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Acting Ethnography Analysis

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There is no better feeling for an actor when the musical or play is over and you know that you did your best to put on an unforgettable performance for the audience. That was the one of the biggest accomplishments of my life, acting in a musical in a summer repertory, saying my lines properly and executing the choreography with potency and dedication. I enjoyed every single minute of the product of fifteen sessions of rehearsing and thirty days of memorizing my lines and the steps of the tiring choreography. I was 11 years old back then and very shy to perform to in front of people. I never experienced acting on a big stage before but when I stepped on the stage and as the spotlight hit my face for my first appearance, I knew this is what I was born to do. It was difficult to understand why I loved to act but what I learned this hidden talent had so much to offer for me. After, this experience in acting I became more sociable to people due to the fact I made so much amazing friends that summer. Also, I felt so confident with everything I do and it felt so liberating because before …show more content…
I was so hard that I had sleep-less nights and stressful conversations to group member who wouldn’t do cooperate. My teachers had big hopes on me to succeed because they knew I was an actor and I worked very hard to deliver to them an unforgettable performance. I knew that the musical had to made from nifty one-liners to serious dramatic scenes so that. I had to grasp the feeling of being a leader in this project so that I may try to imply this when it is my time to take over the agriculture business that my family has made. That dreadful experience was like the stock market going up and down but in the end that project was like a country with a booming economy. In the end, I was proud with the outcome of the presentation because I knew my group mates gave it their all to this

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