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Soda And Energy Drinks Research Paper

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The Effect of Soda/Energy Drinks on the Body. The major concern of the soda/ energy drinks effects has grown in importance over the past few decades. It is a fact that there are varied kinds of the soda drinks produced and consumed every day and they have gradually replaced the main drink known as the pure water in our lives. Although soda / soft drinks are considered as the most favorite drink in every daily meal and consumed dramatically every day, there are several fundamentally detrimental effects of the soft drinks on the human’s body including the loss of memory, obesity, and the potential diseases To begin with, drinking soft drinks too much has a remarkably adverse influence on our brain. Because soda drinks contain numerous harmful ingredients such as: high level of acids, caffeine and sugar, our brain will lose memories over and over the time. This means that we are unable to focus on working and studying so that the quality and performance of our job will be decreased. According to Lindsay Maxfield, in the article “This is what happens when you drink soda”, drinking so much soda drinks causes brain-derived neurotrophic factor, BDNF, which brings tremendous problems that reduce the working ability of our brain. As a result, our brain is unable to gain enough energy to work, so we …show more content…
There can be doubt that due to a high level of sugar, it leads our body to increase weight dramatically. Many patients, particularly our young generation suffer from the impacts of the obesity resulted from consuming so much soda in a day. It is a fact that the obesity issues bring serious and unexpected health outcomes leading to the increasing rates of the potential diseases. According to Lindsay Maxfield, in the article “This is what happens when you drink soda”, 180,000 obesity deaths per year relate exclusively to the sugar-sweetened beverages, this article

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