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Addictive Behavior Chapter Summary

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The first chapter of Psychology of Addictive Behaviour, gives a brief introduction into the topic of addiction. It discusses what addictive behaviour is and how it is diagnosed. Further it explains the implication of seeing addiction as a disease and covers some of the pathway models used to stop addictive behaviours.
The chapter discusses that addiction is not a term used by the DMS-IV. Instead they use the term Substance Dependence. The main symptoms that are used to identify Substance Dependence are tolerance, withdrawal, an increase in the use, as time goes on, not being able to lesson use even if motivated to do so, being focused on drug related activities, as well as discontinuing other activities in favor of using, and not stopping use even though it causes harm. However tolerance and withdrawal are not necessarily needed for a diagnosis of dependence. This allows for other addictive behaviours such as gambling to be considered a dependent disorders. Therefore the fact that a dependent diagnosis can be given even though the person does not experience withdrawal or tolerance is important, especially when considering that while some addiction is physical, other addictions can be purely psychological and therefore the person might not experience any tolerance or withdrawal (Moss & Dyer, 2010). …show more content…
When viewing addiction as a disease it has the negative effect of seeing the person as not being a part of their own addictive behaviour. They would not have any influence on their addiction and would need others help to overcome it. However if we do not view it as a disease but as something involving choice, it does not fully cover the difficulty to stop engaging in a addictive behaviour, since it would assume that any person could just choose to stop their addictive behaviour (Moss & Dyer,

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