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A Peculiar People: Women And The Restoration Movement

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In the celebration of women in the Churches of Christ, it is important to start with the historical significance of female preachers dating back to the Cane Ridge Revival and the start of the Restoration Movement. Preachers such as Nancy Mulkey, daughter of a Baptist pastor, actually were responsible for the recruiting and conversion of several congregants to the movement and continued to preach throughout the revival. Likewise, Elias Smith, Nancy Cram, and Abigail Roberts preached, taught, and overall were a large part of the revival movement which sparked the eventual Churches of Christ. These women participated in these revivals prior to the organization and oppression of female preachers through Campbell's staunch commitment to the doctrine of separate spheres and decisive hermeneutical tactics. …show more content…
In her contributions, she often challenged the Churches of Christ's stance on women in leadership and women teachers by fighting the very hermeneutical presuppositions described above. In her article, "A Peculiar People" she said "those who love the Bible seek to harmonize its teachings," meaning the interpretation of scripture often requires the broadening of one's context and the survey of scripture as a whole. Though she was often challenged by notable leaders in the movement, such as Lipscomb, Holman stood firm in her commitment to question and challenge the historical interpretations of the biblical texts which seem to restrict women. These interpretations, which were traced back to Campbell himself, demonstrated a lack of hermeneutical nuance which Holman seemed to

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