...看到魏冬的日志让我心生很多感慨。感谢魏冬,在申请和学术上我们交流最多,在申请上他对我帮助太大,让我避免了被计量很好的dream school UCSD拒掉的局面;更重要的,让我在申请时放心许多。我的申请是个一波三折的故事,想得到开始,但想不到结局;我觉得应该写点什么作为纪念,也算给大家提供一点经验教训。另外感谢魏冬和吴沛凡,你们两个写的日志让我明白申请总结应该怎么写,因此省掉我很多时间思考结构,可以hardcore地把想说的都说出来。 致谢 首先要感谢的当然是我的三个推荐人。我只有三个推荐人,并且在所有学校上用了同样的package。L老师是nonparametric metrics界的大师,能有机会上他的博士生课并且拿到信我不胜荣幸;他的和蔼出乎意料,我填推荐人的两天之内几乎所有信就已经交了;在申请结果出来的时候还从美国打电话给我,我的感激之情无法形容。UBC的M老师对我帮助太大,我只能感激自己在换到UBC的情况下还能碰到这么好而且做metrics的老师,在申请之前和之中总是给我信心,帮我很仔细地改了SOP,而且我的第一个offer还是他先告诉我的。经管的Z老师是最熟悉最了解我的人,我从大二开始给他做RA,一直到现在(我在经济系只有这一个RA),学到的东西太多,不管是metrics的理论还是编程,还有做学术的许多道理;在我最低谷的时候,每次和Z老师交流之后我就变得轻松,而且对未来有了信心;能有好的writing sample,离不开他的指导和帮助。能拿到三个都是做metrics并且都是very strong letter,这种很consistent的package对我最终的申请结果起到了关键的作用。 除此之外还有上一届的吴沛凡和贺熹学长。尤其是吴沛凡学长,总是在我低谷的时候给我信心,不厌其烦地改我几乎不成形的SOP;虽然他总是自黑,但学术能力却总让我自愧不如。在经会认识这两位学长,我深感幸运。还有帮我修改文书的同学和老师。 还有一起申请的同学。魏冬我想不用多说了,不管是去berkeley还是stern相信以后一定都各种牛逼。还要太感谢伍良杰,一起在拿到Chicago后像小学生一样天天上课复习准备托福,没有互相支持我想我估计挺不过这个难关;马上就要开始长达五年的repeated games,希望在Chicago大家都好!UBC的Z同学我是交换的时候认识的, 他是那边统计系的第一名,和经济系的double major;交换的时候就对我各种帮助,让我感觉还不太无助,申请前后我们几乎天天交流,互相看过SOP,分享各种信息,让我了解国外的本科申请econ phd是什么样的情况;神奇地拿了top 10的3个wl还有一个1st year funding wl,希望他至少能有一个转正啊! 按道理还是要感谢父母。但是我想这是言语无法表达的,父母从我大二的时候就坚定支持我申请,尤其我爸还各种了解信息,在申请上有时候比我知道的还要多一些;最纠结的感受只能向父母表达,靠他们开导;我还能心理正常地度过整个大学和申请的过程,他们起到了最重要的作用。 还有我的室友和同学们。李昱松刘运操经常听我在宿舍吐槽,忍受我的噪音,太不容易;小贺和孙健总是各种开导我,我心情不好的时候也经常找他们发泄,但他们同时也有很多的事情和压力。还有上学期经原小课的同学们,在我最无聊最郁闷的时候想到要给你们上课,就不得不振作起来;课上各种有趣也让我轻松许多;如果以后觉得我有什么能帮到你们的地方,一定不要犹豫。 背景和申请结果 背景 GPA:总7/152,必修+限选5/152; ...
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...provide you with custom essay editing service. Students whose first language is not English may find speaking and writing in English as a difficult task for them. Most of these students are international students who have enrolled in various universities in America and in the UK. The main teaching language is English, American and Standard English respectively. It is essential for students to master well the language of instruction because it is a medium through which they are required to write their assignments and speak in classroom. Competence and fluency in English language will help students to read and understand the teaching material provided to them. It is important therefore for students to ask for support from custom essay editing services which deal with the tips of writing good essays among other academic papers and also to write for them assignment essays. Our writing and editing services is created both for students and professionals. We deal with both the non academic and academic editing and writing services to fulfill your needs. At our custom essay editing, you will find editors who are qualified in linguistics and English language. We are ready to provide you the custom essay editing service at any time of the day or night because we operate as a 24/7 service. Our custom essay editing service comprises of creative thinkers, skillful editors, researchers, and academic writers who work together as a team to provide the best results that fit the needs of...
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...tasks, which teach them strategies for planning, drafting, and revision. Many teachers would argue that setting aside the time needed for feedback, and for the revision of several drafts, is unrealistic, particularly within the constraints of school systems; and particularly where classes are large. With regard to this...
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...1|Page RESEARCH AND WRITING MANUAL FOR ACADEMIC FREELANCE WRITERS Prepared by Levian Indasy Mahmady & Baba Elinyo as a partial fulfilment of our utilitarian aid of training freelance writers ©Developed by Levian Indasy Mahmady & Baba Elinyo, August 2014 2|Page PART 1 CONTENT Content entails the requirements in the rubric or order instructions. This is the most important order element that one must keep in mind to excel in this online “oil industry. First, a writer should be able to digest the order instructions for some minutes. Second, the writer should develop an intrinsic critical thinking whenever he or she comes across order instructions. Failure to critically approach the instructions can make a newbie spend the whole day in agony. It usually results in late submission of orders and heavy penalties to the writer. Therefore, CONTENT is very important if you want to rise through the ranks and get to the top as fast as possible. Illustration Question: ‘write a 10 page paper on the United States The above instructions can run a spasm of fear across the spine of a newbie for lack of comprehensive content. Therefore, to make it easier, one needs to develop the table of contents (outline) on the same. PLEASE DON’T BE SUBJECTIVE IN REASONING. BE OBJECTIVE AND AVOID MASS FALLACY. Most newbies will be like, “the united states is a very good country with a lot of opportunities. The country is big and has everything that an individual needs to survive. The current...
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...Course Outline ENGLISH: Literary Topics 1400 - An Introduction to Canadian Literature Term: Fall 2014 Class Time: Tuesday – 1:30-5:30 Location: Fitzgerald 207 Instructor: Dr. Barry Pomeroy Email: pomeroyb@learning.icmanitoba.ca Office Hours: 5:30-6:30, or by appointment Location for Office Hours: Fitzgerald 207 Withdrawal no financial penalty: Sept 26, 2014 Withdrawal no academic penalty: Nov 12, 2014 COURSE DESCRIPTION This introduction to Canadian Literature is meant to expose the student to the landscape, history, and cultural milieu that is Canada, a country made up of many different cultural groups of immigrants as well as the many distinct cultures that are Canada’s Aboriginal people. As well, this course operates as an introduction to the techniques and forms of both poetry and prose, and introduces the process of literary research and the writing of academic prose. You will be required to submit many writing assignments as well as play an active part in class discussions. This course is writing intensive and you will see a marked improvement in your ability to express yourself clearly and concisely. This course emphasizes persuasive or argumentative writing, and therefore, critical reading, writing and thinking. This course intends to extend your understanding of effective argumentation beyond mere grammatical correctness into how to interpret what is written, how to research a topic, organize an argument, and articulate it concisely and coherently in an academic paper. Assignments:...
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...Formal and Informal English The difference between formal and informal English is not a difference between correct and incorrect, but a difference of what is known as register. A register is a variety of language related to a particular subject matter or area of activity, a set of words and expressions as well as syntactical features that may be said to characterise that specific area of language. There are many registers: technical, academic, mathematical, scientific, etc. Very broadly speaking, we can also speak of a “formal” and “informal” register in English. In writing academic reports and the like, it would be normal to draw most of the vocabulary and expressions from the formal register, and few, if any, from the informal. This entails avoiding colloquial (everyday) or slang expressions in your writing assignments. The question of register is far more complicated than indicated here; for example, there are many degrees of formality and informality. However, below are listed a few examples which may be of practical assistance.[1] Diffenetions of formal & informal: Formal language, even when spoken, is often associated with the conventions expected of written standard English. Formal English follow rules of grammar very strictly. Sentences tend to be longer and more complex. The vocabulary tends to be elevated, using big words and avoiding colloquial or slang vocabulary. It avoids split infinitives and prepositions at the end of sentences. Formal...
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...Personal Statement I am drawn to study English Literature and Creative writing because I am passionate about and committed to reading and writing. I feel that a structured programme of study is imperative for me to achieve my long-term goal of establishing a successful and varied career as a writer. I know that the path I have chosen will often be difficult to walk but I have already taken a step toward its end by starting an Access course. Throughout my short time on the Access course I have gained confidence in my speaking skills. For example, during a recent discussion on gender and relationships in a graded English discussion I raised a point that the teacher had not thought of and was praised for doing so - this taught me that by pushing myself beyond my comfort zone by sharing my ideas and opinions I will be able to achieve my goals. I know that with the skills taught on the Access course I will be able to achieve my goal of studying and completing a degree in English Literature and Creative Writing. The Access course has taught me the importance of self-reflection and criticism through keeping a reflective log which documents my progress, obstacles and goals. I have learnt that I am able to be objective when analysing my own work and performance; this skill has helped me to realise that in order to improve my work I have to be critical of myself and be able to accept criticism from others, I feel that this skill will prepare me for the competitive world of writing...
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...activities plotted on the syllabi are not fully implemented as scheduled due to time constraints. | | | * Observe classes of the 4 courses regarding the interactive relationship of the students and instructors | | Level of Effectiveness: 3There is an interactive participation of students during the class discussions. | 1.2. Integrate in the curriculum the courses for general, organizational/business, information technology and accounting/finance knowledge. | To determine the integration of the courses in the student curriculum. | * Obtain a copy of the curriculum of the student used in the Academic Year 2015-2016 and check the subject scheduling | | Level of Effectiveness: 3All the subjects are integrated in the student’s curriculum. | 2.1 Ignite in students their intellectual ability through examination in every term, oral recitation, quizzes and other academic activities conducted by the program. | To determine whether students participate in the various activities that develop...
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...Campus “CELIA SANCHEZ MANDULEY” FACULTY OF HUMANITIES RESEARCH DESIGN TITLE: ORGANIZATION AND ASSESSMENT OF THE PRE-SERVICE TEACHING PRACTICE IN SYLLABUS D OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE MAJOR AT THE UNIVERSITY OF HOLGUÍN. AUTHORESS: Beatriz María Chang Peña. TUTORESS: Lena Álvarez Monterrey. English Language Major 2013-2014 INTRODUCTION: The English Language Major, as all university majors in Cuba, comprises three main components: academic, pre-professional practice and research. Students generally respond in a more positive way to the academic component than to the pre-professional practice and research components. This happens because the time table for the lessons is followed rigorously, evaluation is almost always present, among other important factors that impact the students’ viewpoints regarding the teaching-learning process. Also, professors don’t attribute the same importance they give to the academic component to the research and professional pre-practice components. Moreover, students consider this latter to be the less welcomed, since most of them do not bear in mind that the teaching of foreign languages is one of their professional profiles. Most of the English Language students are only interested in the profiles of Translators, Interpreters and Communicators; then they are not motivated towards the pedagogical side of their major. The Discipline Didactics of Foreign Languages Teaching includes a pre-professional practice in which students are meant to...
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...COLUMBUS STATE COMMUNITY COLLEGE English Department Summer Quarter 2012 COURSE AND NUMBER: ENGL 102–Essay and Research CREDITS: 3 CLASS HOURS PER WEEK: 3 LAB HOURS: 0 PREREQUISITES: A grade of "C" or higher in ENGL 101, Transfer Credit for 101, or Proficiency Credit CONTACT INFORMATION: English Department Phone: 614-287-2531 English Department Fax: 614-287-5375 Instructor: Bo Clary Office: Nestor Hall 325 Mailbox: Nestor Hall 420 Email:rclary@cscc.edu Office Hours: by appointment ** Students must use Columbus State email addresses when contacting their instructors. I will reply, whenever possible, within two business days to any emails that require a response. Assignments should not be submitted via email unless special permission is given by the instructor on a given assignment. All assignments are provided on your course schedules. DESCRIPTION OF THE COURSE: ENGL 102 is a continuation of ENGL 101 expanded to include more critical reading, reasoned analyses, research techniques, and research paper writing using documentation format appropriate to the essay’s content. GOALS OF COURSE: By the end of the course, students will: 1. 1. Be able to investigate and analyze multiple perspectives on a variety of subjects. 2. 2. Practice a variety of research methods which includes locating and evaluating valid evidence from reliable sources. 3. 3. Produce and refine through process, audience-appropriate texts that responsibly and effectively...
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...make sense, see grammatical mistakes, and gaps in your explanation. Therefore, rereading my writing will help me to edit, change, add, and delete information on my papers. While taking English course at Mission College, I have learned that revision is the process of returning to a previously drafted piece of writing to incorporate feedback, add on, and refine specific elements of the assignment. In addition, revising builds my understanding of writing as a process that is ongoing, reflective, and nuanced, and can facilitate self-assessment and academic goal setting....
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...Ivy Tech Community College Region 14—Bloomington Multilingual English Composition (Fall 2015) Syllabus Flag this Flag! All your college classes should have a syllabus—a schedule and list of course requirements, goals, and policies. Syllabi are like course contracts. By staying in the class, you agree to follow the “rules” of the syllabus. If you lose your syllabus, you can get another from Blackboard/Start Here. Flag this Flag! All your college classes should have a syllabus—a schedule and list of course requirements, goals, and policies. Syllabi are like course contracts. By staying in the class, you agree to follow the “rules” of the syllabus. If you lose your syllabus, you can get another from Blackboard/Start Here. Class & Section Number: ENGL 111-16N Tuesdays and Thursdays (T/R), 11:00-12:15, B209 Instructor Information NAME: Julie Kraft EMAIL: jkraft10@ivytech.edu OFFICE HOURS: By appointment SUPERVISOR INFORMATION: Annie Gray, English Department Chair, Room C118, Phone: 812-330-6038, agray@ivytech.edu Required Materials REQUIRED TEXTBOOKS: * Wilhoit, A Brief Guide to Writing from Readings, 6th edition, Pearson (Custom edition for Ivy Tech) * Hacker and Sommers, A Pocket Style Manual, 6th edition, Bedford/St. Martin’s * Ivy Tech Bloomington literary magazine, mê tis, Volume 8 ADDITIONAL MATERIALS & EXPENSES: * Printouts of Blackboard readings and items you research for essays * Electronic storage device * Folder...
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...improved my writing in many ways. My writing was decent in terms of being able to write a basic coherent sentence in high school levels of writing. During high school I would write posts on interesting subjects on canvas. I’ve never really took these seriously. I’ve never really taken writing seriously either. The discussion posts have helped me write get used to write causal 250 work essays. This has had a profound impact in my writing this semester. It has given me comfort in writing difficult prompts from moodle or readings in our books. This e-portfolio assignment is the best work that I done all semester. It demonstrated what I’ve learned through the explanation of the reflections and the revision of the assignment that are improved drastically. When I was first writing my revisions, I was looking over the areas that need the most fixing. I read the comments on the previous assignments and used that as a guide. Two areas that needed improvement was the thesis and the supporting details. When revising my second assignment,...
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...What is the purpose of this guide? The purpose of this guide is to help academic units develop and/or improve the process of assessing student learning. Why is assessment of student learning important? In effect there are two reasons assessment of student learning is important. Assessment is needed for improvement. Improvement, with its internal focus provides • opportunities for the academic community to engage in self-reflection of its learning goals, to determine the degree to which these goals correspond to student and societal needs, and to evaluate if students’ activities, products, or performances coincide with the academic community’s expectations; • offers information to students about the knowledge, skills, and other attributes they can expect to possess after successfully completing coursework and academic programs. • establishes ways for academic units to understand the dimensions of student learning when seeking to improve student achievement and the educational process. Assessment is needed for accountability. Accountability, with its external focus, provides Step One: Identify Goals A goal is a statement expressing what ideals are to be achieved. Goal statements tend to be broadly philosophical, global, timeless and not readily amenable to measurement. They capture the knowledge, skills, and values that students should acquire in a program by a course. This first step in identifying goals requires faculty and others to reflect on questions such...
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...Subject Code: FDENG001 Subject Name: Intermediate English Requirement: Compulsory Credit Hours: 4 (3 hrs lecture + 1.5 hrs tutorial x 13 weeks) Level: Foundation/Matriculation Lecturers: Ms Fazidah Abdul Jamil., Mdm Goh Wan Chen, Ms Saratha Thevi Ramasamy, Ms Norzaireen Shamsul Kamar Synopsis: This course is designed for students who require the necessary skills for tertiary studies. Some basic grammatical concepts are taught and students are to apply them in their writing. Writing will focus on the development of coherent paragraphs. Reading skills will cover such strategies as scanning, skimming, main ideas, contextual clues and inferences. Learning Outcomes: Upon completion of this subject, student will be able to: 1. write summaries as well as process, comparison-contrast and cause-effect essays 2. apply basic grammatical concepts in writing 3. answer questions based on academic texts 4. give oral presentations Textbook: 1. Daise, D., Norloff, C., and Carne, P., (2011). Q: Skills for Success 4 : Reading and Writing Oxford University Press, UK 2. Paterson, K, and Wedge, R., (2013). Oxford Grammar for EAP. Oxford University Press, UK Recommended References: Cambridge International Dictionary of English (1997), Cambridge University Press, UK Mode of Assessment: [1] Class participation 5% [2] Quiz 1 15% [3] Quiz 2 10% [4] Oral Presentation 10% ...
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