...Academic Honesty Academic honesty is among one of the topics that seems all people knows about it.However,most of us merely know it by words,and regard it as something quite theorectical,as a consequence,the majority pay little attention to the issue.While actually,academic honesty is everywhere in our life as a college student and we may find out that we ourselves cannot meet the severe standards of acedemic honesty. To start with the discussion,we should first of all have a well-rounded understanding of academic honesty.Academic dishonesty or academic misconduct is any type of cheating that occurs in relation to a formal academic exercise,which includes plagiarism,fabrication,deception,cheating, bribery, sabotage, frofessorial misconduct, personation,etc.[1] At the present time,academic honesty should be attached to great importance for the fundamental reason that it is such a rare quality among the academic world,especially in colleges.For instance,in almost every college nowadays,students accomplish their essays or homework by simply copying and pasting the entire passage they found from baidu or google,and for students who are looking forward to a higher grade,they tend to read a few dozens of essay focused on the particular topic and then they make their own one by picking some useful parts from different eaasys,add a few original ideas and piece them together.Whenever you step into a test room,there is a possibility finding some test takers cheating.Even among...
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...Academic Honesty Rita Walker August 6, 2012 Jessica Gomez, RN, MSN Academic Honesty Universities and institutions of higher learning have codes of conduct, plagiarism, and academic honesty policies which students must adhere to for academic success. It is essential to the integrity of students, educational institutions, and faculty that academic honesty policies are followed as written to prevent incidence of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and violations to the code of conduct. In spite of the policies and procedures for student conduct, academic honesty, and plagiarism violations to the code of conduct occur frequently. However, to have academic honesty, academic dishonesty must be avoided. What is considered academic dishonesty? What causes students to commit acts of academic dishonesty? What preventative measures can be implemented to decrease the incidents of academic dishonesty, plagiarism, and violations of the code of conduct? And lastly who is ultimately affected by violating, regulations, rules, and policies related to academic dishonesty. This paper will focus on the cause and effect of academic dishonesty. Current studies have shown that there is a significant rise in the occurrence of academic dishonesty, such as plagiarism and test taking infarctions. According to Deddes, (2011) 85% of students admitted to episodes of academic dishonesty by text messaging containing answers to questions sent to another student during test taking and committing acts...
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...Academic Honesty The following required paper will serve as a rough guide in what academic honesty is and how to prevent it. This will also outline what is included in plagiarism and general dishonesty, possible reasons why there may be a downfall in this area and ways to protect the student from falling into the plagiarism trap. Ways for students and faculty to foster academic integrity will also be discussed. Academic honesty is important in academics at any level. There are two main reasons for keeping academic integrity intact and they are to stop students from misrepresenting others works as their own and to cite original works giving the source the proper credit. It is important for students to understand the impact that dishonesty has on the educational process. It is also an integrity issue that encompasses the faculty and students as a whole. Academic honesty is the responsibility of all students and faculty. There are so many ways that students can be morally and lawfully dishonest in a college setting, but the student then needs to understand what exactly academic dishonesty is and in what ways they violate the code of conduct put forth by all universities. Academic honesty includes staying away from these dishonest acts: cheating plagiarism (Plagiarism is to present someone else’s work, ideas, creativity sayings as your own ) copying or copy and pasting from the Internet altering authorized academic records helping other students to perform an act of academic dishonesty...
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...Abstract The focus of this paper is the importance of maintaining academy honesty, which is a requirement of all students at the University of Phoenix. As a student I am responsible for the way I conduct myself when it comes to honest when it comes to assignments and making sure that the wording is in my own words. When it comes to using other’s work I must show the respect that he or she deserves and cite their work the correct way. I have to make sure to read over the Student Code of Conduct and follow the guidelines when it comes to this situation. From here on out I will remember to maintain honesty and make sure to follow the correct way to cite information from my own benefits. The definition of plagiarism where an individual is takes someone else’s working and using as your own. The Importance of Maintaining Academic Honesty I am aware of the University’s policy when it comes to plagiarism and academic dishonesty. I have gone over the sources that have been provided for me through the University of Phoenix and articles from the library that is online. I have a great opportunity to finish my Master’s degree and given another chase to fulfill my educational goal and understand to make sure to look over my papers and use the tools that are provided for me through the University. I understand that I need to make sure to always respect the school policies, instructors, and the students that I am in class with. I understand plagiarism up and down now and how it might...
Words: 1715 - Pages: 7
...Academic Honesty The following required paper will serve as a rough guide in what academic honesty is and how to prevent it. This will also outline what is included in plagiarism and general dishonesty, possible reasons why there may be a downfall in this area and ways to protect the student from falling into the plagiarism trap. Ways for students and faculty to foster academic integrity will also be discussed. Academic honesty is important in academics at any level. There are two main reasons for keeping academic integrity intact and they are to stop students from misrepresenting others works as their own and to cite original works giving the source the proper credit. It is important for students to understand the impact that dishonesty has on the educational process. It is also an integrity issue that encompasses the faculty and students as a whole. Academic honesty is the responsibility of all students and faculty. There are so many ways that students can be morally and lawfully dishonest in a college setting, but the student then needs to understand what exactly academic dishonesty is and in what ways they violate the code of conduct put forth by all universities. Academic honesty includes staying away from these dishonest acts: cheating plagiarism (Plagiarism is to present someone else’s work, ideas, creativity sayings as your own ) copying or copy and pasting from the Internet altering authorized academic records helping other students...
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...article found was searched for in university’s online library under the EBSCOhost database using the keywords “Academic Honesty”. The article’s title is “Perceptions of Academic Honesty in Online vs. Face-to-Face Classrooms” the author is Michael Spaulding and the article was published in the winter of 2009. This article was not a peer-reviewed. The second article was found under the Gale Power search database, the keywords searched were “Academic Integrity”. The article found is titled “Educator’s role in promoting academic integrity.” The authors names are Robyn Hulsart and Vikkie McCarthy and it was published in December of 2009, and this particular article is peer-reviewed. Within these two articles issues were listed regarding the topic of Academic Honesty and Dishonesty. Many of the issues appear to be the same for both online and face-to-face courses. Many students will plagiarize other students and/or authors work in their own research paper not citing their work. While others may make up false citations and websites for their research paper. Some students will have their assignments, research papers or test completed by friends or family members and take credit for the work. There are also services offered on the internet that will write students papers or use past papers in exchange for money. There are many steps that can be used by students to avoid academic dishonesty. Students should allow themselves plenty of time to complete an assignment, and write their ideas...
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...TyKira Sadler Professor Bruce INFT 101 3 March 2013 Academic Honesty What is academic honesty? That is the question on every student’s mind that wishes to continue his or her education. According to the University of Rochester, “Academic honesty in the advancement of knowledge requires that all students and instructors respect the integrity of one another’s work and recognize the importance of acknowledging and safeguarding intellectual property.” Academic Honesty and Academic Integrity both fall back on the student being honest with themselves, their work and, their Professors. Even though the student may or may not have plagiarized on purpose, academic honesty should be expected of students because academic honesty falls back on the student and the student should take full responsibility of his or her mistake. Most college students try not to plagiarize or cheat due to the simple fact that they may get kicked out of the College or University. Donald McCabe has conducted a survey that went on between fall 2002 and spring 2011. The survey excluded first year students, code schools, and two year schools. Over 71,000 undergraduates and right at 17,000 graduates were used. Out of all the students 17% admitted to cheating on test, 40% admitted to plagiarizing of papers, and 43% admitted to cheating on both tests and papers. There is a rare time where a student unintentionally plagiarizes. There has been no defined percentage of these students but like I said before it’s...
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...Academic Honesty: [Belinda pinchek] Axial College University of Phoenix Abstract The focus of this discussion is on the importance of maintaining academy honesty, which is a requirement of all students of Axial College of University of Phoenix. Each student is responsible for the way they conduct themselves while attending the University of Phoenix. Realizing that a part of being honest is to make sure that all your assignments are in my own words and all of the thoughts and ideas of the works belong to me is critical. If I am going to use another person's work or words I must respect that person by giving them credit for their work. Morals are a very important factor in the learning process. I should show more consideration by being completely honest about my works. All I need to do is to read remember and Universities guidelines on Academic honesty, and Student Code of Conduct. I will remember in all that I do maintaining academy honesty will be a golden rule for my own personal benefit. The Importance of Maintaining Academic Honesty Beginning with my admittance to the University of Phoenix, which I am excited and proud to be a member of, I was made aware of the University's policies against plagiarism and all other forms of academic dishonesty. I have carefully reviewed many sources including documentation from the University of Phoenix and articles from our online library, as well as done independent study online and in my local library to confirm I fully understand...
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...Academic Honesty The opportunity or the accessibility for students to cheat is greater now than previous years. In the article, “Honor Principle differs from peers,’ ” by Lindsay Ellis and Kira Watkin of Dartmouth University, it is stated that Dartmouth, Princeton University and University of Pennsylvania base their honor code on trust. This leaves for an open interpretation of the honor principle by students, and works off the idea that students are able to distinguish for themselves what is inappropriate and appropriate behavior. Although it is rather generous to have an honor principle that is so vague, it can also be a bad thing to have. Some students may not want to collaborate or share tips about the work because they’re afraid it would be in violation of the principle. I think that certain guidelines should be established for very research heavy assignments, such as labs and papers, in each class, like Biology Professor Smith at Dartmouth does with her students. This was a policy I have followed through my high school and first years in college. Each student collaborates with obtaining the data, but it’s the interpretation of it that varies. There was an incident at Harvard University that was discussed in class about the 125 graduate seniors who were made to take a leave of absence or withdraw for collaborating on a take home test. An investigation is being conducted for these students and it was brought up in class about whether or not it was fair to rescind all...
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...written in violation of academic standards, academic achievement with plagiarism for the purpose of copying, rewriting behavior, including: 1, cited the views of others, programs, information, data, etc., without explanatory notes the source; 2, using the views of others constitute all their papers, the core or main ideas, the academic achievements of others as a major part of their academic achievement or substantial part; 3, identical with the others content of the paper, and over one-third of the length of time and published in the post, they cannot prove his thesis does not constitute plagiarism of others; identical parts not up to one third of the length, but his thesis has become the main part of the content or substantial part; 4, two or more signatures, non-duplication of the first author publication or use of the entire contents of the paper; 5, two or more signatures, in addition to the first author, the paper I write non-users of content; 6, used his position did not participate in actual research work in academic papers, books, research, etc. in the signature, share academic honors; 7, by others for their own writing papers or writing papers for others; 8, other papers plagiarism. Norms of academic ethics and academic research workers should follow the basic ethics and norms, is to ensure the normal academic exchanges, raise academic standards, academic accumulation and innovation to achieve the fundamental guarantee. In recent years, academic activities in the...
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...Academic honesty and plagiarism are two aspects which develop the individual personality that how we have to be in the communities and society. In adapting these aspects, it may not be clear to students at times. So they tend to go in the wrong direction to complete the work and submit on time. This occurs both in class and online. In class may be the because of the continuous monitoring of the faculty the percentage is bit low when compared to the online classes. So accordingly the steps have to be taken, which enables students to understand the importance of these aspects. This is also serious issue for international students. As the students come from different cultures to prosper the higher education they may not be aware of this aspect of not following the academic honesty and plagiarism. I heard few stories in which the few international students are suspended from the school for not following these issues. So this should be taught in the schools in the beginning sections of their classes so that they can understand the severity of the issue. Now on the other aspect faculty perception on the students’ academic honesty is also important. Students who did not understand the importance of the aspects tend to do the work in a wrong way and submit it which results in the academic dishonesty and plagiarism. These aspects may spoil the bond between the students and faculty. According to my knowledge faculty play an important role in the personality development of the students...
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...Appendix F Academic Honesty Articles Worksheet Resource: University Library Find at least two articles on the subject of academic honesty in the University Library. Complete the chart below. Article 1 Article 2 What keyword search did you use to find the article? The keywords I used to find both of my articles were “academic honesty.” In which database did you locate the article? I located both of these articles from the University website library. EBSCO. What is the title of the article? Honesty and Heroes: A Positive Psychology View of Heroism and Academic Honesty “The fault lies not in our students, but in ourselves” Who is the author or authors? This article was written by Staats, Sara, Hupp, Julie, and Hagley, Anna The authors of this article are Austin, Zublin, Simpson, Stephanie, and Reynen, Emily When was the article published? July of 2008 April of 2005 Was the article peer reviewed? No it was not I was unable to find where the article was ever peer reviewed Outline three major points the author made in the article. Both articles are based on academic honesty and how we can help ensure that it is obtained What did the author conclude in the article? What were the findings? Plagiarism, false references, and easy access for cheating. Plagiarism may be the top problem for academic honesty. There finding were how these certain student apply such behavior. How does this article apply to your work as a student? I believe that issues...
Words: 254 - Pages: 2
...provisions of the certified accountants’ body is competence; failure to live to these competence standards may fall under negligence which is punishable through disciplinary sanctions. Yet another accountants’ code of conduct pillar is credibility. The members should show respect and adhere to the professional credibility provisions; In Navarro College, students should remain committed to their studies and keeping off drugs is one way of maintaining such integrity because the institution has a policy of zero tolerance to drugs and substances abuse; sexual harassment is equally prohibited as seen in the (Navarro College code of conduct). These illustrations point to similarities between the expected codes of conducts of the two entities. Academic honesty is a very core...
Words: 564 - Pages: 3
...Level Material Appendix F Academic Honesty Articles Worksheet Resource: University Library Find at least two articles on the subject of academic honesty in the University Library. Complete the chart below. Article 1 Article 2 What keyword search did you use to find the article? Academic honesty Academic honesty In which database did you locate the article? Academic Education What is the title of the article? Honesty and Heroes: A Positive View of Heroism and Academic Honesty A best Practice Protocol for Handling Academic Honesty in Adult Students Who is the author or authors? Sara Staats Julie M. Hupp Anna M. Hagley Stephen Gambescia When was the article published? July 2008 Winter 2007 Was the article peer reviewed? No No Outline three major points the author made in the article. • Academic honesty is rare but possible • Academic misconduct is common, and is made out not to be a big deal among students. • Students who practice academic honesty should be considered everyday heroes. • Academic honesty should be expressed in a teacher’s policy and procedures and should be stated and made sure everyone understands. • How to set up protocol in case of academic dishonesty • What steps to take in case of academic dishonesty What did the author conclude in the article? What were the findings? If students would be increasing courageous, honest and empathetic, we would be more likely to have academic honesty. Their findings were that...
Words: 371 - Pages: 2
...The Importance of Academic Honesty Introduction Academic Honesty is an increasingly important aspect of the education process. The concerns of academic honesty and the lack of it are increasing, therefore colleges and universities are taking immense measures to control academic dishonesty. This paper will describe the definition of academic dishonesty as defined by Hard, Conway and Moran as well as describe the importance of academic honesty. The long term negative effects of academic dishonesty will be discussed as well as the various methods of deterrence. Building and acquiring academic integrity can encourage a student to become more confident with his or her academic assignments as well as improving him or herself academically. Academic Dishonesty Academic dishonesty is a form of cheating whether it is deliberately or inadvertently. Academic honesty is a major issue and the importance of this topic has been at the top of discussion between teachers and students at every level of education, especially within adult students with both face-to-face and online courses in the modern era. Academic dishonesty is described by Hard, Conway, and Moran (2006) below: providing or receiving assistance in a manner not authorized by the instructor in the creation of work to be submitted for academic evaluation, including papers, projects and examinations (cheating); and presenting, as one’s own, the ideas of words of another person or persons for academic evaluation without...
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