...Food stamps (SNAP) are sometimes a necessity for low income families. I certainly had experienced a time when I was in dire need of this assistance. At the age of 16, homeless and hungry, I had applied for food stamps and was given a decent amount of money to keep my head above water. Being enrolled in receiving temporary food stamps, I was able to save up enough money to pay for my priorities and get me off the street. Without the help of this debit card that is specifically used for food, I would have stayed homeless longer than anticipated. Trump had introduced the idea of harvest boxes, care packages filled with “healthy” nonperishable food items that would be delivered monthly. While this may be a step toward a better way of feeding low income families, harvest...
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...Benefits of Food Stamp The need of government assistance is rapidly rising because of poverty levels, incomes decreasing, and health issues. Those who need government assistance are often looked down upon by those who do not understand their reasonings for the need of extra assistance. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program also known as SNAP, is formerly known as the Food Stamp Program. It provides food purchasing assistance for low income people living in the United States. SNAP benefits can be used to purchase food at grocery stores, clothing stores, and convenient stores. SNAP benefits are given monthly to recipients through an electronic benefits transfer card, better knowns as an EBT, which works like a debit card. This card is...
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...The first federal Food Stamp program was designed to assist low-income families to purchase food as well as to deplete food surpluses that existed at the time. It ran from 1939 through 1943. Over the course of nearly 4 years, the first FSP reached approximately 20 million people at one time or another in nearly half of the counties in the U.S. peak participation was 4 million at a total cost of $262 million. The first recipient was Mabel McFliggin of Rochester, New York: the first retailer to redeem the stamps was Joseph Mutolo; and the first retailer caught violating the program was Nich Salzano in October 1939. The program ended since the conditions that brought the program into being unmarketable food surpluses and widespread unemployment no longer existed. Pilot Food Stamp Program – May 29, 1961-1964 A new pilot Food Stamp program started in 1961 and was formally adopted as a permanent Federal assistance program in 1964. Historically, people receiving assistance from this program received paper stamps, similar to coupons, with which to purchase food so the program became known as the “Food Stamp Program.” The 18 years between the end of the first FSP and the inception of the next were filled with studies, reports, and legislative proposals. The Eisenhower Administration never used the authority. However, in fulfillment of a campaign promise made in West Virginia, President Kennedy’s first Executive Order called for expanded food distribution and, on Feb. 2, 1961, he announced...
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...Today, food stamps are seen as the almighty light that shines bright on those who are in need, but there are also some hardships that come with it. Food stamps today are so controversial to the following question, “ Do they really benefit people who are in need of aid? Each side to the question has extraordinary points of why food stamps are good, or bad. Food stamps are needed to feed millions of families in America and the world, but they are mistreated by some people who are lazy and would rather take a government check at the end of the day instead of work. Even though food stamps raise the unemployment and obesity rates, they still aid people who can not afford them and are high in demand while the economy is low. Food stamps have...
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...Nearly 15% of all Americans are living with help from food stamps to support them and their children. The SNAP Program (Previously called the Food Stamps Program) originated in 1933, as during the Great Depression farmers had a quite the surplus of food. It then was repealed in 1943 but reintroduced to President Kennedy. Over the years, the program has become hugely controversial, and it has caused multiple debates over whether it should be maintained or discontinued the course. We believe that it should be stopped as there is an incredible amount of disadvantages to the program. The first reason why people should not buy junk food with food stamps is nutrition. The purpose of food stamps was to let people without enough money to buy healthy...
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...use these benefits on fast food? Would it change your opinion if the underprivileged were specifically the “elderly”, “disabled” or “homeless?” Under the law people have these opportunities, even though everyone may not agree with it. The general concern is the “unhealthiness” that fast food brings to America; obesity and diabetes is already a concern and the government using American tax dollars to promote unhealthy eating doesn’t help. B. Statement of Relevant Legal Principles and Rules of Law Food Stamps Act of 1977 Under the Food Stamp Act of 1977 eligible households may be issued coupons with which to purchase from approved food stores. It was enacted to promote the general welfare by permitting low-income households to obtain a nutritious diet through normal channels of trade by increasing food purchasing power for all eligible households who apply for participation. Under this Act, the Secretary of Agriculture is authorized to formulate and administer a food stamp program under which eligible households will be provided with the opportunity to obtain a more nutritious diet through the issuance of coupons. These coupons are to be used solely to purchase food from retail stores which have been approved for the participation on the program. (3 C. J.S. Agriculture § 36) The Secretary of Agriculture will propose allowable amounts of financial resources that a eligible household may own, and assure that a household eligible to participate in the food stamp program...
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...life time of her and her upcoming baby. She will have to rely on the government's help and have no choice but accepting it. For example WIC and Food Stamps, a perfect supportive program for a single mother like her. WIC provides what they consider reasonable nutrients such as milk, cheese, and cereals. Dairy products are often the best, most consumed and pricy products. Food Stamps now in days allows you to buy prepared meals. This benefits both her and her baby along the way. She will soon need money in general for things such as: clothes, living, baby formula, and utilities. These two programs have shown to be helpful and not leave families in starvation. Food Stamps and WIC should keep providing for these millions of low income families.Not only does this help and provide to families but this is also beneficial to the grocery stores in producing money....
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...Do you need more help? • Dial 2-1-1 for help with child care, food pantries, and volunteer services. • To apply for cash aid or Food Stamps, visit your regional E&ES office: • Vallejo: 365 Tuolumne St. (CalWORKs or General Assistance, CalFresh - Food Stamps) 707-553-5000 • Fairfield: 275 Beck Ave. (CalWORKs & CalFresh Food Stamps) 707-784-8050 • Vacaville: 354 Parker St. (CalWORKs & CalFresh Food Stamps) 707-469-4500 Ver. 1.0 1/21/09 Solano County Employment & Eligibility Services (E&ES) Benefits Action Center (BAC) 707-784-3900 or 1-800-400-6001 Fax: 707-864-3108 Monday to Friday 8 AM—5 PM Solano County Benefits Action Center (BAC) Answers to your CalFresh (Food Stamp) and Medi-Cal questions BENEFITS ACTION CENTER “We Are Here For You” COUNTY OF SOLANO 707-784-3900 or 1-800-400-6001 Monday to Friday 8 AM—5 PM What is the BAC? After your case is granted, the Benefits Action Center (BAC) is your one stop for help with your CalFresh (Food Stamps) and/or MediCal/CMSP benefits. • After you get benefits, the BAC can help when: t a job! I go I need to know my benefit amount. I need medicine and my card doesn’t work! My job s topped. I have CalFresh (Food Stamps), but need Medi-Cal. My incom e changed . y r said m y docto M topped. di-Cal s Me One phone call connects you with a caseworker who can answer questions and make changes to your case. I’m preg nant! ard! my EBT c I lost I had a ba by! into oved e. ne m s omeo f my hou S...
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...It did however, encourage out-of-wedlock births and weaken the work ethic. The pathologies it engendered were passed from generation to generation. This reform was a step in the right direction, however, much more needs to be done. The next step should be to transfer full responsibility for funding and administering welfare programs to the states. Each state would then have the freedom to innovate their own low-income programs and would cause them to have stronger incentives to reduce taxpayer costs and maximize work requirements (Replacing Welfare with Private Charity section, 2010). The federal government funds an array of subsidy programs for low-income Americans. The two programs that are of the greatest concern to me are food stamps and Medicaid. When most people think of “welfare”, they are usually thinking of the joint federal-state cash assistance program, better known by its most recent name, as TANF or Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (Overview section, 2010). According to DeHaven and Tanner (2010) welfare, as we know it was originally created in 1935 as part of President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s New Deal. The first federal welfare program, Aid to Dependent Children (ADC), was supposed to be a small program, intended to supplement existing state relief programs for widows and to provide support to families in which the father was deceased, absent, or unable to...
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...Services Instructor: Ingrid Sanders November 13, 2013 Rebuilding the Welfare System Welfare is a very controversial topic that has divided this nation since the start of it. Welfare is an institution supported by the government to help those who lack in many different areas of their lives. “The largest increase in the share of the US population on welfare in the past 35 years occurred between 1960 and 1970.” (Deavers, & Hattiangadi, 1998). Welfare aims to help people and prevent poverty from increasing by enduring access to resources and reduce social suffering. Welfare programs include but are not limited to health care, education, SSI, housing, unemployment, food stamps and child care assistance. While this program is a great help to those who receive assistance the misuse and abuse of some obtaining benefits as well as a weakened government system has caused the welfare system to collapse. In earlier years, more Americans were working to provide for their families. Up to 1870, more than half of the Nation’s adult workers were farmers but as the economy grew so did jobs. Development reshaped the workforce. As life happened, people began to need assistance in different areas. The States and the Federal Government realized that the only way to make sure that people would not lose all that they had worked hard for over the years was to engage in insurance programs. In the US, social insurance first began with workers’ compensation (Welfare, ND). Other social insurance programs...
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...Schrader English-111-NA Abstract The number of American families on food stamps and related assistance hit a record high in June 2012. Financial experts do not expect reduction as long as unemployment remains high. (5) 46.4 million people in America are a recipient of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) (5). What started out as a subsidy for low income families is now the sole source of food dollars spent by non-taxpayers. Peter Cardillo a chief market economist explains that not all SNAP recipients are unemployed but food stamps “are a good indication that the income of the workforce is stagnated and more and more people are applying for food stamps.” (5) American tax payers spend eighty billion dollars a year financing food stamps for the poop, and this number is quickly on the rise as well. (16) Do Americans know exactly what this money is going towards? Yes, it is going to food, but what type of food? Food stamps can be used on anything from chips and candy to steak and energy drinks. Unfortunately the government will not say what stores do the most business in food stamps, and it doesn’t say what kinds of food our tax payers’ dollars buy. (16) My argument is that American’s should have a right to know exactly what their tax money is going towards and should be able to police and limit what can a cannot be bought with food stamps, after all it is our money. The Food Stamp Program was designed to address the problem of hunger. The FSP was established...
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...information to meet the standard to get the free program. Some people today with low income cannot afford a place to stay or do not have enough money to pay high rent every month. Some wonder if they can apply for Section 8 housing program would they be accepted and receive the free benefit. Welfare is a great program that offers different program the help low income people. Welfare offers different programs such as Food Stamps, Section 8, and...
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...Topic: Should Food Stamp Recipients be made to Drug Test for Benefits? Thesis: People receiving food stamps should be tested for drugs because people on Food Stamps are considered to be mostly low income families and testing for drugs might stop some of the selling of food stamps. Main Point 1: People who apply for food stamps while under the influence of drugs should be made to test for them. Some people feel that drugs are not bad based on the drugs of choice but I think anything that affects the way your mind thinks is harmful. Now researching this topic has allowed me the opportunity to see other people thoughts on the subject. According to (Bouie, J., 2014) “For the vast majority of people on public assistance, illicit drug use isn't a problem” but I think that even if 25% of clients that are tested positive are helped to stop using that is worth it. I agree with the article by (Bouie, J., 2014) that states “mandatory drug tests don't solve a public policy problem” which it might not but it just might save a life. Reference: Bouie, J. (2014, March 26). Georgia’s Horrid Plan to Punish Drug-Using Food Stamp Recipients, and How to Fix It. <i>Slate Magazine</i>. Retrieved May 11, 2014, from http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/politics/2014/03/georgia_drug_testing_for_food_stamps_how_to_fix_the_state_s_terrible_plan.html Main Point 2: People that work are made to take a test to be hired or maintain employment. Per Nolo website “Many states allow...
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...One of our biggest social welfare policies is our Food stamp program rename (SNAP). The program is fully funded by the government with states paying fifty percent of the administrative cost (USDA, 2014).The United states Department of Agriculture (USDA) (2014) stated over 46 million people rely on the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) to feed individuals and families. The SNAP program has been in existence on a permanent basis since 1964. Under President Johnson it became a permanent fixture of our social welfare policy (Berg, 2008). The main goal of the program has stayed consistent over the years. The government wanted to improve levels of nutrition among low income families and strengthen the agricultural economy by expanding...
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...Food Stamps Extending to Pets? Curently there’s a petition started by Edward B. Johnston Jr. a 59-year-old Mississippi man asking the Department of Agriculture to allow him use food stamps to purchase kibble and pet treats. Pets are a member of the family and families should not have to break up when they hit a financial rough patch. Johnston is requesting that the federal government adjust the food-stamp rules to make it accessible for low-income households to purchase food for their pets. Unfortunately, given the political and logistical difficulties in adjusting the food stamps program, also know as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the petition has no chance of succeeding, but until now it has garnered the attention of more than 80,000 signers on the popular...
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