Premium Essay

A Message from Mom


Submitted By TPeeWee
Words 1184
Pages 5
A Message for Mom Yesterday I got a short message from my son: "Mom, I love you very much." I cannot say that these words were unusual or unexpected to me. My son will turn 23 soon, and we have quite a close relationship. I know that he really loves me, but now he is at the age when the words of love he says are often not to mom. That simple phrase has caused a flood of feelings in me. On one hand, this message just warmed my soul, but on the other hand, it was a message that caused a series of thoughts and questions for me. Of course, getting this message is an event for me and I about it all the time. Even when we feel the love and respect in the affairs of our loved ones, it is still an expression of the feelings in words, and it becomes an amazing event and should be perceived that way. At this point, I witnessed the sum of my results in the education of my son, and what kind of young man I raised. Now I can imagine for myself what kind of person he will be in the future. His actions warm my heart and soul, and I know that he will make me proud as his mother. Right now, he is going through a difficult moment in his life. He attempts to be and do everything as a young grown man, and he tries to cope with all the difficulties. Perhaps that is why the first thought I had was that it was really bad if he remembered his mother during the night. Indeed, everything is now difficult for him. Adult life arranges its own tests and does not ask if we are ready for it or not. Avalanches fall on us and check our strength, and we are compelled just to swim out. My heart ached; I wanted to somehow ease his heartache and protect him from hardships and disappointments. However, we cannot do that because everyone in this life has to pass by his own way and find his own path. It is hard for parents to look at the suffering of their children; we cannot live their lives

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