...knowledge is meaningless if we don’t use it in our practical life. Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is a professional program. It is designed with an excellent combination of practical and theoretical aspects. This internship program is very important for a BBA student. This program helps BBA students get an initial experience about the practical field. As a student of BBA, with the partial fulfillment of the course requirement, I was assigned to pursue internship in AFBL, Panthapath Office, Panthapath, Dhaka. I have used my knowledge properly on marketing system. After observing thoroughly, I have prepared this report on the basis of my findings and observation relating to the topic. 1.2 Background The internship program is mandatory requirement for the students who are graduating from the Faculty of Business & Economics under the program Bachelor of Business Administration of Daffodil International University. For internship I was engaged in a host firm named Akij Food & Beverage Limited (AFBL) for three months period. During the period, I tried to learned tale to head of modern marketing. Consequently, I have decided to write...
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...CREDIT RATING REPORT ON Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. REPORT: RR/848/11 This is a credit rating report as per the provisions of the Credit Rating Companies Rules 1996. CRISL’s entity rating is valid one year for long-term rating and 6 months for short term rating. CRISL’s Bank loan rating (blr) is valid one year for long term facilities and up-to 365 days (according to tenure of short term facilities) for short term facilities. After the above periods, these ratings will not carry any validity unless the entity goes for surveillance. CRISL followed Corporate Rating Methodology published in CRISL website www.crislbd.com Address: CRISL Nakshi Homes (4th & 5th Floor) 6/1A, Segunbagicha, Dhaka-1000 Tel: 7173700-1 Fax: 88-02-9565783 Email: crisldhk@crislbd.com Analysts: Entity Rating Outlook Bank Facilities Ratings: Bank/FIs IBBL Date of Rating Declaration Long Term APositive Mode of Exposures (TK in Million) TLO* of Tk.750.16 WCL** of Tk. 83.66 May 26, 2011 Short Term ST-3 Asif Imtiaz Ahmed aiahmed@crislbd..com Asiful Huq asif@crislbd.com Entity Rating Long Term: AShort Term: ST-3 Outlook: Positive Ratings blr Ablr A- *TLO- Term Loan Outstanding **WCL Working Capital Limit ** CRISL rated the short term facilities under long term scale in view of their revolving nature 1.0 RATIONALE AKIJ FOOD & BEVERAGE LTD. CRISL has assigned ‘A-’ (pronounced as single A minus) rating in the Long Term and ‘ST-3’ rating in the Short Term to Akij Food and Beverage Limited...
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...Company profile Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. “Brings Quality in Life”. 1. History: Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. (AFBL) a unit of Akij Group started its operation in the year 2006. AFBL manufactures a wide range of Snacks and Beverage for both National & International market alike. AFBL is a project worth $ 70 million& is funded by the parental company Akij Group. AFBL started its production at 400 bph in the carbonated soft drinks line and 300 bph in the juice line. In a span of one and a half years we have increased our capacity to 1800 bph. At present our capacity; one is at the ground breaking rate of 1900 bph. So in approximately three years time our capacity has increased three folds. During this same period most of our brands became either number one or are almost on the verge of becoming number one in their respective categories. Most of our machineries have been imported from world famous brands as Krones, Tetra Pak, Alfalaval, Sipa, and Husky to achieve the best quality. The history of Akij Group stretches back to later part of the forties. In its infancy, the Group started in humble way with jute trading which was known as the golden fiber of the country, earning highest amount of foreign exchange. Akij Group's ceaseless efforts with dynamic management and support from our numerous clients have led our Group in diversifying its business activities. In the second phase, the Group went into manufacturing...
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...Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Madam, Here is my report on “Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips in particular reference to AKIJ FOOD & BEVERAGE.” It has been a pleasure as well as a challenge on my part to work on this report that has enabled me to know about Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips. I wish you would be to kind to accept my Intern report and help me to complete my degree. Sincerely, Shariful Hasanul Huque Page | 2 Acknowledgement First of all I would like to thank the All Mighty for helping and supporting us to solve the assignment in time. I would also like to thank Mr. Shafiqul Islam Tushar ( AGM Brand ),Maidul hossain (Brand Executive),Mainul huq (Brand officer),Tuhin Sultana (Brand officer),Shamol Halder(B.O),Tazul Islam(Event Head),Sanaul Sikder(E.M.O), and Sumit Chakrabarty (AMO) & zahidul islam(research officer) of Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. for providing me enough support and guidance to enrich my report. I also want to thank my supervisor Ms. Kohinur akther who has helped me in the preparation of this report. I am also grateful to my parents and all of my friends for their continuous support and to all those who have in some way contributed to the preparation of this report. Last but not the least; I am grateful to all the respondents...
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...Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Madam, Here is my report on “Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips in particular reference to AKIJ FOOD & BEVERAGE.” It has been a pleasure as well as a challenge on my part to work on this report that has enabled me to know about Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips. I wish you would be to kind to accept my Intern report and help me to complete my degree. Sincerely, Shariful Hasanul Huque Page | 2 Acknowledgement First of all I would like to thank the All Mighty for helping and supporting us to solve the assignment in time. I would also like to thank Mr. Shafiqul Islam Tushar ( AGM Brand ),Maidul hossain (Brand Executive),Mainul huq (Brand officer),Tuhin Sultana (Brand officer),Shamol Halder(B.O),Tazul Islam(Event Head),Sanaul Sikder(E.M.O), and Sumit Chakrabarty (AMO) & zahidul islam(research officer) of Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. for providing me enough support and guidance to enrich my report. I also want to thank my supervisor Ms. Kohinur akther who has helped me in the preparation of this report. I am also grateful to my parents and all of my friends for their continuous support and to all those who have in some way contributed to the preparation of this report. Last but not the least; I am grateful to all the respondents...
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...Lecturer BRAC Business School BRAC University. Subject: Submission of Internship Report. Dear Madam, Here is my report on “Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips in particular reference to AKIJ FOOD & BEVERAGE.” It has been a pleasure as well as a challenge on my part to work on this report that has enabled me to know about Consumer perception & Brand positioning of O’POTATO chips. I wish you would be to kind to accept my Intern report and help me to complete my degree. Sincerely, Shariful Hasanul Huque Page | 2 Acknowledgement First of all I would like to thank the All Mighty for helping and supporting us to solve the assignment in time. I would also like to thank Mr. Shafiqul Islam Tushar ( AGM Brand ),Maidul hossain (Brand Executive),Mainul huq (Brand officer),Tuhin Sultana (Brand officer),Shamol Halder(B.O),Tazul Islam(Event Head),Sanaul Sikder(E.M.O), and Sumit Chakrabarty (AMO) & zahidul islam(research officer) of Akij Food and Beverage Ltd. for providing me enough support and guidance to enrich my report. I also want to thank my supervisor Ms. Kohinur akther who has helped me in the preparation of this report. I am also grateful to my parents and all of my friends for their continuous support and to all those who have in some way contributed to the preparation of this report. Last but not the least; I am grateful to all the respondents for patiently ...
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...every stage, non standard products (wood layersor sticks) are rejected. However, these are not wasted. The sticks, wood layers and anyother scrap wood goes to be recycled in AKIJ Particle and Hardboard Mills. The faults inthe rejected matches are dealt with and these are packed manually. 3.5 AKIJ FOOD AND BEVERAGE LTD. “Brings Quality in Life”. Akij Food & Beverage Ltd (AFBL) a big name in Food processing & marketing sectorsstarted their journey officially on 2006 with three products but within this six year company able to add lot of products on its rosters. AFBL factory is located 50 kilometers outside from capital Dhaka in Krishanapura,Dhamrai. The factory is above 100,000 square meters. The total numbers of employeesare about 1200 people. And among them the number of R&D staff are above 50 peopleand number of QC staff are 21-30 people. To bring the vision of this visionaryentrepreneur into reality AFBL has been built with most modern operating facilities of European origin for processing & packing including aseptic filling line which is loneexample in the entire subcontinent. AFBL started its production at 400 bph in thecarbonated...
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...Bangladesh. In additional work done for its local as well as multinational corporate has won innumerable local and international Awards and accolades. GABL is a member of the Grey Group owned by WPP. 1.1 Origin of the report This report is based on the Internship program in Grey Advertising Bangladesh Ltd., client servicing department, as a partial requirement of the B.B.A Program. It is a three credit course to complete the B.B.A program of the Institute of Business Administration, Jahangirnagar University. This report has been prepared under the direct supervision of Assistant Professor Mohammad Nazmul Islam. 1.2. Objective of the study Main objective • To depict a clear picture of activities of an advertising agency from the perspective of GREY Advertising Bangladesh Ltd. Specific Objective • To know the total account management process of Grey Advertising Bangladesh. • To identify the role of the functional departments’ of Grey in delivery of service to the clients. • To know how the agency works and how the communication program is projected for a brand. • To find out the problems facing by various departments during executing their works 1.3. Methodology Here, this report is conducted by using both primary and secondary data as primary data is data collected from first-hand experience and secondary data is data published or...
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...1.1 Introduction of the organization GREY ADVERTISING BANGLADESH LIMITED Grey Advertising Bangladesh Limited is one of the leading advertising agencies in Bangladesh. According to the AD age (An International advertising magazine) Grey is the third largest ad agency in Bangladesh in term of annual revenue. Grey Advertising is one of the newest ad agencies as well. Started only in 1996, Grey has been able to strengthen its market position strongly – thanks to its multinational experience and ‘Global’ approach to business. A Grey Global Group Inc, USA company, Grey has one of the most exquisite portfolios in the country. The major clients are British American Tobacco Bangladesh (BAT), Procter & Gamble (P&G), Glaxo SmithKline (GSK) Vaccination, GSK Consumer Health Care, Philips Lighting, Lafarge Cement, City Cell Digital, Novartis, Dhaka Bank, Gallery Apex, International School Dhaka, Pacific motors, Shark Energy Drink, Igloo, Coca-Cola, Siemens, Aarong etc. It is worth mentioning that BAT, P&G, and GSK are all global partners of GREY WORLDWIDE. The only multinational company in the country, Grey has proven its worth over past few years. From establishing a new brand like Virgin drinks or CityCell Digital to continuing the Global Corporate image of BAT, Grey is termed as the most respected ad agency in Bangladesh. Managed by the professionals having proven track record, Grey maintains one of the smallest workforces to run its multi-million taka operations. The creativity...
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...A proposal of mojo soft drink Company for further improvement of marketing: 1.4: Justification Mojo is a quite renowned beverage in the soft drink market of Bangladesh. It is a product of the Akij Food & Beverage Ltd. in Bangladesh which is a concern of the Akij Group. In fact, Mojo does not use Advertisements as much it should. Recently, it is quite clear that Mojo has not achieved that much popularity according to their expectation. The best way to create awareness about a product is through ads. As Mojo currently does not put importance on ads, it is very difficult for them to gain more market share. So, there is a scope for Mojo that if they emphasize more on ads, they will gain more popularity. 1.5: Assessment of Internal & External factors for Mojo Internal Factors The internal resources, capabilities and distinctive competencies, which create a competitive advantage, are very important for a company. The strengths and weaknesses of a company determine the efficiency, innovative capability, product quality and customer responsiveness with which it can operate. The internal analysis recognizes the sources of competitive advantage as well as core competencies. It is also examined how these factors can be improved further to sustain the competitive advantage in the long run. It is also important to note that the building of competitive advantage is a result of the roles played by the different functions of a company in the value creation process. The various...
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...University of Dhaka January 03, 2009 ii January 03, 2009 Mr. Abu Yousuf Md. Abdullah Professor Institute of Business Administration (IBA) University of Dhaka Dear Mr. Yousuf: This letter is regarding our final report for M101 Principles of Marketing, entitled “Feasibility of Establishing a Fruit Juice Selling Chain in Dhaka City”, and due January 03, 2009. After doing extensive research on the topic and interviewing people from walks of life, we have found out that it is certainly not impractical if not feasible, and interestingly enough, people, in general, are intrigued by this idea. We believe that this report will aid in the future study of the topic and add new information to the established concepts and perceptions about fruit juice selling industry in Bangladesh. The purpose of this report is to explain and figure out the key factors that have an effect on the viability of the fruit juice selling chain in Dhaka city. As specified in the research proposal we submitted earlier, the report begins with an elaborate overview of the findings of our survey. The report then explains the marketing tools and processes that should be used in order to accurately assess all the opportunities and threats that exist in the market. This report also explores their major fruit juice bars in both international & local context and examines everything that brings peoples to these bars. In the course of this...
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