...(local satire piece). This sentence is not necessarily the best line of prose in my collection it is however both my favorite line and a reflection of a subgoal I was working on for this writing portfolio. This subgoal puts emphasis on my voice as a writer and how I want my writing to be perceived by my audience. I wanted a distinguishable voice and this line of prose has both a personal and distinguishable voice. It comprises my thoughts in the sarcastic manner in which I often speak outside of writing. It is in no way misleading because it’s implications are straightforward and readers are able to comprehend what I am saying. On its own (without context) readers are able to perceive the tone and humor I attempted to craft....
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...Bio 173 Fisheries Biology: Term Paper Date: September 3, 2013 File: d:\B173-2013\B173_term_paper.wpd Summary You are to write a scientific term paper about a topic related to fisheries biology. Goal Ron Coleman The goal is for you to produce a term paper that illustrates that you have researched and thought in depth about a topic in fisheries biology. The term paper will tell me that you understand the important issues in a particular field and have identified the current cutting edge in that research. This paper is NOT an essay. I do not want you to explain a topic to me. I want you to discuss current research on a topic. If you find yourself including extensive background material then you are not doing the paper correctly. The paper is about the current research, not just about the phenomenon. For each of your source papers, tell me what the authors were trying to investigate, how they did their investigation, what they found and what it means. It is possible that you have never done this kind of paper before. If you are unclear about what you are doing, ask me about it. If you think that this is just like writing a typical term paper on some topic, then you are dead wrong. Most importantly, think of this as an opportunity to show me what you can do, not as something that you have to do. I want you to discover something and to share that discovery with me. Potential Topics I suggest you look at the following journals for inspiration: Science, Nature, Journal of Fish Biology...
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...On 1941, I propose to my co-worker, Joan Clarke who is a fellow mathematician and cryptanalyst. We had a small apartment during this time and we work alongside each other. I worked as a mathematician and after a while, I felt different about my fiancée and what we had my thoughts began to wonder and I had second thoughts about my sexuality. I went to discuss this with Joan and I admitted to her that I was not what I mean to be. I said that I am homosexual and she at first stared at me. I couldn't tell exactly her emotion she was feeling right now On January 13, 1942, I received a letter saying that I was to go to Bletchley Park for work. I went to the place and there I had a meeting with a man. I said my name and he responded with saying...
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...challenge for me. When I was in elementary school, I was assigned to a writing specialist because I had immense difficulty spelling. Although, my reading retention was very good, which made me somewhat of a mystery for the teachers. As I progressed, I mastered spelling— for the most part. My spelling got exceptionally good when I was given a computer because then, whatever word I had in my head, the computer knew how to spell it; we became the best of friends. In early high school, I was confident in my writing, but I knew I had not mastered it: My main struggle with writing was sentence fragments. Essentially, the content was there but the grammatical structure wasn’t. Despite these struggles, I made it into the Advanced English class sophomore year, Advanced Placement Language junior year, and Advanced Placement Literature my senior year. Going into senior year, I had made impressive grades and had a few of my pieces published in school newspapers. Needless to say, I was feeling confident as ever. Unfortunately, I wrote my first literary analysis paper and I got a C. I was shocked at first, mostly because I had never gotten a C on anything in my entire life—except almost in phys ed one time, which my mother never lets me forget. Anyways, at that point I was, to say the least, pissed. The next class, I met with Mr....
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...fiction writer, subscribed to these high standards and refused to compromise. Her writings repeatedly emphasized the political and personal need for liberty and independence. The behavior of unmarried women in the nineteenth century provided an answer to their highly charged moral pursuit concerning duty, usefulness and love rather than the cultural elements concerning self-fulfillment. In order to find out who we are, we must understand where we come from. The seventeenth century Puritans first declared the importance of affection in marriage believing that to love one’s spouse was a duty. Young men and women were to choose someone they could learn to love but being in love was not necessary. It was companionship and respect, which shaped the solid foundations of a successful marriage. However, by the first decades of the nineteenth century, those stipulations were no longer seen as sufficient when it came to building a foundation. Matrimonies were now based on a strong and spiritual personal attraction. [1] Rather than marry someone they could learn to love, the men and women of this generation were now expected to marry someone they did love. [2] The evolution of human love can be associated with the exposure to...
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...John Cage as a Pioneer of Avant Garde Theater This paper will consist of analyzing the life of John Cage before and after his involvement with Avant Garde Theater. Therefore, this research paper will focus on how John Cage played a pivotal role as one of the early pioneers of the American Avant Garde Theater. Cage the Artist before the Label John Cage was born in Los Angeles, on Sept 5, 1912; and he passed away in New York, on Aug 12, 1992. Cage was an American composer. In addition, he was one of the "leading figures of the postwar avant garde"(Pritchett, James, et al). The influence of Cage's compositions, writings, and his personality has been widely felt by litany of composers around the world. Pritchett, James, et al, argue that Cage...
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...Valdes ENG090 Prof. Rachel Hays December 15, 2012 Table of Contents * Assignment 4: Final Reflection – “My Journey as a Writer” * Assignment 3.3: Topic of Your Choice Essay “A Book With Nostalgic Flavor” – Final Version * Assignment 2.3: Changing Our Lives Essay “Changing Our Lives” – Final Version * Assignment 1.3: Experiences as a Writer Paragraphs “Conquering My Fear of Writing” – Final Version “My Journey as a Writer” Aura Valdes ENG090 Prof. Rachel Hays December 15, 2012 “My Journey as a Writer” I have accomplished a great deal in the past three months. As the semester ends I find myself reflecting not only on how I have survived the first semester but also what I have learned. Writing is hard work. There is so much more to it than just writing an interesting story. I also learned another important lesson; just because I worked hard on an essay before presenting it and reviewed the daylights out of it did not mean it was ready for submission. Every time I went back to read it I found new changes, typos and other mistakes I had missed before. Reviewing and revising an essay is an essential part of writing. Reviewing allows me to rewrite and make changes in the essay’s content, organization and sentence structures. It allows me to add, remove, move or substitute words to make sure it communicates effectively the purpose of the essay. The task of reviewing the essays I wrote for this course allowed me to learn and improve...
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...In our town of Dolver, South Carolina everyone new everyone. There were no secrets even though the old southern belief that it was rude to inquire about someone's private business. However people's private business was Mr. Elijah Goodmans job. The editor, writer, owner, reporter, and janitor of The Dolver Times newspaper was a plain man who inherited the Dolver Times from his father and his father before; news was the Goodman's legacy. Mr. Elijah was a plain man, with nothing standing out as odd. He removed his simple hat for the passers by to reveal a head of simple brown hair, starting to grey at the temples; his eyes had the resemblance to river stones, flat and cool, nothing that you would take to long to look at. Whenever anything happened Mr. Goodman was there; never taking notes and never immediately asking questions he could remember everything and he could flawlessly repeat anything he had heard. The town remembers the first story Mr. Goodman ever wrote. 18 years ago when Mr. Goodman was a younger man whose grey...
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...Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………………...6 References…...……………………………………………………………………………………7 JESUS 3 Abstract This paper will provide the readers with basic information concerning the history of Jesus, his character, purpose and plan. This paper is not written to sway anyone form any other belief system that they may have. It is only to give information in regards to whom He was and is. This will be done by answering four questions: What is His history, character, purpose and plan? As a result, the answering of following questions will leave the reader more informed about what he/she may not have known regarding the man known as—Jesus. JESUS 4 Jesus History, Character, Purpose, and Plan Jesus has gone down in history as one of the most influential people who has ever walked the earth, and because of whom He claimed to be, churches, movements, and even religions have become established all over the world. All for the love of this one man, people have even confronted the Grimm Reaper himself and have openly accepted his invitation to the grave. Unambiguously, this paper will address key issues about Jesus, which caused radical movements worldwide. It will give light to possible questions the reader may have, while stating facts about the person of Jesus. This paper presents specific...
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...In this paper I will cover a story about what many people would say it was an unethical business activity, not by a company or a government entity but by only one single person, his name is Jonathan Lebed. Jonathan Lebed is considered by many a stock manipulator. He started trading when he was only 12 years old with $8,000 dollars and within 18 months had a portfolio of $28,000 dollars. At the age of 15 he had a profit of $800,000 dollars due to in my opinion, a genius strategy. Many people might say that his strategy is considered unethical but before reading how he did it, may I ask you this question. These practices still happen, don’t they? Jonathan Lebed was a normal child, interested in stock trading after seeing his father being promoted and buying shares of the company he worked for. He started by watching CNBC and analyzing the trades, even though he didn’t understand what the numbers meant on the bottom of the screen. As the internet boom took place in the late 90’s Lebed got his first computer and learned everything he could about trading on the internet and TV. Lebed begin trading when he was 12 and despite the fact that he wasn’t an expert, he learned everything about a company he wanted to buy through the internet and if not, he asked his mom to take him to the headquarters of a company to make sure it existed. After 18 months he had a profit of $20,000, and created a website devoted to companies with small market capitalization, known as penny stock companies...
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...Reflection Paper 21APR11 THEO104 Phillip A Johnson #L23636707 The Authority of the Bible The purpose of this paper is to share some thoughts of what we learned over this semester. Many thoughts will come from what I have written during the class and from the Core of Christianity, Elmer Towns. The topics I chosen to discuss is Does the Bible have authority, Did Jesus claim to be God and How can we be confident that Jesus is returning. Let us first look at the word authority. Authority means “the power to determine, adjudicate, or otherwise settle issues or disputes; jurisdiction; the right to control, command, or determine.” ("authority.") This authority can come from a teacher, pastor, principle or anyone else that has the ability to control or command someone or something. The Biblical definition, states that authority is “the legal and/or moral right to exercise power, or power that is rightly possessed. We recognize the Bible is the most significant book in the history of civilization. In the context of Jewish history, the Bible’s impact on politics, history, and religion is without comparison. Along with establishing the covenant-based legitimacy of the Jewish people and their history, the Bible’s political impact is exemplified through prophetic politics, the power of kings, and the effects of political authority. Biblical archeology has discovered biblical structures which supports the historical validity of the Bible. The Bible’s effect on history,...
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...Paper Topic 3 There is a Time For Everything: An Exegetical Analysis of Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 Timing is everything. This is a statement that holds a great deal of truth. The difference between a good joke and a bad one is a person’s sense of timing. An appropriate pause makes a joke, an inappropriate pause can kill the same joke. Timing is essential when dealing with people. One must pick the right time to approach a coworker or friend about a problem. Timing is important in cooking. The moist cake in the oven is still runny batter if baked for too little time and a clump of charcoal if it is baked too long. Timing is important in medicine. If you catch a problem early you will be able to treat it more effectively. Timing is important in taking medication. If you take your medicine as directed it will be helpful. If you skip doses it loses its effectiveness. If you take extra doses it can be deadly. Timing is important in finance. When you invest in a particular stock and when you sell the particular stock will make the difference between whether you make money or lose it. We, as a society have time indicators hanging on the walls, built into our cell phones, computers, and cars. Timing is everything in today’s world, and society as a whole is very time-oriented. Timing is important in spiritual life as well. It is critical to live life with an acute awareness of God’s predetermined timing for life. The importance of timing is portrayed throughout Ecclesiastes 3:1-15. The book...
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...Victoria Barkon December 15, 2014 ENG 890 Reflection Essay- final draft Reflection essay Writing has not always been my strongest subject in school; in fact it has always been my weakest just because I had always struggled with grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. I have always end up with bad grades in whatever writing classes I took. But as the semester is coming to an end I can honestly say I have learned and improved on a lot as both a writer and a student. One skill I believe I have improved on is the writing process: prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, and proofreading. Another skill I have improved on is sentence punctuation strategies: run-ons, comma splices, fragments and comma usage issues. Reading and study of professional essay was one of the skills I learned during the semester. Lastly I had learned how to demonstrate my abilities as a developing writer by: attending class regularly, prepared and on time, and participating actively. The first skill I learned and improved on a lot this semester was the writing process and what it came with such as prewriting, drafting, revising editing, and proofreading. I especially improved on this skill when I wrote my narrative essay. For example I had to write three drafts, first, second and then the finally draft. The first draft was me prewriting and getting all my ideals down. For my second draft I had to go for peer review and...
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...yards to measure objects that are about three or more feet long.” b. Illustrates the unit. The teacher would draw a yard length line on the board to show the students how long a yard actually is. c. The teacher would demonstrate how to use the measuring tools (for this lesson a yard stick would be a measuring tool). d. Presents application exercises in which students determining the appropriate tool to use when measuring an object....
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...Rate This Paper: 1 2 3 4 5 Length: 1371 words (3.9 double-spaced pages) Rating: Red (FREE) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1830 in Amherst, Massachusetts. She died in the same place on May 15, 1886. Today people know her as a fascinating, talented writer. Most of the pieces Emily wrote were poems. Emily was a very isolated individual. She rarely ever got out or had any contact with anybody outside of her home. Along with writing her poems she wrote letters to the people that she did have contact with. In the letters that she would write there would be poems somewhere within them. Emily wrote a total of 1,775 poems in her lifetime. Even though she wrote these poems she never let it be known that she had the capability to write poems with such elegance. All of the poems that she would write she kept hidden somewhere in her room. She would hide the poems in places like her window, under her bed, in corners of the room, and lots of other places. After Emily’s death the truth would be told about her secret talent. Emily’s sister, Lavinia Dickinson found around 900 of the poems Emily had hidden in her room. Her sister decided that the poems were good enough to be published. She went to a friend of the family where she would get help in editing and publishing the poems. Lavinia’s friend, Mabel Loomis Todd and a friend of hers, Thomas Wentworth Higginson began to...
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