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Submitted By shauntrae
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Shauntrae Barnes
Rel.424 /rev.barnes

When good things happen to good people
Publish 1981
Harold s. Kushner

Shauntrae Barnes
Rel.424 /rev.barnes

When good things happen to good people
Publish 1981
Harold s. Kushner

Abstract-when good things happen to bad people. Is a brief over view on death and life that surrounds his life and people he has come in to contact with that has touched his life? Even starting with his own in each personal experience of death with a love one. In his book he stresses the fact that this book is not an abstract book about god or to theology but it was meant for someone who really is a strong believer in faith and god but was compelled by his personal tragedy to write about his lesson about god and his faith. We all share death in many ways like job in his unwilling faith even after losing everything. The parents of Michael who sat confuse on their son’s death at an early age started to feel like it was there fault. In like of faith when it’s not even that it’s just gods will.
The critical analysis- this comes in to point where he shows as a rabbi and a human going through life. And people he has met. How from each family who either experience death of a child or a love one how their faith and belief come in to play. They find there selves questioning god why do bad things happen to good people who have believe in god since birth. It was said in so many ways god doesn’t put more on you then you can bear rather he prepares you to face what comes your way. We can always call on him god don’t want us to lose faith. At our weak point he wants us to cry and show emotions and stay strong on our faith. For those who have faith but still don’t believe god is fair when and death or illness come into their lives must know god hear our cry’s and want us to call on him keep our faith in our hearts.
Supporting thesis- the author is living through each chapter of every person’s lives he has come into contact with. With their faith tested in each detail he shows how his support and faith was also tested and though he questions god and his faith when death accrued in his family. He never gave up on his religion and calling to god he went on to meet many people to whom his pass would be able to help family’s understand that death or sickness happens to any and every one. In making this book worth reading he got the attention on just his story alone. This book made me from just his introduction alone made want to read his whole book. The way his faith was tested alone enriched my life to go father in his book and read. About other people who have had doubt in their faith with god when things went wrong as they sometimes do. He made his lessons and faith work in life to help others to understand that even a man of the cloth can sometimes have doubts on his beliefs. Results- it is important for anyone who is or no somebody that is going through something or just might have a family member going through death or terminally ill sickness this book will inspire them to believe. We must feel or realize that when things go wrong. People can’t always start blaming themselves or god. It’s the circle of life from the day we are born its already written. No matter what religion you are your faith is the same in some ways.
Cited- when martin Luther king Jr was killed in April 1968. - Much was made of the fact that he had passed his peak as a black leader. Many alluded to the speech he gave the night before his death. In which he was quoted saying (like mosses he had been to the mountain top and seen the Promised Land) implying that like mosses he would die before he reached it. Rabbi Kushner was trying to say “except death as a tragedy but to trust god in any moment of death.” A survivor from Auschwitz and ex inmate from a holocaust prison was quoted saying “I was no less or no more religious because of what the Nazis did to us and I believe my faith in god was not undermined in the least.” (Brenner, the faith and doubt of holocaust survivors.)

Rabbi Kushner has written
Living a life that matters. By Harold Kushner
How good do we have to be? Harold Kushner
When all you ever wanted isn’t enough. Harold Kushner

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