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Achieving Greatness


Submitted By scriswell01
Words 741
Pages 3
Achieving Greatness
March 26th, 2014
Rogelio Calderon II

Achieving Greatness Every day individuals face the challenges of life. You wake up, take a shower, brush your teeth, get dressed, and head into work to take on the multitude of potential stressors that attempt to prevent you from succeeding. This is Maslow’s hierarchy of needs at its best, developing motivation and the potential to achieve your goals and your fullest potential. Using the hierarchy, an individual will be able to understand psychological needs, face daily challenges, achieve higher promotion potential, and maintain a positive and rewarding personal relationship. Maslow’s hierarchy of needs is referred to in a pyramid. The base, and the largest part of the pyramid, is the first level of the 5 needs. The base of the pyramid is the physiological needs of a person. Food, water, rest, warmth, oxygen, etcetera are the primary needs that need to be met before a person can advance to safety needs. The second level of the pyramid, safety needs, are not just defined as personal safety. This level is comprised of needs such as job security, security of family, of health, of personal possessions, of self, and even of money. An individual that is continuously worried about the security of these aforementioned items cannot successfully meet the requirements to move on to belongingness and love needs. At this third level of the pyramid we delve into what I consider the greatest rewards that you can attain, love, friendship, and lasting relations. While accomplishing the needs of the belongingness and love you will find yourself facing a lot of emotions. You will discover sexual intimacy, lasting friendships and acceptance of the sort, stronger family relationships, and a sense of belonging in all of this areas. This also leads to an increase in esteem, our fourth level of the pyramid. At

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