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Addiction Effect

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Destini Allen
Mrs. Williams
English 101
24 October 2017
The Power of Addiction
According to gateway foundation addiction has had a horrible effect on West Virginia over the last few years which has been the cause of overdose, injuries, health problems, effects on the brain, behavioral problems, birth defects, and so much more. Addiction not only effects the individual with the problem but also the family and those who are associated with them. Substance abuse and addiction are fully treatable. There are multiple precautions that can be implemented to prevent addiction and substance abuse.
One effect of addiction is overdose. The number of drug overdoses have had a steady increase yearly in West Virginia. “There have been less deaths caused …show more content…
Certain drugs can weaken an immune system increasing the individual’s chances of becoming ill and catching a disease. Drugs can also cause heart conditions such as an abnormal heart rate to heart attacks. Drugs can also cause nausea, vomiting, and abdominal pain. It can also cause the liver to have to work harder, possibly causing significant damage or liver failure. Injected drugs can also lead to collapsed veins and infections of the blood vessels and heart valves. Substance abuse also can cause seizures, strokes and brain damage. It affects their daily life by causing problems with memory, attention and decision-making. Addiction to drugs are also known to have effects on the persons brain. The effects can affect the person’s ability to make decisions and can lead to cravings. The individual then becomes dependent on the …show more content…
Once you become addicted many start to notice a change in your appearance and behavior. They become very worried about you, and most want you to get help. The person that is addicted will normally push family members away due to the mix of emotions and feelings that the drugs give them. They can only help you if you want them to. Substance abuse is a choice that an individual makes, however once they make the first decision to try drugs it is not in their control to just stop. However, they can choose to receive treatment, and to reverse their addiction and get the help that they

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