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Six-Stage Framework Relating To Interpersonal Communication Competence

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In Chapter 6, there is a six-stage framework relating to Interpersonal Communication Competence. The six stages are: Denial, Defense, Minimization, Acceptance, Adaptation, and Integration. Based on the information of each stage, I believe I’m at stage five which is Adaptation, meaning that I’m consciously seeking to adapt my behavior appropriately in response to cultural differences. I’m certain that I’m at this stage because of my current experiences with friends, and in order to advance to the next stage, I’m going to develop more knowledge and more skill; however, I will continue to maintain my motivation to not go backwards in the stages.
In the first place, I would like to explain more of why I think I’m at stage five referring to my current experiences with my friends. When I moved to …show more content…
Now that I’ve been through these experiences, I really want to move to the next stage. In order to do that, I will try to seek information from resources such as books or the internet to increase my knowledge about my friends’ culture. Also I will start to ask questions to my friends’ in regards of their culture, for instance, I can ask my American friends to explain me more about baseball or basketball and by doing this I will be becoming more oriented because I’d be putting myself in my friends’ minds meaning that I would want my friends to share the same passion of sports if I were in their positions. In regards to my Middle Easters friends, I can start asking them questions about their culture as well, for example, I can ask them to explain me the meaning about the colorful rugs they put on the floor or what are some manners that I need to have when I’m in their houses. This way I will be able to understand their culture much better which allows me to adapt into their culture in a more comfortable way until I integrate. Finally, in order to maintain myself on the fifth stage, I will keep developing motivation. Since very early in

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