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Biggie Smalls Research Paper

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“ We can’t change the world, unless we change ourselves” is what Biggie Smalls said himself. Christopher George Lactore Wallace, better known by his stage names The Notorious B.I.G or Biggie Smalls , was an American rapper. He was born May 21st , 1972 in Brooklyn , New York. And died March 9th , 1997 in Los Angeles. He grew up in Brooklyn. In his middle school years Wallace excelled in his english classes, he also won awards for that. He got his nickname “big” because he was overweight by the age 10. At the age 12 he selling drugs. His mother Voletta Wallace had no idea what he was doing, because she was always away at work. At 17 he developed a bad attitude and dropped out of highschool and got involved with crimes. He went to jail for nine

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