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Middle School Mental Health Benefits

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Middle school is thought of as one of the worst times in your young life. Middle school can be difficult, stressful, and just plain horrible, but there is a way of helping with the hardships of middle school. Keeping care of your mental health can improve your life significantly. You should take care of your mental health by relaxing, staying connected, as well as taking care of your physical health.
One of the best ways to keep healthy is to take some time to relax. Relaxing is very important for your mental health because it gives you time to stay calm and do something productive. Meditation is a great way to do this, as it allows you be calm as well as stop thinking about whatever's stressful in your life. Hobbies can also help your health, because it allows you to do something productive while having a bit of fun. One quote that proves this is: ¨The ´relaxation response´ is your body's ability to experience a decrease in heart rate, respiration rate, blood pressure, muscle tension, and oxygen consumption. Learning to relax is a skill that requires time and practice. Benefits include a reduction of stress, lowered anxiety and burnout, increased energy, improved concentration, a stronger immune system, along with increased self-confidence.¨ (Amherst College). …show more content…
Staying connected is extremely important for mental health. Stay connected with yourself, with your friends, and with your community. You can just text or call your friends, you can go to a community event and meet new people. A quote that explains this is: ¨A great way to feel emotionally strong and resilient in times of stress is to feel connected to a broad community. Think about the things you like to do. You can expand your social network by looking into a community organization that brings people together who share the same interests.¨ (Mental Health

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