 days or more from school annually.” The hope is that by understanding the underlying root causes of high school dropout – and its key components - a collaborative can examine relevant data for their local community and develop a comprehensive strategy that produces results. What Are the Characteristics of Students Who Drop Out?_______________ Socioeconomic Background. National data show that students from low-income families are 2.4 times more likely to drop out of school than are children from middle-income families, and 10.5 times more likely than students from high-income families. (3) Disabilities. Students with disabilities are also more likely to drop out. The National Transition Study estimates that as many as 36.4% of disabled youth drop out of school before completing a diploma or certificate. (4) Race-ethnicity. Hispanics and African Americans are at greater risk of dropping out than whites, with Hispanics at a greater risk of dropping out than either white or African American students. Nearly 40% of Hispanics who drop out do so before the eighth grade. (1, 2) Academic Factors...
Words: 974 - Pages: 4
...Conclusion In the systematic analysis of the 23 studies we have highlighted the role of Leventhal’s Common Sense Model (SRM) in the analysis of hereditary / familial cancer and the role of the psycho-social impact on individuals affected by the disease or with high risk for the disease in the screening for hereditary / familial cancer and in the genetic testing and counseling. Thus, we have identified three themes in which we included the analyzed studies: a) identification of the predictors involved in the screening compliance, in the responses to health threats, in emotional distress; b) assessment of the emotional and cognitive impact, of the perceived risk and the perceived disease in genetic testing, of the family history of cancer or...
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