Premium Essay

Abraham Lincoln's Assassination

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At 7:22 a.m. on April 15,1865 Abraham Lincoln was declared dead. He was shot by John Wilkes Booth but who was behind the entire thing? What happened to John Wilkes Booth? What were the effects of Lincoln’s death on the entire country? How did Lincoln Die?

April 14, 1865 Abraham Lincoln was sitting in a private booth at Ford’s Theater to see the play Our American Cousin.He was with his Wife Mary and his Daughter Clara. In the middle of the play famous actor John Wilkes Booth shot Lincoln in the back of the neck. Lincoln was rushed to see a doctor but at 7:22 the next morning Lincoln was declared dead. At first the audience wasn’t stunned or scared they thought it was part of the play but the first lady’s blood curdling scream convinced them otherwise. Lincoln was rushed to see a doctor but at 7:22 the next morning Lincoln was declared dead. News of his death traveled fast and by the end of the day flags were raised and businesses were closed. …show more content…
While the rest of the country was mourning union soldiers were on the move searching for John Wilkes Booth. Everyone knew what he looked like so hiding was not easy considering he was a famous actor. From jumping of the booth in the theater Booth broke his leg the one doctor willing to help him was then punished greatly for helping a criminal. When they found Boost and his accomplices hiding place they burned the place down to try to flush the criminals out. They then shot Booth in the neck because he raised his gun to shoot. Booth died before the hanging of his four

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