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Achievement of Performance of Computer Student


Submitted By gaskiyacafe
Words 2641
Pages 11
Dr. Ranjana Choudhury, Dhiraj kumar Das / International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) ISSN: 2248-9622 Vol. 2, Issue 6, November- December 2012, pp.192-196

Influence of Attitude Towards Mathematics and Study Habit on the Achievement in Mathematics at the secondary stage
*Rtd. Head of Department of Mathematics. K.K.Handique Girl’s College, Guwahati, Assam, Pin-781001 **Department of mathematics, J.N.Cllege, Boko, Assam, Pin-781123

*Dr. Ranjana Choudhury, **Dhiraj kumar Das

The present study aims at studying the influence of areas in relation to the attitude towards mathematics and study habit on the achievement in mathematics to the pupils’ at secondary stage. A sample of 500 students of standard IX from secondary school of south kamrup district, Assam, participated in the present study, in which the relationship among the achievement in mathematics was most closely related with attitude towards mathematics and study habit. Analysis of data indicated that there was no significant difference on achievement in mathematics of the students in case of medium and sex. The regression equation thus obtained shows that attitude towards mathematics; study habit contributes 15.2%, and 29% respectively to the Achievement in mathematics. Keywords: Attitude towards Mathematics, Study habit, Achievement in Mathematics, Medium, Sex. Education (NPE)[2] described education as a unique investment in the present and future. The NPE laid special emphasis on the removal of disparities and equalizing educational opportunities by attending to the specific needs of those who have been denied equally so far. In this regards special emphasis has to be laid on the education of women, scheduled casts, scheduled tribes, minorities and physically handicapped persons in order to ensure their equalization with the general population at all stages

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