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Accountaable Care Organization: A Case Study

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Words 1245
Pages 5
Informal Presentation
I wanted to share some information regarding our profession and how the practice of nursing as we know now will change and grow in the years to follow. Some areas of change will include concepts of continuum of care, accountable care organizations (ACO), nurse-managed health clinics and medical homes (home health).
What is an accountable care organization? A basic definition of an accountable care organization is a network of doctors and hospitals that have the responsibility to provide care to patients (Gold, 2011, para. 4). What makes an ACO most effective is the ability to bring different areas of the care team together such as: home health care, specialists, primary care, etc to make sure that the patient is receiving …show more content…
A medical home is a term that is interchangeable with home health, which both are able to “provide patients with a central primary care practice or provider who coordinates the patients’ care across settings and providers” (ANA, 2010, p.4) As medical professionals that currently work within home health, we follow the PPACA mode of care that includes patient-centered care, providing safe and high-quality care, treating the patient as a whole as well as involving needed disciplines (physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, medial social worker, etc). Our roles as nurse’s include patient evaluation, patient education, making sure that there is continuity of care while patient remains on service and communication between other disciplines that are treating the …show more content…
Each nurse had expressed ‘how wonderful’ it would be to have a NMHC in town; one nurse even mentioned that it would be beneficial to our company to invest in a NMHC because a nurse practitioner would be able to do almost everything a doctor can but at a lesser cost. With the focus of care being directed to education on wellness/ chronic disease management and provided primary care, patients can potentially be seen quicker and have treatment initiated rather than have a delayed time to see their primary

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