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Aa Meeting Reflection

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I attended my first AA meeting as a nursing student. Though, working in psychiatric unit I have attended many groups on addiction, and watched movies, I still was excited to attend this meeting. It was not at all a surprise to see well dressed and groomed attendants. However, the majority of the attendants were elderlies. This might be because of the time of the meeting; it was Wednesday at 11am and this is more convenient time for retired elderly population in the community. I introduced myself to the organizers and they were very supportive; and it was even more pleasing to see members who are very sociably interacting to each other and newcomers which, indeed is a very great tool to support each other. The meeting is well structured. Prior to what is scheduled for the day, the team leader introduces new comers, and share new events. The lady who was leading the meeting introduced herself and appoints different members to read the criteria of membership or attending the group, the purpose of the meeting, and outcome or goal expected from the meeting. This sounds more like nursing care plan to me. Different members also share their insightful experience with the group. This AA meeting incorporates spiritual guidance in getting sober …show more content…
She starts drinking when she was only 13 in 1983 and since after she binge drink until she black out. The alcohol was a great copping mechanism for her to skip her low self-esteem and social phobia. At the beginning she loved her new experience with alcohol and it became part of her personality until she starts to see the side effect. The alcohol addiction affected her life in every direction; she becomes a person without a purpose, her health was deprived, financially she was crippled and even her social life was based on alcohol black out not

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