...Research Journal, VOLUME – V, ISSUE – 2, 2013, ISSN 2094 - 1749 FACTORS INFLUENCING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE IN PHYSICS OF DMMMSU- MLUC LABORATORY HIGH SCHOOL FOURTH YEAR STUDENTS S.Y. 2011-2012 Noemi Mangaoang-Boado noemi2569@yahoo.com Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Mid La Union Campus San Fernando City, 2500 La Union, Philippines ABSTRACT This study focused on the investigation on the predictors of the academic performance in Physics of Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University Mid La Union Campus (DMMMSU-MLUC) Laboratory High School Fourth Year Students for the School Year 2011-2012. Factors such as family, student, school and teacher factors were correlated to academic performance. Significant relationships to academic performance in Physics occurred for the four factors namely, Grade Point Average (GPA) in Math, GPA in English, attitude towards Physics, and study habits. The results imply that students’ performance in Physics will be higher if they perform better in English and Mathematics; if they show positive attitude towards Physics; and if they possess good study habits. Among the factors, GPA in Math had the best influence to academic performance in Physics. KEYWORDS: performance, factor, predictor INTRODUCTION Learning (represented by academic performance in this study) of students is not confined in a closed space. Different factors bombard this learning which can either enhance or undermine it. These include family factors, student-related factors...
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...CORRELATION ON STUDY HABITS AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF GR.9 INHS STUDENTS IN SELECTED SECTION” presented by TREXY FAITH FERNANDEZ, ANN MARGARETTJUAREZ,and ALLYSSA MAE MOSPA, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation are hereby accepted: Ms. Michelle P. Bales John Martin P. Capicio Member, AdvisoryCommittee Member, AdvisoryCommittee Date Signed Date Signed Ma. Faith M. Gallardo Chair, Advisory Committee Date Signed Accepted as a partial fulfillment of the requirements for graduation in the Regular Class – Iloilo National High School. EDWIN F. MOSURA Head Research Department Date Signed NORDY D. SIASON Jr. Ed.D, C.E.S.E. Principal IV Date Signed Acknowledgement The researchers would like to express their heartfelt gratitude appreciation to those who in one way or the other contributed to the possibility and fulfillment of the study; First and foremost, to the Almighty God, who bestowed His ample blessings and graces, and who continues to direct and assist us from the very beginning until the completion of the study. To the researcher’s parents, for giving them inspiration and all their needed support, whether financially, emotionally, and morally. To Dr. Evelyn Sorolla and Mrs. Iva Claire Latonero research teachers, for the professional guidance, excellent ideas and matchless patients that made this study complete. ...
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...“RALATIONSHIP BETWEEN STUDY HABIT AND ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF THIRD YEAR ENGLISH STUDENTS IN LINAO NATIONAL HIGH SCHOOL SCHOOL YEAR 2010 - 2011”: AN ENHANCEMENT PLAN A Thesis Proposal Presented to: The Faculty of Graduate School of University of Southern Philippines Foundation Cebu City In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree Master of Arts in Education Major in Educational Management by Erna Sanchez October , 2011 TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER I I. PROBLEM AND ITS SCOPE Rationale of the study. . . . . . . . . Theoretical Background. . . . . . . . . Theoretical Framework. . . . . . . . . . . Conceptual Background. . . . . . . . . Conceptual Framework. . . . . . . . . . . THE PROBLEM Statement of the Problem Statement of Hypothesis Significance of the Study RESEARCH METHODOLOGY. . ....
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...INFLUENCE OF MOTIVATION ON STUDY SKILLS An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the Department of Professional Education College of Education MSU – Iligan Institute of Technology Iligan City In Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in English By Aianah A. Gutiera Karizza Jennifer B. Jaro Phoebe Grace A. Podiotan October 2011 APPROVAL SHEET The undergraduate thesis here to entitlted “Influence of Motivation on Study Skills”, prepared and submitted by Aianah A. Guitera, Karizza Jennifer B. Jaro and Phoebe Grace A. Podiotan. In partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in English is hereby recommended for acceptance and approval. ____________________ DR. RONALDO R. ORBITA Date Thesis Adviser Approved by the committee in Oral Examination with a grade of PASSED. DR. ADELFA C. SILOR DR. JOSEFINA M. TABUDLONG Panel Member Panel Member ____________________ ___________________ Date Date Accepted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in English. PROF. ESMAR N. SEDURIFA DR. ADELFA C. SILOR Dean, College of Education Chairperson, DPRE ___________________ ___________________ Date Date _________________________ ...
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...noted that most students, University/College life is usually considered a time when young adults struggle with newly found freedom and deal with developmental tasks of interpersonal relationships as well as academic concerns Attending college is indeed a preparation to the actual work that one must experience. It is a journey that young people need to undertake in order to be ready to face the challenges of life. It is one of the developmental tasks that they must overcome successfully; hence to be successful in this area will lead them to series of success in life. Education and multiple skills enhancement have become the principal vehicles in the creation of sustainable advantage in the competitive world market. Poor academic performance has been implicated as one...
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...educational development, mobilizing support and cooperation for implementing the vision and strategy from a wide range of constituencies. In Zambia, several education Policies have been developed over time to provide a vision and strategies in the education provision. Major among these policies include the Education Policy Reforms of 1977, Focus on Learning of 1992 and the Educating Our Future of 1996. Many literatures have been written in an attempt to discuss the areas of special concern and other channels of education delivery outlined in the 1996 educating our future policy document and with relevant examples, showing how they have improved education provision in Zambia. Despite these efforts, dyslexia seems a major problem in Zambia which results in poor perfomances in schools especially at primary level. Definition of Dyslexia Reports in the medical literature of „word blindness‟ go back to the time when books first became relatively widely available to the population in Europe and reading became popular (Morgan, 1896 cited in O‟Brien et al, 2005). The broad concepts of developmental dyslexia1 and specific learning difficulties (SLD) are connected to particular problems with reading. There are two key developments that have underpinned a huge leap in general knowledge and understanding about dyslexia. Recent policy encouraging inclusion of pupils with additional needs in mainstream schooling in the UK and elsewhere has been linked with legislation designed to support...
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...importance of teaching and learning in the whole process of education. This process can only become successful when teachers fully know their subject matter and effectively communicate it to students while students have a clear view of their abilities, have good study habits and are able to use effective study skills. Learning how to study involves putting away the habits and ideas which have made study unpleasant and burdensome, and talking on habits and ideas which make study more pleasant and fruitful. Why does one individual learn more quickly and thoroughly than other? The main reason for inefficiency in learning is ones carelessness and ineffective study habits. According to Crow & Crow (1992) the effective habits of study include plan/place, a definite time table and taking brief of well - organized notes. To successfully study a student must decide what information is important. All these things must be done to the best of his ability in the shortest possible span of time. Because, knowledge is very important to every person, hence it is wise to learn how to study in the most effective way. Experts are agreed that great success in the field of knowledge is attributed to good and consistent study habits. Like any other activity, skill and dedication are the key points for learning, how to learn. According to Azikiwe (1998) study habits are the adopted way and manner, when a student plans his/her private readings, after classroom learning so as to attain mastery...
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...This study examined pattern of students study habit as a determinant of academic performance of Faculty of Education and Art IBBU Lapai. It also investigated how faculty and gender influences their pattern of study habit. The study employed a descriptive research survey type. The research instrument was titled” Pattern of students study habits determinants Questionnaire”. The face and content validity was ascertained by psychologist and Guidance and Counselling experts. A reliability co- efficient of 0.85 was obtained using split half method. The population of the study includes all faculties of Education and Art in the university. Samples were selected through stratified and random sampling techniques. Two hypotheses were generated and were tested using student t-test and ANOVA at 0.05 level of significance. The descriptive analysis revealed that self concept was very strong determinant of study habit, so also was method of study, family background, socio-economic status, peer group and course of study. Again, gender was found to have no significant difference in Faculty of Education and Art students’ study habit while on the other hand Faculty of Education and Art had a significant difference on their pattern of students study habit. The outcome of this study would be of immense help to Faculty of Education and Art in IBBU Lapai students, helps to improve their study habits skills and in turn facilitate students’ performance. Improvement in students’ academic performance will...
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...perceived advantages and relevance of Facebook as a learning tool: An extension of the UTAUT Tomás Escobar-Rodríguez, Elena Carvajal-Trujillo and Pedro Monge-Lozano University of Huelva. Spain Social media technologies are becoming a fundamental component of education. This study extends the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) to identify factors that influence the perceived advantages and relevance of Facebook as a learning tool. The proposed model is based on previous models of UTAUT. Constructs from previous models were used such as performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, facilitating conditions, hedonic motivation and habit. Additionally, two new perspectives were added: perceived advantages and perceived relevance of Facebook as a social media platform. It provides some insights into students' behavioural intentions, and such an understanding can help faculty to examine their assumptions about the role of social media technologies in the teaching and learning process. The study participants were students enrolled in a Spanish public university. Data from 956 usable questionnaires were tested against the research model. Our results provide support to the model and reveal a good model fit. In light of these findings, implications for theory and practice are discussed. Introduction Social media technologies are progressively incorporated into the learning and teaching process (Jimoyiannis & Angelaina, 2012;...
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...Learning Strategies of Third year Social Work student and their Academic status _______________ A Thesis Presented to the Faculty of the School of Arts and Sciences and Teachers Education University of Cagayan Valley Tuguegarao City _____________ In Partial Fulfillment Of the Requirements of Bachelor of Science in Social Work _______________ By Angelique O. Conde Ma. Glenda B. Buquel APPROVAL SHEET This research entitled: “Learning Strategy of Third Year Social Work and their Academic status” for the S.Y. 2013-2014, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Social Work prepared and submitted by Angelique O. Conde and Ma. Glenda B. Buquel has been examined and recommended for acceptance and approval for oral examination. Mrs. Bella Patricia G. Osalvo Adviser Approved by the committee on oral examination with a grade of ________. Chairman Member Member Accepted as partial fulfillment for the degree, Bachelor of Science in Social Work. Approved by: Mrs. Teresita Caranguin Dean, SASTE ACKNOWLEDGEMENT There are always great people with great minds who in one way or the other, contribute to the completion of this simple research. As a simple way of recognizing their unending efforts, the researchers would like to express their sincerest thanks, appreciation and heartfelt gratitude to those people who are eternally indebted in the condition of this research work; ...
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...UNIVERSITY OF EDUCation, winneba INFLUENCE OF STUDY HABITS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE GOMOA WEST DISTRICT FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH 2011 university of education, winneba DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION INFLUENCE OF STUDY HABITS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE GOMOA WEST DISTRICT By FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH B.Ed. (BASIC EDUCATION) A Thesis in the Department of PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, Faculty of EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, Submitted to the School of Research and Graduate Studies of the University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING OCTOBER, 2011 Declaration STUDENT’S DECLARATION I, FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH, declare that this thesis, with the exception of quotations and references contained in published works which have all been identified and acknowledged, is entirely my own original work, and it has not been submitted, either in part or whole for another degree elsewhere. Candidate’s Signature…………………....... Date………………………… SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION I, hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this thesis was supervised in accordance with the guidelines and supervision of thesis laid down by the University of Education, Winneba. Supervisor’s Name: Dr. S. Asare-Amoah Signature……………………………… Date………………………….. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My special thanks go to God almighty, the giver of life for His...
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...| | | | Universities | | Locations | 1 University of the Philippines Diliman | Quezon City ... | 2 De La Salle University | Manila | 3 University of the Philippines System | Quezon City | 4 Ateneo de Manila University | Quezon City ... | 5 University of Santo Tomas | Manila | 6 University of the Philippines Los Baños | Los Baños | 7 Aquinas University of Legazpi | Legazpi City | 8 Mindanao State University - Iligan Institute of Technology | Iligan City | 9 Xavier University | Cagayan de Oro City | 10 University of San Carlos | Cebu City | Aquinas University of Legazpi ranked 7th out of 208 top performing state colleges and universities. Ateneo de Naga University ranked 19th University of Nueva Caceres ranked 62nd Bicol University ranked 64th Universidad de Sta. Isabel ranked 121st Camarines Norte State College ranked 157th Catanduanes State Colleges ranked 164th out of 208 top performing state colleges and universities. Asia > Universities in the Philippines List of top Colleges and Universities in the Philippines by university web ranking. MANILA, Philippines - The country's top 4 universities all slipped in world rankings this year, London-based education and career network Quacquarelli Symonds reported on Monday. And just like last year, none of them made it to the league of 300 in the 2011/2012 QS World University Rankings. State-run University of the Philippines, this year's top local university, ranked...
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...Despite the fact that language learning or acquisition is an apparent requirement for translation, the role that translation might play in language learning and acquisition has been considered one of the most hotly debated issue in both Translation Studies and language pedagogy in the West as well as Arab world. Thus, translation studies have been taught in translation classes without being seen in normal foreign or second language (FL) classrooms. In spite of the claims in opposition to make use of translation in English language classroom, recent studies regard highly that far from being counter-productive and fruitless, translation can be an effective boost in (FL) learning and teaching. In most of Arabic countries, the mother tongue, Arabic,...
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...knowledge 2. Predicting 3. Self monitoring and self correcting 4. Identifying main ideas and summarizing 5. Making inferences and questioning Statement of the Problem The purpose of this study is to determine such reading strategies which assist the development of reading skills of students at primary level. This study will take place with fourth grade students at primary schools of Pakistan. Purpose of the Study This research aims to determine which reading strategies are most effective in the development of reading abilities of students, and if the various reading strategies which students should master are in the knowledge of the English teachers of primary schools. Another purpose of this study is to investigate whether these reading strategies are clearly being taught to the students by their teachers. This research is being conducted with the purpose to outline several strategies for developing reading skills, to explore the importance of good reading habits and to investigate the strategies that teachers may use in order to improve reading skills in the class room. Research Questions This research aims to answer the following questions: 1. Do strong reading skills enhance the overall academic performance of the students? 2. Are the English teachers aware of the reading strategies? 3. Are reading strategies being effectively taught to the students? 4. Which reading strategies are adopted by most of the teachers? 5. Which reading...
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...UNIVERSITY OF EDUCation, winneba INFLUENCE OF STUDY HABITS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE GOMOA WEST DISTRICT FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH 2011 university of education, winneba DEPARTMENT OF PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION INFLUENCE OF STUDY HABITS ON ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS IN THE GOMOA WEST DISTRICT By FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH B.Ed. (BASIC EDUCATION) A Thesis in the Department of PSYCHOLOGY AND EDUCATION, Faculty of EDUCATIONAL STUDIES, Submitted to the School of Research and Graduate Studies of the University of Education, Winneba, in partial fulfilment for the award of the Degree of MASTER OF PHILOSOPHY IN GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING OCTOBER, 2011 Declaration STUDENT’S DECLARATION I, FELICITY AKPENE AKAGAH, declare that this thesis, with the exception of quotations and references contained in published works which have all been identified and acknowledged, is entirely my own original work, and it has not been submitted, either in part or whole for another degree elsewhere. Candidate’s Signature…………………....... Date………………………… SUPERVISOR’S DECLARATION I, hereby declare that the preparation and presentation of this thesis was supervised in accordance with the guidelines and supervision of thesis laid down by the University of Education, Winneba. Supervisor’s Name: Dr. S. Asare-Amoah Signature……………………………… Date………………………….. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT My special thanks...
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