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Adult Swimming Research Paper

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Title: The Benefits of Taking Adult Swimming Lessons in The Colony
Summary: Swimming tones muscles, burns fat, improves coordination and saves lives. This article discusses adult swimming lessons in The Colony in Frisco, Texas. Information presented includes what students can expect from adult swimming lessons in The Colony and swimming's impact on overall fitness.

Parents watch their offspring paddling away during swim lessons. Some bring their children to burn off steam, but others do so because they never had swm lessons. At the same time, adults mistakenly believe that they are too old to learn to swim. As a result, between 30 and 50 percent of U.S. adults cannot swim. Once ready to learn, adults can face uncomfortable decisions on what classes to take. After all, beginners' classes are are often filled with students younger than 18, leaving adults feeling a bit ridiculous. Fortunately, swim schools like Aqua-tots can schedule adult swim classes.

What to Expect …show more content…
With this in mind, beginning adult lessons start by getting students comfortable in neck-deep water. Next comes floating and gliding, raising the student's comfort with moving through the water independently. Once comfortable, students learn to swim freestyle and using an elementary back stroke. Experienced adult swimmers can enhance their skills with an intermediate or advanced classes, or schedule private lessons to improve key areas. Since skills do not improve without practice, some swim schools also provide practice sessions. There are social practice sessions where swimmers work on skills presented in classes but, for a more competitive practice atmosphere, consider joining the swim team. As is true with all new activities, discuss taking swim lessons, and any health issues that might concern you, with your doctor before

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