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A3: Explain Why You Need To Relate These Skills To Transitions.

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A3/A*2 you need to relate these skills to transitions – they are too general and brief for 2 criteria

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When dealing with changes it is important for practitioners to have a range of professional skills. One of the skills that would be important for practitioners would be communication skills and how to differentiate between who you are having a conversation with such as parents, students or other professionals. For example when speaking to a child you would use a child friendly approach but when speaking to other professionals you may use words or phrases that may sound like jargon to other people. A transition that would link in well with needed good communication skills would be when a child has just started a setting, this is because you will need to keep liaising with the parents or guardians of that child about how they are settling in or if there are any issues or concerns, for example a child may not be doing so well when it comes to the …show more content…
Having good communication skills links into my transition because when a child or young person are going through a bereavement you will need to have constant communication with not just the widowed parent and other family members, but with other professionals such as a psychologist or school counselor, and you would also need to communicate with other members of staff to see how the child or young person are doing within their lessons. With communicating skills it would also be important to have the correct body language, for example when speaking to a child you make sure that you go down to their level to make them feel more comfortable when you are speaking to them. " Communication is fundamental to children’s development; children need to be able to understand and be understood. Communication is the foundation of

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