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Wikipedia Evaluation Research Paper

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Wikipedia Evaluation
Timie Lee Harper
University of West Alabama

Author Note
Timie L. Harper, Department of Education, Online Studies, University of West Alabama.
This assignment was completed for Dr. Parson’s online Library Media course.
Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to Timie Lee Harper, Department of Education, Online Studies, University of West Alabama, 100 US-11, Livingston, AL 35470.

This paper evaluates Wikipedia and explores three published articles that discuss Wikipedia and its credibility. It also discusses ways it can be used in a school library setting as a tool to teach many useful resources such as how to find creditability information and cite sources. …show more content…
Many schools argue that it is full on inaccuracies and has bias or misleading information. According to Lamb and Johnson (2013) they state that there are principles and guidelines to adding information to Wikipedia, and that the author has to make sure that there is a neutral point of view and it must be verifiable. This would diminish the argument schools make stating that it has bias information, if the information must be neutral before publishing it. Even though, there is some misuse or misleading information on Wikipedia, Lamb and Johnson (2013) also states that it only equals about 7 percent of the information and that there are editor’s continuously monitoring it. I believe you cannot deny its presence and banning it for school use seems silly. School faculty know that students are using it, so why don’t we just address it and show students how to properly use it, and teach them exactly what it …show more content…
There are actually many librarians who do use Wikipedia to teach many different useful online lessons. In Fontichiaro and Harvey’s article (2010), they stated that it's a cultural resource that almost everyone has heard of and used. Rather than telling students they can't use it, we need to take the lead in showing them how they can use it (Fontichiaro and Harvey, 2010). Librarians could give students designed scavenger hunts, that will teach students how to find the author of the material and sources in which the information was retrieved. This would be a great activity to do when I am a future librarian. Great lessons can be taught and designed to use to demonstrate, the good and the bad, of the Wikipedia

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