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Homosapiens Research Paper

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Homosapiens; A subject of reality
An essay by Ray Our origins, they were always an arguable topic; a subject that had opened many great minds, and wondrous thoughts about our deepest roots of ancestry. We commonly distinguish these evolved primates as a certain species of ‘cavemen’ or savages of the Golden Age, or as so respectively a ‘sapient. Whole batches of scientists like to form new ideas about the tree of life, and expect others to adapt their solutions to the equation of evolution. Deciphering these bits and pieces of our society can not only aid you in interpretation of the subject, but can form a more open, and distinguished thought of your history.

Revolutions are, in fact part of human and genetic nature. It is …show more content…
The answer here is simply a climate based evolution. I disagree with Yuval’s and many other professors’’ theory of the Cognitive era. Why would the Homosapiens be the only species that were affected by the revolution? Other species may have evolved in different ways as well. The Homo species may have simply just had the luxury of a more unforgiving climate. Their intelligence must have been reliability upon their natural habitat. Homoerectus had a 1.6 million year old intelligence advantage. They had a better ability to look at their surroundings, and take the best out of it. Meanwhile, other species had a treatment of lush jungles and forests, and huge animals to hunt. Many debates about the evolution of human are how the power of fire was discovered. People argue that fire was discovered by an accident, such as if a rock or flint was struck against the ground, forming sparks. I think that the fire was discovered on the occurrence of a natural event, depending on the Homo erectus’ climate, like dry wood of the forests spreading with fire from lightning. Upon this discovery, the species could’ve seen that the fire was scaring away the animals, such as wolves and other predators. They now had the knowledge that wolves were scared of fire, and could domesticate them in this way, not because the human had gone through the Cognitive evolution, as Yuval Harari states. Overall, I disagree with Yuval Hariri’s Cognitive Theory, and believe that humans more heavily relied on their natural

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