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Food Stamp Research Paper

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Food Stamps Extending to Pets?
Curently there’s a petition started by Edward B. Johnston Jr. a 59-year-old Mississippi man asking the Department of Agriculture to allow him use food stamps to purchase kibble and pet treats.
Pets are a member of the family and families should not have to break up when they hit a financial rough patch. Johnston is requesting that the federal government adjust the food-stamp rules to make it accessible for low-income households to purchase food for their pets.
Unfortunately, given the political and logistical difficulties in adjusting the food stamps program, also know as Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, the petition has no chance of succeeding, but until now it has garnered the attention of more than 80,000 signers on the popular …show more content…
SNAP has excluded pet food since its start back in 1964, when the Food Stamp Act defined “food” to mean “any food or food product for human consumption.” In order to change that, it would be necessary to ask for congressional action.
There are also administrative puzzles involved in extending food stamps to pets, since there’s no way to defined how much should a family receive according to the breed of their dog or cat.
Nonprofit groups such as the ASPCA and Rescue Bank, a national emergency pet-food distributor, say they have contribute with their own efforts. In the years since the economic crisis, concern about pet-food affordability has risen.
That’s why these organizations distribute donated dog and cat food to animal rescues and shelters across the country. Recently, more cities have funded pet food banks.
PetSmart Charities is a nonprofit arm of pet store chain PetSmart, and they have teamed up with Feeding America to begin the distribution of their pet food to its national network of food banks. The ASCPA has started a similar association with the Food Bank for New York

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