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Adalia Character Analysis

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Turning Negative, Positive

The ability to do something that frightens one. That is the definition of courage. Every day, children around the United States are bullied for various reasons, yet a few individuals have found courage by helping those who need it most. Some victims have learned to stand up for themselves, while others rely heavily on support from those around them. Certain athletes have used their popularity appropriately to make a stand against inappropriate acts of bullying. In addition, students have fought to protect their peers by initiating certain acts like “Pink Shirt Day.” Though bullying can often ruin a victim’s day, the up-standers around them can make their day wonderful again.
Everyday events such as attending school, …show more content…
Adalia acted like any other six-year old would. She enjoyed singing, dancing and dressing up for her mom, Natalia, to see. She did not like leaving the house because of the staring that she received from her neighbors, accordingly Natalia made videos of Adalia dancing. With this, her mom felt that her family and friends would enjoy seeing the videos of Adalia, so she made a Facebook page for her. More people saw the page every day which in some ways was good and other ways bad. Adalia has a condition called Progeria, which causes her body to age quickly while her mind is still young. She was a victim of online bullying and death threats. Almost everyone that reads the page has strong convictions one way or the other. Either they thought that she was adorable or they thought she was a monster. Although the threats were serious, Adalia and her family still tried to spend as much time together as possible and inspired others to do the same. The threats are somewhat minimal now, so she does not have to worry about it too much. Today, when people look at Adalia funny, her parents tell her that it is because they have never seen an angel. Adalia does not have any hair, which means she does not have any eyebrows or eyelashes either. Her mom shaved her own head to make Adalia a wig. claims that the people who know Adalia will call her brave. She does not cry when she has needles and IV’s poking her arms. When Adalia dislocated her hip, she was the one consoling her grandma in the ambulance. Overall Adalia has learned how to make the best of her disease. Adalia and Lizzie figured out how to change their own lives for the better, although a couple of football and basketball players have helped those who do not have the same inner

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