...Safety at Work (NI) Order 1978 While on my placement in the care home, one way I saw this legislation being implemented was through staff training. All staff who worked in the care home had to receive manual handling training before starting employment to ensure they knew how to handle or move residents correctly to prevent injury to themselves or residents. All staff also receive training on a wide variety of health and safety issues such as first aid, infection control and hygiene. In the care home they had a health and safety policy in place, the health and safety policy talked about risk assessment, it explained you needed regular assessments to identify potential hazards, they also check all equipment is working and if...
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...sure that the appropriate people are first aid trained within the building, this is very important in a care home and all carers should have knowledge of first aid as elderly people in Woodside care home are at high risk of accidents, these accidents can include falls, fainting, dizziness, sprains, minor cuts and scrapes, collapsing and breathing difficulties the staff should be aware of what to do if any of these were to occur. Staff should follow The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations of 1981 also have knowledge of Approved Code of Practice (ACOP), If an accident happened that required first aid on my placement I would have some knowledge on what to do because as part of the NC social care course we are taught first aid although more training would be required. If an accident was to happen and first aid was needed I would first assess the situation to make sure there are no hazards or things that could harm myself or make the situation worse, I would remove obstacles such as units or chairs that would prevent me from doing first aid, I would stay calm and not panic no reassure the service user and make them feel comfortable , if the casualty was conscious, able to talk I would ask them if they were ok and if they are hurt and ask them what happened I would make sure the casualty is ok before moving or helping them up, if first aid is needed for minor accidents such as cuts or headaches I would call for the nurse so they can be treated appropriately first aiders are...
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...Safety is a very important aspect of life, be it at home, out on the road, or at the workplace. Here is a collection of some great safety slogans that you can use on posters to stick up in your office or in your home, or use in presentations, or send as emails. Safety isn't just a slogan, it's a way of life. Better to be safe than to be sorry! Chance takers are accident makers. Be alert! Accidents hurt. A safer you is a safer me. Unprepared = Unsafe. Anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, and anyone going faster than you is a maniac. The best car safety device is a rear-view mirror with a cop in it. Remember - Safety is not a job; it is a way of life. Safety is a cheap and effective insurance policy While on a ladder, never step back to admire your work Safety doesn't slow the job down but mishaps do. A spill, a slip, a hospital trip. Your safety is everyone's responsibility, especially yours. You can't get home, unless you're safe. Ignoring a warning can cause much mourning. The adage "look before you leap" is a lifesaver. The safe way is the right way When jogging, run against the traffic flow. Wear the right protective equipment for the job. Use the right tool for the job. Just because you always did it that way, doesn't make it right. Safety is something you learn from the start - Being accident free is doing your part. Chance takers are accident makers. Still water doesn't always run deep, look...
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...The Characters and their Psychological Disorders Grace Maclean is a young girl in New York who goes riding with her best friend, Judith, in the beginning of the movie. After a horrible riding accident that kills Judith Grace loses her leg and becomes very depressed and withdrawn. For the remainder of the movie, Grace keeps to herself. Isolated and angry, Grace learn to be happy again with the help of Tom Booker, a horse whisper. Grace is dealing with post traumatic stress disorder after the accident. She experiences flashbulb memories as she frequently has flashbacks of the accidents throughout the movie. Tom Booker sees her struggles and helps her overcome her trauma. Pilgrim is Grace’s horse she was riding when the accident happened. The horse reared up to protect grace from an oncoming truck. Pilgrim unselfishly took the blow himself and was severely injured to the point that the vet recommended putting him down. After the accident...
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...energy and taking precautions so that hazards do not produce injury or death”. Nothing can replace a worker or loved one that has died or suffered their reparable consequences of an electrical accident. Government statistics shows that electricity cause more than 20,000 fire a year, almost half of all accidental UK house fire. Each year, about 70 people are killed and 350,000 are seriously injured due to an electrical accident in the UK. Modern living has meant we use more and more electrical appliances in the home. For instance, just 20 years ago the average uk home had a hi-fi system and one TV whereas today it is more likely that there are at least two TVs, games console, microwave and computer.so that risk of electricity accidents in the homes are more higher than before. It has seen in the UK that there are lots of people drying their cloths on electrical heater. This is particularly dangerous and could cause electric shock or fire. Heater have ventilation slots to prevent overheating. If this slots are covered up, the appliance could over heat and catch fire. Many time people are drilling the wall to fix nail without knowing what is behind it.it may be gas line or electrical line behind wall. By this way we can invite trouble at home. We can expect to find around four socket in an average room in the house. Although this is enough for most purpose, an increase in the use of the computers, games consoles and other appliances...
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...ideas covered by the article Uber had decides to partners with Breathometer and created an app to help drunk people get home safely instead of drunk driving that might lead into having car accidents. The purposed of this app is to let users know how much they drink that might caused them to get drunk if so, users can call Uber directly from the Breathometer app. Due to this latest application has made the breathalyzer company ahead from selected company who are allowed to incorporate directly with Uber’s app such as Teleport, Amazon Echo, MedStar Health, DevLeague and Practo. The company claims its brand as a force against drunken driving and after launched the app, accidents from drunk driving of those who are under 30 years old has decreased by 60 per month and has saved 1,800 crashes in two and a half years. However, the article also mentioned that there is no specific evidence that Uber can prove to public whether car accidents of alcohol related decreased because of their apps or not. Nevertheless Uber is still an alternative choice to help reduce drunk driving, even when the company can’t prove that its service help reduces accidents, it can still support its title with apps that help to prevent drunken driving. The app work along with alcohol breathalyzers for users to breathes and if it is 0.04 or higher the app will suggest “Get Home Safe” and shows a button to call the nearest Uber with an original form that use to connects through headphone jack and...
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...Neglect is when the child is not being taken care of properly, this would include not being provided with what they need. At home parents may not be bathing them, giving them enough food, dirty clothes, not looking into something for example having an accident. Sometimes parents at home may get caught up with something important for example work that they pay less attention to the child and start spending less time with them. In a school setting it may be when teachers always leave the child out, not paying attention when the child might've hurt themselves, not making sure that the child is getting equal care from everyone around them, treating the child differently to others. Signs of neglect would be if the child comes into school with dirty...
Words: 526 - Pages: 3
...of the company knew if the men would be rescued, or if they would perish underground. The men were eventually rescued, which was great for both the business and the families. However, it could easily have gone the other way, and destroyed the lives of the families involved and the other employees at the company. When communicating with the families of the miners, it is important for the business to stay positive, yet remorseful. Especially in the beginning, the family will want to hear sincere remorse from the business for the accident that occurred. However, since they are unsure if the miners are alive, the company should focus on keeping hope alive and attempt to keep spirits up. The company would want to show support for the families, offer counseling, and show the families that the company is making every effort to rescue their loved ones. The company would also need to avoid making statements that could hold themselves liable for the accident due to future litigation. The statement should be made publicly via television or newspaper with follow up visits to all of the affected family members by a representative of the company. A draft of this statement to the...
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...Island after our week of being on vacation. I got in my sister’s car and sat in the passenger seat, like I always do. We weren't nearly close to being home when I realized how important my life was. I saw my life flash before my eyes in a split second, while hearing the screeching of the tires. There were vivid memories that stuck in my mind; home, happiness, and friends. The thought of how I took everything for granted. Suddenly the car jerked and a loud crushing of metal occurred. My chest was burning from the seatbelt, and somehow my forehead felt like it had been punched. This car accident made me realize how important life is and not to take home, happiness, and friends for granted. While listening to the tires yelling; my mind’s first thought was of home, of my family. Snow was falling on my nose and all six of us were in a huge Christmas tree farm. It is a competition each year to see which one of us finds the fattest and biggest Christmas tree to put in the living room. This was the memory that crossed my mind of my family. The memory of how I didn't tell them that I loved them that day, or even the day of the car accident. I had taken my family for granted; I didn't tell them just how much I loved them before the car accident. I thought about how my family would feel if my sister and I didn’t live through the accident. Thinking about my family made me realize just how important my life is. Happiness crossed through my mind as my body began to pull forward from the...
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...the safety of a child at home. HAZARDOUS SITUATIONS AND SAFETY THREATS First, poison is one of the most common items found in households and early childhood education environment. These items are cleaners, medicines, plants, pesticides, and certain foods that can poison children if it gets into their system. In my classroom Head Start requires me to keep chemicals and other poisonous items in a locked cabinet unreachable to children, and post poison control number by the phone. Plants that are poisonous like poison ivy, poison oak, and sumac are not present in the classroom environment because it damages the skin by causing rashes. Families can ensure the safety of their children by storing all poisonous materials in a locked cabinet; examine all plants in home, and post poison control number by phone. It helps when the child is taught by teacher are parent what type of foods are good to eat and what is not, encourage children not to put any type of poisoning items in their mouth, and why we keep poison materials locked in a cabinet. Second, U.S PIRG Education Fund toy- related accidents causes more than 202,000 children to be injured each year, and 36 percent of those injured are children under 5 years of age. Toys and other children's products (CPSC, 2005) cause approximately 70 percent of deaths for children 4 years of age and younger. Other toy accidents involve choking, stabbing by projectile toys, and strangulation. To prevent accidents from...
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...The Narrative Essay The narrative essay is simply a complete account of an incident or incidents contained in one cohesive essay. The narrative essay is useful when writing an incident report, such as an automobile accident or a criminal action. By far, one of the best uses of the narrative is when introducing the thesis for a longer work, i.e. a research paper. Your audience for this essay is your fellow classmates and the teacher. Assignment Write a narrative essay, the purpose of which is the serve as evidence for the position you have taken on an issue. The issue in the sample essay is how the writer lost his teeth. The essay must be a minimum of 380 words and no more than 400 words. You will superscript the number of the comma rule that justifies it over each comma. When you turn in your final draft, you must turn in a minimum 100-word, process paragraph expressing what you learned as a result of this assignment. Learning Objectives • To format documents correctly in accordance with MLA; • To understand the structure of a narrative paragraph; • To understand your own unique voice (syntax and tone); • To eliminate sentence fragments, run-ons, and comma splices; • To eliminate point of view errors; • To eliminate verb tense errors; • To eliminate punctuation errors – commas; • To have fun. The Narrative Structure A narrative is a story, and like a story has a definite underlying structure. The parts of a narrative are the situation, conflict...
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...Recently, in the past year, after being involved in an automobile accident I was faced with, what seemed to be a very big decision. This very big decision was whether or not to move back to Cleveland after living on my own for five years. I pondered this choice for a very long time and in the process many thoughts crossed my mind. I had a considerable amount of concerns while pondering this thought such as where I would live, where would I work, and if I was ready to start my life all over again in a new but familiar place. Since my automobile accident, moving back to Cleveland was the biggest decision I was faced with making yet. I contemplated it for about six months before making a definitive choice. My biggest concern in moving back home was where was I going to live? Five years ago, when I moved out of my parent’s house, for college, I told myself that I would never move back. I told myself that I would never move back not because I didn’t love or care for my parents but because I felt that going to college was a step toward becoming an adult and moving back home would be anything other than a step forward in life. I weighed the pros and cons of moving back home and in doing so, I came up with more pros than I did cons. I figured that living closer to my family was more important that living close to friends because in my five years away, friends had come and gone. In making the decision to move back home the next step was figuring out where I was going to...
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...task to make a design of a product to solve the problems that occur in Malaysia where it involve in natural disaster or accident. It started by where the students were divided into a team where maximum three people in each team. So our group has made a design that occurs at home, workplace and industry where people tripped because of the tangled wire. Tripped is category an accident where it might involve injury, wound and sometimes it may cause fatal toward individual. To avoid this accident from occur we as a team has design a product to solve this problem. This product is known as wire tidier. It is function to tidy the tangled wire. The mechanism of this product is based on the concept of retractable wire mechanism. This product has two major parts which are top part and lower part. The mechanism of this product is located inside these two parts. This application can be applied in varieties surrounding such as at home, school, workplace and industry. We chose to design this product because it is show that many people were injured after being tripped. Even thought, the injury sometime received by individual may minor but it is good to prevent it from major injury occur on the individual. Based on the finding in our team, the statistic is not shown is not specifically state the accident. However, this accident can be included in the since it occur at home, workplace and industry. Thus, we chose to make this design as our project. Objective ...
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...get behind the wheel and drive home? People would say its because they had a hard day at work so they need a drink, but one drink leads to two, three and more .Before long, there several drinks in and time to go home. Do they get home in one piece? “Statistics” say 88% of drink drivers will get home in one piece and not cause an accident; however the 12% that don’t have a accident . It may only be to a wall our road sign, you could also lose your licence: therefore you may need your licence for your job. It also could be a member of the family. Is drink driving as bad as we claim it to be? YES. There’s no excuse for it. Drink driving cause serious injury or death. Each year numerous lives are lost due to irrational driving. The disregard for safe driving has been a predicament to Cheshire for years. For years police have relied heavily on speed cameras, breath testing and heavy fines as a deterrent against unlawful drivers. Over the years fatality rates have increased Cheshire police have composed a series of safe driving campaigns. : Cheshire Constabulary report every year that eleven people die each year as a result of drunk driving. : Young men in the 20s are four times more likely to be involved in drink driving accidents than other age group. : On average three thousand people are killed or seriously injured each year as a result of drink driving. We all have choices that we make everyday. Going out for tea our on your way home could be a families worst nightmare...
Words: 552 - Pages: 3
...deposit with the Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) or using a surety bond. With the small amount of cash needed auto insurance is the most common way to meet financial responsibility requirements to drive on the road. A clearer definition of the function of auto insurance can be viewed by looking at the regulations in place in the state you live. This is due to car insurance being regulated not at the federal level but at the state level. The ultimate function of insurance is to make the situation as right as possible. To restore things back to the way they were prior to the accident. If you were injured, you have to be healed. If your car got damaged, it would be repaired. If your car died on the road, towing insurance would be used to bring it to a repair shop. Your car is one of the most expensive things you own and insurance protects that investment. It provides you with a way of dealing with accident expense and trauma, theft and securing a loan on the car. Your car is a bold, heavy, machine which moves at fast speeds. As the owner, you have an obligation for the safety of passengers, other drivers, pedestrians and property. It’s a powerful responsibility. Finally, you are required to show the financial responsibility inherent in owning a car. This is best complied with via car insurance. In fact, in most states, showing proof of insurance is necessary prior to registering a car 21st Century Insurance, Geico, State Farm, All State Insurance, Esurance, Nationwide Insurance...
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