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Advocating Proper Implications of the Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act.


Submitted By yatski
Words 675
Pages 3
Thesis Title:
Creating an advertisement campaign for Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation (HLAF) in supporting and protecting the rights of persons in detention especially of children;
Advocating proper implications of the juvenile justice and welfare act.

Introduction: Children are not criminal; however they become one if they are in an area where they do not meet their basic needs for food, water, shelter, health care, education and sanitation. They are strip of their rights to develop and maintain a life of dignity to mature uneducated and unemployed. Rose from desperation and destitution these children are becoming criminals. Our country where majority of underprivileged remains unaddressed, many become breeding grounds for young offenders. The main alibi is their poverty and some are forced to break the law primarily to survive. These children accused of criminal acts are housed at Center for Restorative Activities Development and Learning Experiences (CRADEL) runs by Department of Social Welfare and Development (DSWD) and The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology. The Humanitarian Legal Assistance Foundation, Inc. (HLAF) is a non-government and a non-profit organization registered with the Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). Founded in 2001, HLAF envisions a world order founded on the universal respect for human rights, especially for the right and freedom against arbitrary and unjust imprisonment, in all its forms. HLAF specifically focuses on the protection of the rights of persons deprived of liberty especially those who are most vulnerable such as the children, the elderly, the women, the sick and the differently-abled. HLAF also advocates and works for the proper implementation of the juvenile justice and welfare act.

Currently, HLAF has three main programs namely, the HLAF Jail Decongestion (JD) Program

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