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Account Ratio English and Chinese Versions


Submitted By AllieDream
Words 560
Pages 3
Name | 名称 | 公式 | 定义(英) | 定义 | 备注/比较 | Current ratio | 流动比率 | Current ratio= Current assets Current liabilities | Indicates the ability of an entity to meet its short-term debts from its current assets. | 流动比率是流动资产对流动负债的比率,用来衡量企业流动资产在短期债务到期以前,可以变为现金用于偿还负债的能力。 | 一般说来,这两个比率越高,说明企业资产的变现能力越强,短期偿债能力亦越强;反之则弱。一般认为流动比率应在2:1以上,速动比率应在1:1以上。 | Acid-test ratio (Quick ratio) | 速动比率 | Acid-test ratio=Cash + Short-term investments + Receivables (net)Current liabilities | Measures the ability of the entity to meet immediate demands from current assetsIt excludes inventory and prepaid assets. | 速动比率,又称“酸性测验比率”(Acid-test Ratio),是指速动资产对流动负债的比率。它是衡量企业流动资产中可以立即变现用于偿还流动负债的能力。 | 存货、预付账款不计入。一般来说 速动比率与流动比率的比值在1比1.5左右最为合适。 | Receivables turnover | 应收账款周转率 | Receivables turnover= Net credit sales .Average net receivables | Measures the number of times, on average, receivables are collected during the period.Indicates the effectiveness of credit collection policies.The trend might provide insight into collectability of receivables. | 应收账款周转率就是反映公司应收账款周转速度的比率。它说明一定期间内公司应收账款转为现金的平均次数。用时间表示的应收账款周转速度为应收账款周转天数,也称平均应收账款回收期或平均收现期。它表示公司从获得应收账款的权利到收回款项、变成现金所需要的时间。 | 一般来说,应收账款周转率越高越好,表明公司收账速度快,平均收账期短,坏账损失少,资产流动快,偿债能力强。 | Inventory turnover | 存货周转率 | Inventory turnover=Cost of salesAverage inventory | Measures the number of times, on average, inventory is sold during the period.Reflects the effectiveness of inventory management.The trend might provide insight into whether inventory is saleable (obsolete). | 存货周转率是企业一定时期销货成本与平均存货余额的比率。用于反映存货的周转速度,即存货的流动性及存货资金占用量是否合理,促使企业在保证生产经营连续性的同时,提高资金的使用效率,增强企业的短期偿债能力。 | 一般来讲,存货周转速度越快,存货的占用水平越低,流动性越强,存货转换为现金或应收账款的速度越快。因此,提高存货周转率可以提高企业的变现能力。 | Creditors turnover | 应付账款周转率 | Creditors turnover= Net credit purchases Average trade creditors | Measures the number of times, on average, payables are paid during the period.A decrease could

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