...for procrastinating. You couldn’t start your essay being too busy looking for a perfect argumentative essay topic, right? Now you can find all you need in the list below. 80 really good persuasive essay topics are waiting for you a few lines below. Don’t check them if you’d rather continue hopeless browsing and complaining. Gender roles Men shouldn’t open doors to women not to hurt feminists’ feelings. Male pregnancy Further research on male pregnancy should be sponsored. Plastic surgery Actors should be prohibited to have plastic surgeries. Abstinence programs Abstinence programs in schools are ineffective. Civil unions Civil unions should be granted the same rights as married couples if they live together for 3 years. Smoking Smokers are more open than non-smokers. Humor Humor is the best stress coping strategy. Dorm All freshmen should live in the dorm to understand what college life really is. Facebook Students shouldn’t add teachers as friends on Facebook. Extracurriculars Extracurricular activities should be made obligatory. Junk food Skipping meals is better than eating junk food. Bullying Bullies can stimulate other students’ self development. Business Office dress code can boost employees’ performance. Bankruptcy The top reason for bankruptcy is poor leadership. Chinese Chinese should be made a new language for international communication. Globalization The inter-governmental unions do more harm than good (e.g. the crisis in Greece). ...
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...EN1320 EN1320 04/13/2013 04/13/2013 Essay 3.1 Rhetorical Analysis Obamas “A More Perfect Union” Speech Essay 3.1 Rhetorical Analysis Obamas “A More Perfect Union” Speech On March 18, 2008, Senator and future President Barack Obama delivered a speech that was titled “A More Perfect Union” (Obama Race Speech, 2008). This speech took place in Philadelphia, PA at the National Constitution Center. This speech was given during the 2008 Presidential race and looks to address the concerns regarding video of controversial and racially charged comments made by former pastor Jeremiah Wright which seemed to playing on loop in every media outlet possible. He also addressed the subjects of racial tension and race and inequality in the United States. From the beginning of the speech, it is evident that the most effective appeal that Obama chooses to use is ethos. As a rhetoric tool, ethos is used to establish character. Ethos is an appeal to ethics, and it is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader (Examples of Ethos, Logos, and Pathos). In order to establish an effective ethos, the speaker must present themselves in a way that will make the audience believe what they say. A strong example of this is when he uses the quote “We the people, in order to form a more perfect union”. In referring to the U.S Constitution, this compels the audience to make a connection of significance and importance between his speech and that of the Constitution...
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...The main thesis for this essay is “The Gay Rights Movement”. Just like many people prior, points of view will be given and also answers for these arguments. I will allow you to continue with your own opinion. Hopefully, after this essay, you will not look at it the same ever again. Just like African-American’s from the 50’s & 60’s, we are being discriminated on by a government that is so full of it and afraid to take a strong stand even if they agree with it. The fear of theirs is for retaliation and just like the subject of interracial marriages was in the 60’s, most politicians are afraid of this hot topic and just keep it on the back burner hoping it will go away and it won’t. The days of old are no more, the world was destroyed by flood and then Jesus Christ died for all of us not just a small number of sinners. So all of you without sin can cast the first stone on this project but remember unless you have a flowing gown and sandals, I think that means you are not perfect either. Gays have the right to speak out, to religion, to equal rights in marriage with the insurance as a married couple and to not be ridiculed. Lesbians and Gays have a right to speak out, as given to us by our 1st amendment rights. We should not be forced to stay in a closet any longer. The congress has recently passed an amendment where it would be illegal to discriminate against a person for their sexual preference in employment; it only needs to be signed to become a law. A few states already...
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...Kevin Richards Ms.Battle English 10 (3A/B) 1/5/13 My Essay This speech speaks about racial tension, white privilege, and race inequality and how the United States is not the union we want it to be. This speech was delivered by Senator Barack Obama, a father to two daughters and a husband to a wonderful woman. Senator Barack Obama feels that the United States is not how it said it will be due to racism, unfairness to each other races and privileges white people had over races, he felt that it was unbalanced and needed to make a change right away. I think he wanted to tap in to the audience emotions, so for them, they can make a change to form a more perfect union, he also explained that with enough effort, anything can happen as he made an example towards Ashley. One of the significant phrase a, liked was when he said “I am the son of a black man from Kenya and a white woman from Kansas. I was raised with the help of a white grandfather who survived a Depression to serve in Patton’s Army during World War II and a white grandmother who worked on a bomber assembly line at Fort Leavenworth while he was overseas.” He is saying that he was raised by both African and White, so he is confused to why the United States is like this? Senator Barack Obama was arguing about racial issues that was occurring in the United States, and why is not everyone treated equality. In his speech h often switch to topic to topic, for example. He talked about the racial issues to Reverend Wright...
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...Name: Writing Style Used: MLA Course and Section Number: THEO 201 – D21 Essay on Topic Christology Jesus was a man but was he also God? It is a question that many have today. Through studies it can be determined that Jesus is in fact both God and man. This can be accomplished by reviewing biblical accounts, looking at what it means for Jesus to be both God and man, and examining the dangers of overemphasis or denying the deity or humanity of Christ. Through the synoptic gospels it is apparent that Jesus was both God and man. Matthew 1:18-25 explains the birth of Jesus. It explains that while engaged to Joseph Mary became pregnant through the Holy Spirit. This not only shows Jesus’ humanity but also his deity as he was conceived through the Holy Spirit and not through man. We can also see the humanity of Jesus in the fact that he died on the cross. Mark 15:37 States “Then Jesus uttered another loud cry and breathed his last.” Throughout the New Testament Jesus would make I am statements, these statements would show the deity of Jesus. For example John 8:12 states “Jesus spoke to the people once more and said, “I am the light of the world. If you follow me, you won’t have to walk in darkness, because you will have the light that leads to life.” Jesus is announcing his deity to the people in this passage. John 1:1-5 also shows Jesus’ deity by explaining that in the beginning he was with God and he was God. Through these two passages it is clear that Jesus’ deity...
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...In defense of American playwright Arthur Miller, John Steinbeck wrote an essay for the June 1957 Esquire, displaying his socio-political perspective of the nation’s domestic diplomacy and Congress’ corrupt policies at the peak of the “Red Scare” during the 20th century. The mid-1950s was an era plagued by a heightened fear of Communist subversion and a political tyranny, executed by those that claimed to be tireless crusaders against socialism and communism through movements like McCarthyism. Yet, though the ideals of this notion were to liberate and protect governments from being overturned and undermined by communist regimes spreading from the East, it became quite evident that the results were dramatically disastrous for democratic societies; in a sense, at least for America, McCarthyism was a main cause for the political foundation to shift into a system of anarchy that rather attacked its own people and interests....
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...Zack Messmore MLA Format Theo 201-B23 Christology In the branch of natural science called thermodynamics which deals with energy and how energy worsd, there is a term called “triple point” Triple point in simplified terms refers to the point at which a substance reaches a specific temperature and pressure which enables it to be gas, liquid, and solid. A popular example of this is water, which has a specific triple point of 273.16 K. At this point the water, is a gas (water vapor), a liquid (water), and a solid (ice). (Çengel 135) This all happens at a microscopic level and at fractions of milliseconds, and yet it is the best real life example of how anything can be three things at once. God may have included this little element in earth science while creating the world to reflect on his true nature. This scientific fact could be a great way to defend the idea of how Jesus could be both God and Man. However as with most of the bible faith plays and biblical evidence plays a large roll. Good information on thermodynamics, however also make sure that your introduction fully introduces all of the topics that your work intends on addressing. The Bible makes unambiguous claims as to who and what Jesus was. Jesus claims several times throughout his walk on earth that he was in fact God and that he existed before the time of the decibels. He alludes to Exodus by saying "before Abraham...
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...Have you ever wondered what the Civil War was all about, Or why we even fought in the Civil War? Well, in this essay, i am going to tell you about it. I will show you how a soldier’s life was in the army. What was it like being under fire for thirty-four hours. We fought in the war to make the U.S. one nation. Have you ever wondered what the pay was for a soldier in the army? The pay for a soldier was eleven dollars. The pay for a general during the army was 300 and the general did nothing. The general took all the credit for what the soldiers did during the army. When they got paid during the army, their pay was sent to their family. They got paid monthly, or every two weeks. During the fight of Fort Sumpter, they was under fire for thirty-four...
Words: 408 - Pages: 2
...UK Essays: * ------------------------------------------------- About UK Essays * ------------------------------------------------- The UK Essays Team * ------------------------------------------------- Our Essay Writers * ------------------------------------------------- Contact UK Essays * ------------------------------------------------- Prices - Free Quote * ------------------------------------------------- FAQs * ------------------------------------------------- How This Works Resources: * ------------------------------------------------- Essay Help * ------------------------------------------------- Free Essays * ------------------------------------------------- Essay Examples * ------------------------------------------------- Dissertation Help * ------------------------------------------------- Dissertation examples ------------------------------------------------- Top of Form Bottom of Form The free essay examples that we publish on UK Essays have been submitted to us by students. These essays are not the work of our own expert essay writers. Thanks to all of the students that have submitted their work to us. READ MORE Share & download: Print Download Email Free Essays - Communications Essays 3G: Sophistication Guaranteed Telecommunications evolution is undergoing a rapid vamp to the future; the evolution is almost exponential, from the analog types to 2Gs and then finally the latest mobile...
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...Short Essay on Christology Some believe that Jesus Christ could not have been God because he was just a man. Jesus himself claimed to be one with the Father and that the Father was one with him. It is true that he was both man and God. Yes he was born from the womb of a natural mother but he was conceived by the Holy Spirit and not a natural father's seed. There is no doubt that Jesus lived on the earth as a physical man. We have all read that he was born in a manger, that he was a carpenter, he had a ministry and traveled from place to place. Also that he was tempted by hunger and the temptations of a normal man. We even read that he feared death and sweat blood. He clearly was a physical man in the same world we live in. Even though he was surely a man. There wasn't, isn't and won't ever be another man like him. He was born from a virgin and conceived by the Holy Spirit, not a worldly father. He lived a sinless life from day one. Without a supernatural connection with the father He could not have done the things that he did. He knew the will of the Father and his Human life was bound by that Will. He performed miracles and he forgave sins. These are not things a normal man can do. Jesus would refer to himself as the Son of Man which is a heavenly figure according to the book of Daniel. Jesus had a heavenly authority on the earth and he walked and talked like it. He let people worship him and he was able to forgive their sins as well. Not to mention the numerous miracles...
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...Scandinavian Culture: Home Exam Antoine LE GOFF HISTORY BOOK: HOW SWEDEN BECAME SWEDISH Table of Contents Introduction 1 Creation of Sweden and its culture 3 17th - 18th century: Swedish culture is born 3 Göticism and Viking heritage: Foundation of the Swedish culure 3 18th Century: the Enlightenment: a new view of the nation 3 19th Century: National Romanticism 3 20th century: Contemporary History 4 The dissolution of the Union 4 The First World War 4 Wellfare system establishment 4 The Second World War 4 The Cold War 5 European Union and Immigration 5 How Sweden Becam Swedish 6 Welfare State 6 Cultural Policy and Propaganda 7 Multi-culturalism 8 Gender Equality 9 Conclusion 11 Introduction The purpose of this essay is to try to understand the Scandinavian culture. To do this, we have to clarify some concepts, like National Identity, Nationalism, culture and Swedishness, in order to understand the connection between those, and finally expose more easely the following arguments. Those concepts can be seen as pretty dimness and deep, so we have to treat those with caution. In fact, if we start with Nationalism, many theorists tried to counteract the three paradoxes this concept bring : objective modernity vs. subjective antiquity, socio-cultural concept vs. concrete manifestations and 'political' power vs. philosophical poverty. Therefore, we see that Nationalism involve multiple frameworks, like history, culture, social...
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...Social Justice Essay Ashley Seeram Most will agree the public needs an educational system beneficial to all, but many people have different opinions on how this can be done and what a beneficial educational system is. There are groups that say division says privatize education, and another group of people who believe charter-schools are not the solution to this problem. Is it important to give the public an option to what they want or need? This question is something really makes you think and wonder about what the public really needs. This essay will discuss the possibilities and that there isn’t a right answer. In the documentary Waiting for Superman, the public education system is viewed as broken. He dubbed the system as drop-out factories; claiming that children are sent in but aren’t given the proper materials or knowledge to complete school. These actions (or lack of actions) lead to a cycle of poverty and crime. In the documentary it is shown that the problem has a solution, also known as charter-schools. According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary it is a school that is established by a charter, it is run by teachers, parents, etc., and uses tax money but does not have to be run according to the rules of a city or state. In simple terms it is a type of private school that has way more resources and material that is beneficial to children and their education. It is shown that through longer school days and unique lesson plans Charter-schools showed greater test scores...
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...Communism: A Review of an Ideology Raymond Castaneda English 228: Fall Session 2012 The purpose of this essay is to explain how unsuccessful Communism is ideologically in part due to its’ economic shortcomings. For ages, mankind has been in search of a perfect society, a utopia; a society, in which no suffering exists, and everyone is happy. In writing, they are common, from the City of Atlantis to the Garden of Eden. However, there are no utopias, none for which anyone can provide proof of. For better or worse, there have been men who have attempted to bring about these utopias in the form of egalitarian societies. Some of these societies have aimed at removing the differences in social class and material wealth between people in an attempt to establish a utopian society. For example communism which was based on a Marxist utopian ideology, has proven to be ultimately a flawed principle and regime. In recent times, so called utopian societies were identified as either socialist, or communist. True communist societies have aimed to be egalitarian, and perhaps even utopian. While the effects of communist and socialist regimes are not confined to one single aspect of human life, this essay focuses on the economic effects of communism. Unfortunately, they have not succeeded in either; instead these societies have resulted in poverty, violence, and overall failure . Modern communism cannot be explained without first defining it, as there have been many historical and contemporary...
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...INTRODUCTION 1. John Ashley’s Essay Paper on Benjamin Franklin The goal of this essay paper is to discuss key ways that Ben Franklin presents his story as an illustration of self-improvement. After reading of this man’s life, I firmly believe that he is one of America’s greatest heroes. If not for the self-sacrifices made from Ben, from his early age and throughout his life, then the face of America would be of a different nature. This is the understanding that I received from his writings about the moral fortitudes of a man unwilling to just settle with whatever was happening around him. My Essay Self-improvement is an often presented theme in the works of Benjamin Franklin’s life and writings. Through his charming demeanor, Benjamin Franklin won over the socialites of France. Benjamin gained their admiration, by wearing his rustic fur cap, which the French considered to be the quintessential symbol of rugged Americanism.(Meltzer Page 3). He was quoted saying, "Figure me in your mind as jolly as formerly and as strong and hearty only a few years older; very plainly dressed, wearing my thin gray straight hair that peeps out under my only coiffure, a fine fur cap which comes down to my forehead almost to my spectacles. The self-improvement that is so often spoken of by Ben Franklin is, I believe, that...
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...gay marriage is the union of two people from the same-sex. In the United States marriage is approved, currently five states have legalized same-sex by vote to the State Legislature. The issue has been controversial, because for many people same-sex-marriage is considered immoral. Most religions see homosexuality as abnormality because of their religious believes. In the article “Gay Marriage, an Oxymoron” by Lisa Schiffren. In the article she claims that the basis for society to develop and support marriage is for people to engender and raise children in the normal form. Her allegation is that is that same-sex marriage should not be legalized because making it legal will change the definition society gives marriage, giving it a different definition that will try to make same-sex marriage equivalent to heterosexual marriage. Schifrin fails to argue in her article based on the following subjects of discussion: religion, the importance of children in marriage, the fairness of legal benefits. First Lisa Schifrin brings out religions, more specifically Judeo-Christians claims that the concept of same-sex marriage is contradictory. In her article she express in her writing. “Same-sex marriage” is inherently incompatible with our culture’s understanding of the institution. Marriage is essentially a lifelong compact between a man and a woman committed to sexual exclusivity and the creation and nurturance of offspring. For most Americans, the marital union—as distinguished from...
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