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Abortion Persuasive Research Paper

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Michelle Dessens
Prof. C. Raack
ENG 091
7 December 2015
Be Their Voice. They Have the Right to See the Light!

Out of 1,000 women about 17% percent of them have had an abortion between the ages of 15 to 44. With insurance subsidizing abortion cost making it easier to get rid off an unwanted baby it does not just effect them but the society, by showing our adolescent that abortion is morally okay. Abortion should be completely banned due to the cruel methods being used, therefore, new laws should be made to prevent anymore unwanted pregnancy’s and help reduce the number of abortions in the United States. There are too many methods for abortion but not any of them make it any better every single procedure that are being used at extremely brutal …show more content…
First, Suction aspiration, this procedure is practice in the first trimester (until the third month). A suction tube (similar to a vacuum hose only it has a sharp end) is inserted into the mother’s womb once that is done then they will start suctioning the baby’s body parts into a collectable bottle. Secondly, Dilation and curettage, this procedure uses a loop shaped knife to cut the baby into pieces and scrape the uterine walls until no pieces are left behind. Moreover, Dilation and extraction, this procedure is well done into the third trimester (late as 32 weeks). This terrifying procedure is conducted by reaching to the baby’s feet with forceps (tongs) to pull the baby out except for their head. The abortionist follows by jamming a pair of scissors into the baby’s head and spread them out to result in a hole big enough to suction the baby’s brain out. Following, the abortionist with the same forceps crushes the baby’s skull and pulls the rest out. Lastly, …show more content…
As true as this statements can seem they will never change the fact that there is an ugly truth behind this. Yes, women have the right to decide what to do for there body but not for someone else. That fetus growing inside a woman does not have a voice and that does not give us the right to decide when their heart beat stops. A financial situation a woman may encounter are not bypass we comprehend every detailed of it and probably it’s not the right time. In all honesty, that does not mean to kill their dreams. Parents are out there dreaming for one day to become parents but unfortunately god did not grant them that wish and just knowing that there are so many abortion taking place when there are homes out there is devastating to them. On the other hand, an unwanted baby is not necessarily consider one due to the fact that one is mentally and physically conscious when collaborating on unprotected intercourse. As in matter of fact, the incompetent and failure of protection is when that term can justify. Condoms are not 100% effective but there are other methods that are but abortion is still not and option woman should always consider adoption if a child is not wanted and encounter themselves in that

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