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Summary Of Show Dogs And Breeding

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Nowadays, having a furry friend in the house is very common among families. However, it is not easy to choose one to buy as we think. Many sellers use the AKC-registered to trick the buyer so they believe that their dog is healthy and strong. To deal with this problem, Lloyd Cohen, who has worked for more than 30 years in animal law and Debra Hart-Cohen, who managed the AKC-registered Schipperke show dog wrote “Show dogs and Breeding” to talk about the Breed Standards and Puppy lemons laws. They wrote about the issues by using their knowledge in their field to provide plenty of information and logical appeals.
In their article, the authors first talk about two specific cases, the complaint of a family about the Pomeranian puppy that they bought …show more content…
To help people understand more AKC, they provided many statistics. The AKC is the American Kennel Club, which founded in 1884 and “recognizes more than 153 breeds and annually sanctions more than 15,000 events involving several million dogs and member” (Lloyd and Debra 27). They also point out that the reason why the scammers often use the term AKC is that even though AKC is very popular, people don’t understand much about how they work and the process of registration. The AKC has several types of registration like full registration, limited registration, and purebred alternative listing. They continuing to show their expert knowledge buy explain how each of this registration type work and point out that “the representation that a puppy is an AKC “purebred” does not mean it is of conformation show quality. The registration certificate only lets us know …show more content…
The reason why they have to enact this rule is that people sell a puppy as a good. With the high demand for puppies, many puppy mills have opened over the year with the purpose of breeding more dog to sell. To help the reader understand more clearly about it, the author has a side bar talking only about the puppy mills and the bad effect of it. The seller doesn’t care much about the health of the dog anymore, which made the consumer to buy a sick pet. In the state that already has the law, the seller must guarantee for the puppies that they sell. The buyer can have a refund return the dog if they found there is a problem with their health or genetic defect. However, the author still warns the buyer to carefully in choosing a dog because the seller will use the fact that the consumer will not return or ask for a refund due to the bond with their new

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