...Abuse From the day that we are born the everyday events that occur in our lives play an important role on the foundation of our memory as well as our physical, mental, and emotion development. Most of us are filled with memories of a good and happy childhood, but unfortunatly that is not the case in all children. Many children undergo much abuse during their childhood. From the physical abuse, sexual abuse, emotional abuse, physical neglect, emotional neglect, to that of edcational neglect, child maltreatment not only affects the child’s childhood years, it affects the indivudual’s adult life as well. Child abuse comes in many different forms and types. The one we are most familiar with is that of physical abuse. Such abuse includes deliberate acts of violence that injure children. Verbal abuse, in forms of shouting, humiliation, threats, and severe put-downs are forms of emotional abuse. Such abuse lowers individual’s self-esteem and disrupts a healthy emotional development. Another type of child abuse would be that of sexual abuse. Sexual acts of any form on a young child are all examples of child maltreatment. For victims of sexual abuse the symptoms are even more severe. A child who is the victim of prolonged sexual abuse usually develops low self- esteem, a feeling of worthlessness and an abnormal perspective on sexuality. The child may become withdrawn and mistrustful of adults, and can become suicidal. Physical and emotional neglect are...
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...There are all kinds of reasons for child abuse. As there are different kinds of child abuse. Such as, physical abuse, sexual abuse, mental abuse, and neglect. Abuse occurs in all cultures. It doesn't care if you're rich or poor, what color your skin is, what your religious background is, or any other mitigating factors. No one is immune to abuse. If a child has unexplained bruises, broken bones, and even cigarette burns, that is physical abuse. Physical abuse can also cause death to the child. No adult has a right to beat a child, no matter what. There are many reasons why a parent or an adult uses physical abuse on a child. The parents or adult could have come from an abusive home himself or herself. If that is all that the adult was taught growing up, then that is all he or she is going to know. This is what makes it possible for it to be passed down to their children and their children will pass it down to their children. It is an endless chain of abuse. Alcohol and drugs play a big role in child abuse. The parents are already stressed out by a variety of social conditions and when they get home from work they can start drinking or using drugs, if not both, This can trigger the violent behavior. I must mention that alcohol & drugs aren't the cause for all parents who abuse. My adopted parents didn't drink alcohol or use drugs. They were even "upstanding" members in our community & active members in the church. Ironic now when I think about my childhood that Sundays were...
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...Abuse is a major dilemma in our civilization today. There are four key forms abuse: emotional/mental abuse, neglect, physical abuse and sexual abuse. Abuse is any ill-treatment to a person that hurts a person in any way, shape or form. This essay is going to focus at the emotional and mental aspect of abuse as I have been dealing with it for the past 23 years. Mental abuse will cause somebody to have disregard of themselves as well as physical and mental problems. But what is happening to us today? What are doctors, nurses or any heath care provider doing to help the ill? If conquered, these weaknesses will make you a stronger, more knowledgeable person that can help you live each day as they come. Living through abuse will guide you to live for what life brings you and not to let anything or anyone hold you back. A good friend once told me that you cannot believe in what you see or hear, believe in the truth. Listen and absorb, there is more being said to you then the person is telling you. Emotional abuse is any type of abuse that affects you mentally rather than physically in life. It can comprise of anything from verbal abuse and regular criticism to more clever strategies, such as bullying, exploitation, and denial to ever be pleased. Emotional abuse can take many faces. Three common examples of abusive behavior include initiating a fight, denial, and making a small something big. Even though there is no conventional description for emotional abuse, emotional abuse...
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...Yesterday we discussed potential signs ofmistreatment or abuse in a day care setting. Today we continue our discussion regarding child abuse as we consider the signs of various types of abuse. While many of these topics are exceptionally troubling, as parents it is important to pay attention to changes in the behavior of our children and recognize the importance of addressing these issues head on. When it comes to unspeakable acts of sexual abuse of children there may or may not be any outwardly physical signs. Therefore, it is important to pay attention to any changes in the child’s behavior. In these situations, a mandated reporter or other person who is concerned about the child’s well-being should listen to the child closely and attentively in a calm and natural demeanor to put the child at ease. Because most sexual abuse is conducted in secrecy, the most important evidence in these cases is the testimony of the victim. If a child displays the following signs, they may be the victim of sexual abuse: • Has difficulty walking or sitting • Sudden refusal to participate in gym or physical activities • Sudden change in appetite • Demonstrates bizarre, sophisticated, or unusual sexual knowledge or behavior • Becomes pregnant or contracts an STD • Runs away • Reports sexual abuse by a parent or caregiver Parents or adult caregivers who have sexually abused a child may be: • Unusually protective of the child or limit the child’s interaction with others •...
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...said in his book the child called it. Even though it would be impossible to completely eliminate child abuse still people need to be educated on the signs of it, the effects of the abuse on the children’s life after, and help prevent the abuse. Child abuse is very well common everywhere. Many people cannot even tell if some children are being abused. “In other studies its been noticed that approximately 14-43% of children have experienced at least one traumatic abusive event prior to adulthood” (Susanne Babbel). If these things have been recognized then why are there still more and more higher numbers of the deaths of children from child abuse? The U.S. should recognize better the numbers and how much bigger they are getting as you see the statistic through out the research. The children death rates can only get larger or smaller from here and they only have been getting bigger. “According to the American humane association, an estimated 1,469 children died in 2005 of abuse and neglect” (Susanne Babbel). If this many children have died because of abuse what will the number be a year or more down the road? This epidemic is major and everyone must realize how serious child abuse is. Cops and other agencies should look at the statistics and find more to do to help these young kids and teens. Child abuse didn’t just start recently in the 2000’s, but the first case of child abuse was in 1874 the victim was Mary Ellen Wilson. (Privatefamilymatter.com).“Between 1985 and...
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...Introduction: Understanding abuse is quite hard, most of the people that are abused have no clue about what is being done to them hence, to study abuse it is very important that we understand what abuse is and the ways in which someone can abuse another individual. People who are being abused first of all do not know if they are a victim of abuse, also the ones who are being abusive do not understand what they are doing is wrong and effects the victim’s life in several ways. People think that violence or domestic violence is only when someone physically hits someone else, but there are other ways of abuse as well. Abuse can be physical, psychological, emotional or even sexual. There are different ways to define abuse, it also has different contexts and different types. Abuse can be defined as...
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...double the probability of engaging in many types of crime and the effects were worst for children. Sexual abuse appeared to have the largest effects on crime. This paper focuses on the effect of child maltreatment and neglect. The study examined the effects of different types of abuse and the effect of child neglect. For many decades, the act of child abuse has been a major problem in or society. While most people take the issue lightly, there are more leading cases as the year's progress. This paper review examines child neglect as whole as well as a briefing of each type. The paper includes the effect child abuse has on a society and hope to cope with the abuse. Predicated on these premises, the research question eventually emerged: "What are the causes of child neglect and in what way it affects on children behavior?" I propose to show the causes of child neglect and I will be showing the maltreatment of children by adults in daily life. In attempt to unravel the research question, the method of analysis that would be eventually employed is discourse analysis and observational techniques. Child Neglect 3 Child Neglect Child abuse is the physical, sexual, emotional mistreatment, or neglect of children. Most child abuse occurs in a child's home, with a smaller amount occurring in the organizations, schools or communities the child interacts with. Child abuse is one of the most dangerous and serious problems confronting society. By contrast, in some countries...
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...Substance Abuse Just like many disease or mental illness, substance abuse does not discriminate. Substance abuse can result from sociocultural, due to stress of environmental factors, social economics and unemployment’s. The use of substance abuse whether it is alcohol, prescription drugs, or other method it is a stress reliever for the abuser, helping them escape. The addiction to substance abuse makes it hard to function and work in the real world because the abuser becomes dependent and develop higher tolerance. Those suffering from substance abuse may have genetic been given through it through an addict mother, or suffering through a life crises of depression, stress and anxiety. Psychological Factors There is several reason one would try drugs that may turn into substance abuse, it could be the mere fact of stress and unemployment, abusing alcohol or substance abuse allows the person to be able to relieve the stress and feel at peace. Substance abuse can result from social economics and surrounds, whether it is something we see on television or dealing with peer pressures of friends, family and coworkers. The void drugs fill in your life will take part of you life making it hard to accomplish any tasks. Effects The effect of substance abuse can result in changes in the brain interfering with the ability to think clearly, exercise good judgment, controlling our behavior, and this results in poor work performance. You frequently call out of work, running late, struggles...
Words: 594 - Pages: 3
...of the grading criteria that the task relates to, example P1, P2. It will finish with a deadline for the task to be completed. Introduction This unit looks at ways in which adults are supported and protected within the health and social care sector by practitioner’s whose main job role is working with adults. The unit covers sensitive subjects including physical, psychological, sexual and financial abuse. It aims to develop your understanding of the differing needs of people who use health and social care services. You will gain understanding of how to develop supportive relationships that respect individual rights, and also an understanding of how such relationships can be abused within health and social care contexts, and the strategies that have been developed to minimize this abuse. The tasks that you complete will involve you doing many different things, such as giving a presentation, writing an essay, and preparing and presenting posters. The learning outcomes of the unit are for you to: 1 Know types and indicators of abuse 2 Understand...
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...According to the National Center on Elder Abuse, elder abuse is common is in community settings such as nursing homes. These numbers are part of many reasons why others do not receive the proper health care that is needed. Not only is it absurd for these statistics to be high, but it also is absurd for these two statistics to be within the healthcare profession. With the baby booming population being at an all-time high, many of them turn to long-term living facilities. Being that nurses are more hands on with patients in any facility, but more importantly, being more involved with older patients in LTCF (long-term care facilities), it is crucial that we examine the reasoning behind these numbers. This is a representation of the lack of passion, integrity, and proper education regarding the profession of nursing. With the exception of not having anyone else to care for them full time, residents have no choice in how much they may depend on a nurse. Due to things such as chronic illnesses, mental disorders, and psychological deformities, the residents of rehabilitation centers and long term care facilities instills trust with the nurses. The humility of the resident leaves their vulnerability levels to be heightened in the nursing and resident relationship. Vulnerability within the resident opens up room for all different types of abuse. This can range from sexual, psychological, emotion, and physical abuse. The most common type of abuse in the healthcare industry stems from the...
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...When a child has experienced abuse, whether it be physical or emotional, the wounds run soul deep. Children who are constantly suffering from repeated abuse often feel several different emotions all at once. For an adult this could be traumatizing, but imagine a child. A child is vulnerable to the world, they come in feeling scared and unlearned. The description of a caregiver is to offer warmth, love, joy, and attention to all children in order for them to become a self-effacing humble being. Children who have been abused, suffer by feeling lonely, worthless, or not loved, which is exactly the opposite of how a child should feel. Consequences of abuse can be mental or physical and last long into adulthood before they ever receive any help that they have needed for so long. When it comes to children, neglect is a main part of most of their lives. They may not say things or show you that they are struggling but as they say, actions speak louder than words. A child learns from whomever they come in contact with. Emotional abuse is not something you can physically see, it is invisible to the naked eye. A child’s self-esteem suffers when it is attacked by emotional abuse. Not many when it is attacked by emotional abuse. Not many people understand this specific type of abuse but it is by far the most important. Although you can not see the damage, that is what truly causes the most pain. Children think that they don’t deserve love or attention, this is caused specifically by childhood...
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...Relationship Abuse By Abby Everett Relationship abuse is a growing and very dangerous epidemic that needs to be stopped because of the mental health damage it is causing to a large number of women and even a small amount of men across the country and around the globe. Although women are the ones victimized 90% of the time, abuse can also happen to men. Relationship abuse can occur in both heterosexual and homosexual relationships. Abuse most commonly starts at the high school age when relationships get more serious and emotions are deeper which cause higher chance for abuse. More than 1.5 million women nationwide seek medical treatment for injuries related to abuse each year (enddomesticabuse.com). One out of every three women will be assaulted by an intimate partner during her lifetime, and 60 to 70% of men who abuse their partners also batter their children (enddomesticabuse.com). Victims of domestic abuse or domestic violence may be men or women, although women are most commonly victimized. This abuse happens among heterosexual couples and in same-sex partnerships. Except for the gender difference, domestic abuse doesn't discriminate. It happens within all age ranges, ethnic backgrounds, and financial levels. The abuse may occur during a relationship, while the couple is breaking up, or after the relationship has ended. Despite what many people believe, domestic violence is not due to the abuser's loss of control over his behavior. In fact, violence is a deliberate...
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...Riley Smith Lang 120 Professor Murray March 31 2015 Animal Cruelty and Abuse Animal abuse is said to be an under reported abuse stated by The Humane Society, it is also seen as a disturbing abuse. The rate in which animal abuse is going is only making it terrifying. The statistics of animal abuse are rising more and more with each year that comes. Although humans see it as something unfathomable, animal abuse occurs every day. Animal abuse is when physical pain, scarring, or death is brought upon an animal for no reason or showing it neglect. As shown in a group of statistics by The Humane Society shows that most abuse cases occur in dogs the most, commonly the pit bull. The Humane Society states that in 2001 abuse that occurred with dogs was around 13%, in 2007 it increased with a 12% jump to 25%, but in their latest study it was shown that 65% of abuse cases occur with dogs. As startling as this information may sound, it is a fact that society as a whole is becoming a worse place that feels like it is okay to hurt animals. In fact 68% of humans believe that the meat prices need to drop instead of worrying about the well-being of a cow or any animal. The ASPCA also agrees with what the human society has to say. The ASPCA agrees that the rate in which animal abuse is going is way too high. Animal abuse does not just have to be about physically hurting an animal. This could also mean neglecting it. An animal is just like any human. It loves being shown it is cared about and...
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...When we heard of animal abuse, we will know that it is about animal being deliberately harmed. Nowadays, animal abuse has become a nationwide problem that grows rapidly. You can see that millions of animal was beaten, starved and being helpless every day and died each year from a ruthless master through the news coverage. This shows that animal abuse proves to be an important topic and a widely known for every people. There are many reasons and motives behind animal cruelty that have been exposed. These include apathy towards suffering of the animals, giving pain and suffering to animals from some specific benefit or hurting animals for the pleasure, etc. Animal abuse can be classified into two categories which are active abuse and passive abuse. Firstly are active abuses that are direct cruelty to animals. It is individual that tries to harm animal, like torturing or beating. Next is passive abuse that includes lack of care or negligence towards pets. Generally, this is the situation when pet owners did not aware and bother to take proper care of the pet’s needs. In the other way, we must not forget intensity of incidence or incidence of smaller can also be regarded as the example of animal cruelty. Animals are not happy in the places that they are treated cruelty and poorly and have no rights as they should. In this century, a lot of people do not understand what happens to animals that are used for experiments in company or industry. The main problem of animal test is the...
Words: 1991 - Pages: 8
...Elder Abuse According to the National Research Council (2003) elder abuse is deliberate actions that cause injury or generate serious risk of harm to a vulnerable older adult by a caregiver or other person who is in charge of the elder. In the United States, 700,000 to 1.2 million of senior are exposed to abuse and there are 450,000 new cases yearly (Bond and Butler, 2013,p.). In fact, elder abuse and neglect is a serious health care matter that must be taken in consideration by health care providers and older adult family members. Specifically the most vulnerable to abuse and neglect amongst this population are elder persons, who are socially isolated, cognitively impaired, or dependent on others for daily personal care. Moreover, older adult is primarily abused, neglected or exploited by caregiver, mostly spouses, adult, children or other family members. Also, Personal care...
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